Contradiction wrote: How low can silver go before the average mine would have to cease operations due to losses when they sell? Of would they keep producing and just stop selling?
misteroman wrote: I can't imagine silver below 10 these days. K maybe 5 yrs ago it was but things just cost more these days. Even a base V6 Silverado is 45k!!!!!
Contradiction wrote:Hi, thanks for your comments.
1. Do the premiums rise at the producer level, the wholesaler level, or the retail level? All of the above?
2. How low can silver go before the average mine would have to cease operations due to losses when they sell?
3. Of would they keep producing and just stop selling?
I guess a retailer with deep pockets could take his inventory out of the display cases and only buy while waiting for prices to rise again.
Sorry for all the questions. Trying to learn.
Recyclersteve wrote:misteroman wrote: I can't imagine silver below 10 these days. K maybe 5 yrs ago it was but things just cost more these days. Even a base V6 Silverado is 45k!!!!!
Lots of silver has a cost of ZERO at it is mined as a byproduct of something else. See my other comments on this thread.
Cu Penny Hoarder wrote:Recyclersteve wrote:misteroman wrote: I can't imagine silver below 10 these days. K maybe 5 yrs ago it was but things just cost more these days. Even a base V6 Silverado is 45k!!!!!
Lots of silver has a cost of ZERO at it is mined as a byproduct of something else. See my other comments on this thread.
So silver costs ZERO to dig it out of the ground? Hmmmm.
mflugher wrote:provident still has 90% at 49c over spot.
Premiums are up, but not enough to cover the drop in underlying commodity. Deals are still out there to be had. A little more shopping around is in order this week vs a month ago when premiums were low across the board due to stagnant price.
Cu Penny Hoarder wrote:
2008: Ag was $9 and the premiums on ASE's were $6-8. Apmex was offering $2-3 above the spot to buy ASE's. Most dealers had no inventory, or they pulled it. 100oz bars were still available, but not many.
Recyclersteve wrote:Who are the biggies that I should be watching to gauge sentiment?
Monarch Precious Metals?
Anyone else?
Thanks in advance.
Country wrote:SELL price premiums are up. But, BUY prices are NOT!! Provident is paying UNDER SPOT for all their 90% - under 10x. Currently, they are maximizing profits because demand is up a bit. If there was a shortage in their stock of 90%, their paying prices would be commensurately higher.
Mercuryman wrote:I found a local antique shop that has walking liberties/franklins for $5 a pop- melt is $5.11. Should I buyout what they have? I'm a little hesitant because I see silver prices going even lower. I thought about buying and flipping them but i'm worried about silver crashing before i can make the flip.
everything wrote:Premiums will be different on different products, we can buy 10 oz. bars for less than $150 right now which isn't to bad.
Country wrote:everything wrote:Premiums will be different on different products, we can buy 10 oz. bars for less than $150 right now which isn't to bad.
That's very true. I see Provident selling $100 bags of generic 90% at spot+39c (spot ask) on their website today.
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