panther wrote:But, I don't think we're going to need GUNS to fend off looters..
The bad guys know that the honest people don't have guns, so they will believe that they have little to fear.
AGCoinHunter wrote:The bad guys know that the honest people don't have guns, so they will believe that they have little to fear.
I have to disagree with this. I know plenty of honest people that are loaded to the hilt. Its not going to take long for those bad guys who believe this to become extinct if this is the way they think.
Mossy wrote:AGCoinHunter wrote:The bad guys know that the honest people don't have guns, so they will believe that they have little to fear.
I have to disagree with this. I know plenty of honest people that are loaded to the hilt. Its not going to take long for those bad guys who believe this to become extinct if this is the way they think.
True, and I worded that poorly. The areas where the bad guys are heavily armed are usually areas where gun ownership is discouraged or illegal. In /those/ areas, the bad guys are convinced that honest people are not armed. Those areas where honest people are discouraged from being armed are going to explode in violence.
Mossy wrote:And, our gov't has been importing 3rd world refugees for years, so many that some parts of the US no longer have anyone born here in them. Do you think they have magically become "civilized"?
No, I was addressing the part about "we are all civilized", and I did say "some (most?) will remain peaceful" in reference to the 3rd worlders. I've seen a good many goat herders in the area north of the SeaTac airport.psi wrote:Mossy wrote:And, our gov't has been importing 3rd world refugees for years, so many that some parts of the US no longer have anyone born here in them. Do you think they have magically become "civilized"?
Any reason you believe refugees in particular are a concern?
Mossy wrote: (Except the Moslems. I can spit upwind further than I trust that lot, and there are many in the US.)
psi wrote: As far as politics on this forum, I thought that some of the more heated political discussions at the old forum were driving away some new members who didn't happen to share the prevailing conservative or libertarian viewpoints and came more to learn about coins and economics. Just my take though.
Treetop wrote:We have set the dollar up as the worlds reserve currency. If you really dig into that particular issue. it becomes rather obvious the dollar will not hold this spot forever. A few more years at best. Theres nothing we can do to stop it. in fact like those who created the euro one could argue everything was done to ensure the dollar would die someday. though it could of been pure ignorance as well. Most simply gloss over these things, or pretend it will continue on like it is now because thats the way it was in the past. Those types are ALWAYS wrong given enough time.
So will we be trading our horded dimes for bread? easily actually..... Look at our current debt levels.... this WILL change. It is 100 percent un sustainable. doesnt matter what sugar coating you give it, we spend multiple of what we take in. To not see that this cannot continue is to hide from various real world things. Including the end of the dollar as the global reserve currency. So where does that put us? if you look atthis system we cannot perpetually uphold and see how its layered on top of each other and employs large swaths of our country... it is clear there will be many who have to reset and start over. Perhaps many all ready retired folks as well....
You mention libya, I do think we are more "civilized" then them. but what does that mean? more socially adapted to systems we see as civil? Well what happens when a population that has been spoon fed its whole life suddenly has to fend for themselves? What I mean by that is no welfare, the churches and the like jam packed etc... No food stamps. Much less work as we adapt to the new realities.... a population to pampered for many to got into the back yard and plant some beans(though many will there are MILLIONS heading into gardening now, and I go to many gardening forums there are indeed many doing it for savings, it is getting to be a major trend, but again many just wont).... Government regs (that hopefully we get rid of) that hinder the ability for many types of perfectly safe and desirable ways to make money. (like babysitting your friends kids for a few bucks, or many other things that set regs into place that seem so reasonable to "statists" but put a weight onto perfectl legitimate movements of wealth and capitol. Ive contemplated several types of businesses and it is rather bizarre some of the regs. They help nothing, and yes weve got good ones to. Im not against all regs at all, not even close but many are beyond silly, many simply block the bigger fish from competition from the little fish) anyway under such conditions new start ups will be fewer and farther in between.
So imo its rather inevitable that our standard of living will lower and that it will be tricky for the population as a whole to adapt to especially with extra weights that some regs represent. We are talking generational issues imo in a country that RIOTS over college basketball and other nonsense.
there are hordes of other issues as well. Not only is our gov. to constricting now in many regards, but governments almost always get more so when theres instability. How will people react to it? In a country were many are seemingly trained to think ALL our problems are neocons fault, or all our problems are liberals fault etc. Few see clear true solid paths in such times. With leaders that apparently put the ideas of both sides on the table and take the worst of each and shoove it down our throats. this is historically a very tight spot to be in. We are half way to a police state all ready.
So trading a silver dime for bread? actually I know a market gardener who takes silver now, but thats wisdom not necessity. That is exceedingly possible depending on how things play out. Feasibly true hyper inflation may be thwarted. But either way its likely to be volatile and loose lots of respect. All while that silver dime gains respect the world over. Silver is actually a tiny market. silver will never trade as the only currency. theres just not enough of it. but it trades as a currency now, and likely always will. that said. weve got answers to ALL problems as a country and individually (though we might not like many of them) if people keep their wits about them. But we live in an age where 10 second sound bites form reality for the bulk of the population. People with attention spans the size of a puppy. So adapting to hard times will not happen as well as the depression for instance, where despite what many think it was the garden that did more then any government program. People like my grandparents who handed dozens a bowl of watered down soup and a shovel to ensure the next bowl....
What do you guys think? Aren't we a bit more civilized than Libya?
What do you guys think? Aren't we a bit more civilized than Libya?
involuntary tentacle wrote:Other reports of people stealing gasoline from abandoned gas stations, looting of food from abandoned airports.
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