I got a silver quarter in my change the other day!

I got a silver quarter in my change from Aldi the other day.
I've never gotten silver in the wild. I brought it home and dropped it on the table and exclaimed to my wife, "See!? I got silver in my change!
About once a day for a week I said, "Hey! Guess what!? I got silver in my change the other day!!" And my wife would say "I know..." I was so proud.
Well. I put it in my pocket because I was going to the local coin club meeting and I thought they were looking for auction items for a charity and I was going to put it up. Anyway, not sure how I did it, not sure if I used it at dinner after or spent it on my auction bill at the meeting, not sure if I dropped it somewhere, but the little silver quarter I found in the wild... Has made its way back into the wild.

Well. I put it in my pocket because I was going to the local coin club meeting and I thought they were looking for auction items for a charity and I was going to put it up. Anyway, not sure how I did it, not sure if I used it at dinner after or spent it on my auction bill at the meeting, not sure if I dropped it somewhere, but the little silver quarter I found in the wild... Has made its way back into the wild.