Do you believe the US will turn to looting/ dimes=groceries

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Do you believe the US will turn to looting/ dimes=groceries

Postby panther » Thu Mar 17, 2011 2:02 am

I'm still relatively new to silver stacking, although I do have quite a nice collection of silver now.

I read this board as well as, and I am amazed at the difference in people on the boards.. it appears many, like me, are simply playing the silver market as the economies slump, to sell once the economies turn around. On the other hand, many believe the US will eventually turn to chaos and looting if the economy crashes, many predicting a repeat of the great depression.. except unlike the great depression, many think that one day we will use a mercury dime to buy a tank of gas, almost like a doomsday scenario.

Which one are you? What are your arguments for or against the complete failure of the US economy? Even if that happened, wouldn't everyone just be "poor"? why would SILVER have some huge value? I would think if the US economy collapsed, FOOD or WATER would be the precious commodity.. I can't see everyone trying to get their hands on silver necessarily.

Me personally, I think as the world keeps changing and the US economy slumps, and as we can't control our debt, we could see $50-$60 /oz silver, maybe up to $1800-$2000 an ounce gold.

But, I don't think we're going to need GUNS to fend off looters..

What do you guys think? Aren't we a bit more civilized than Libya?
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Re: Do you believe the US will turn to looting/ dimes=grocer

Postby davycoppitt » Thu Mar 17, 2011 3:40 am

I buy silver for the same reason as you do. I don't see a total collaps, but I still do my part and prepare for one. I definatly don't think we are more civilized than libya. I don't want to see what people will do when the gravy train stops.
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Re: Do you believe the US will turn to looting/ dimes=grocer

Postby involuntary tentacle » Thu Mar 17, 2011 3:49 am

Do not be fooled by the western media portraying japan as peaceful people who line up neatly at the grocery stores and dont loot.

Warehouse staff interview about robbery


Image of people trying to break into a safe at the sight of the disaster

Other reports of people stealing gasoline from abandoned gas stations, looting of food from abandoned airports.

Wait until things get worse. Japanese people will turn into animals just like they did in Katrina and Haiti. It might take a little longer, but it will happen if things dont get better soon. I dont need to experience a distaster to see that people will do anything in the name of survival.

The only difference between us and them is that civilians are limited to having bolt action rifles for hunting use. There are people in this country that have personal firearms that can equip a small army. Imagine not being prepared and rushing to the store when SHTF, and then getting shot by someone who wants as much water as he can shove in his cart. And then that guy getting shot as soon as he exits the store.

Dont think it cant happen here.
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Re: Do you believe the US will turn to looting/ dimes=grocer

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Thu Mar 17, 2011 5:50 am

Combine the ever growing "Entitlement Class" mentality with the hard reality that the dollar is going to collapse someday and you end up with a lot of desperadoes out there.

In America there are people who make their living preaching hatred against those who are successful. Their "social justice" programs are nothing less than contrived class warfare. They find it easier to take away from the "haves" to give to the "have nots", rather than go out and earn their own wealth. There are no classes here in America. Anyone can educate themselves and earn a very good living, but most are too lazy to do it. You would be astounded to know how many new hires I have given books to and said it was required reading, but they were too inept to do it.

When TSHTF, you can count on too many people behaving like they did during Katrina, or the Rodney King riots. Looting will be wholesale. Too many people now have been brought up with the notion that they are "entitled" to take from you whatever they want.
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Re: Do you believe the US will turn to looting/ dimes=grocer

Postby Lemon Thrower » Thu Mar 17, 2011 5:58 am

there are a range of possible outcomes with varying possibilities but yes looting and chaos are realistic possibilities. they have gone from say 0% 5 years ago to 5-10% right now.

if you recall history, there were riots across the country in 1968. Also some in the early 1980s such as Overtown and Liberty City areas of Miami.

the next step is state and local governments will hit a wall. they are already laying off teachers, police, and firemen. they are going to cut the pensions and bust the unions.

local taxes will rise

feds will means-test social security.

the real issue is the safety net for young poor, like foodstamps. I'm no expert, but I believe that is federal. when that gets cut off, there will be riots. difference between federal and state is the feds can print money so their cuts will happen last.

at some point we'll see a downgrade of uncle sam. could be this year. this is inevitable. intersest rates and consumer inflation will skyrocket when that happens. good luck selling a house or getting a single digit mortgage rate.

the real wildcard is whether the PTBs can maintain confidence in fiat currency. if not the entire world could look like japan.
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Re: Do you believe the US will turn to looting/ dimes=grocer

Postby Rodebaugh » Thu Mar 17, 2011 7:22 am

panther wrote:But, I don't think we're going to need GUNS to fend off looters..

I agree, but I will keep my guns anyways for other reasons.....such as fending off looters now.

It's kinda like knowing CPR vs using it.
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Re: Do you believe the US will turn to looting/ dimes=grocer

Postby Morsecode » Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:31 am

Panther, everyone hopes your scenario is the one that plays out, but history, as some of the posts point out, is not on your side.

Looting, even during temporary glitches such as blackouts, has become something of a spectator sport in many areas. Nor are the suburbs immune anymore. A total collapse will not be the spark that sets off uncivilized behavior. It'll happen long before that.

The old saying, "I'd rather have a gun and not need it, than need a gun and not have one", works for me.

I do agree that if the worst happens PM's will lose a lot of leverage in a New World reality check. I will have hopefully moved into beans, bullets, water, and firewood by then.
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Re: Do you believe the US will turn to looting/ dimes=grocer

Postby franklin » Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:55 am

I also hope it never plays out but if it does and things finally settle out, there has to be a common currency. I am not aware of a civilization that has continued solely on a barter system for food, water, etc. If the economy is the main reason for any collapse, surely the survivors won't quickly go back to a paper currency with nothing to back it up.
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Re: Do you believe the US will turn to looting/ dimes=grocer

Postby Treetop » Thu Mar 17, 2011 11:06 am

We have set the dollar up as the worlds reserve currency. If you really dig into that particular issue. it becomes rather obvious the dollar will not hold this spot forever. A few more years at best. Theres nothing we can do to stop it. in fact like those who created the euro one could argue everything was done to ensure the dollar would die someday. though it could of been pure ignorance as well. Most simply gloss over these things, or pretend it will continue on like it is now because thats the way it was in the past. Those types are ALWAYS wrong given enough time.

So will we be trading our horded dimes for bread? easily actually..... Look at our current debt levels.... this WILL change. It is 100 percent un sustainable. doesnt matter what sugar coating you give it, we spend multiple of what we take in. To not see that this cannot continue is to hide from various real world things. Including the end of the dollar as the global reserve currency. So where does that put us? if you look atthis system we cannot perpetually uphold and see how its layered on top of each other and employs large swaths of our country... it is clear there will be many who have to reset and start over. Perhaps many all ready retired folks as well....

You mention libya, I do think we are more "civilized" then them. but what does that mean? more socially adapted to systems we see as civil? Well what happens when a population that has been spoon fed its whole life suddenly has to fend for themselves? What I mean by that is no welfare, the churches and the like jam packed etc... No food stamps. Much less work as we adapt to the new realities.... a population to pampered for many to got into the back yard and plant some beans(though many will there are MILLIONS heading into gardening now, and I go to many gardening forums there are indeed many doing it for savings, it is getting to be a major trend, but again many just wont).... Government regs (that hopefully we get rid of) that hinder the ability for many types of perfectly safe and desirable ways to make money. (like babysitting your friends kids for a few bucks, or many other things that set regs into place that seem so reasonable to "statists" but put a weight onto perfectl legitimate movements of wealth and capitol. Ive contemplated several types of businesses and it is rather bizarre some of the regs. They help nothing, and yes weve got good ones to. Im not against all regs at all, not even close but many are beyond silly, many simply block the bigger fish from competition from the little fish) anyway under such conditions new start ups will be fewer and farther in between.

So imo its rather inevitable that our standard of living will lower and that it will be tricky for the population as a whole to adapt to especially with extra weights that some regs represent. We are talking generational issues imo in a country that RIOTS over college basketball and other nonsense.

there are hordes of other issues as well. Not only is our gov. to constricting now in many regards, but governments almost always get more so when theres instability. How will people react to it? In a country were many are seemingly trained to think ALL our problems are neocons fault, or all our problems are liberals fault etc. Few see clear true solid paths in such times. With leaders that apparently put the ideas of both sides on the table and take the worst of each and shoove it down our throats. this is historically a very tight spot to be in. We are half way to a police state all ready.

So trading a silver dime for bread? actually I know a market gardener who takes silver now, but thats wisdom not necessity. That is exceedingly possible depending on how things play out. Feasibly true hyper inflation may be thwarted. But either way its likely to be volatile and loose lots of respect. All while that silver dime gains respect the world over. Silver is actually a tiny market. silver will never trade as the only currency. theres just not enough of it. but it trades as a currency now, and likely always will. that said. weve got answers to ALL problems as a country and individually (though we might not like many of them) if people keep their wits about them. But we live in an age where 10 second sound bites form reality for the bulk of the population. People with attention spans the size of a puppy. So adapting to hard times will not happen as well as the depression for instance, where despite what many think it was the garden that did more then any government program. People like my grandparents who handed dozens a bowl of watered down soup and a shovel to ensure the next bowl....
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Re: Do you believe the US will turn to looting/ dimes=grocer

Postby Mossy » Thu Mar 17, 2011 1:52 pm

Panther, you better take a closer look around this nation. It's BIG. And, our gov't has been importing 3rd world refugees for years, so many that some parts of the US no longer have anyone born here in them. Do you think they have magically become "civilized"?

Of those born here, take a look at "rodney king riots" and "watts riots". Check the second NYC black out. Katrina. We have had riots and looting, usually race related, for far less than an economy collapse. No civility there.

Sure, most parts of the US will remain peaceful, mostly the areas with large populations of legally armed people. The areas with large numbers of illegally armed people in them will, not might, WILL explode. The bad guys know that the honest people don't have guns, so they will believe that they have little to fear.

Big country with lots of variation. Even some (most?) of the 3rd world neighborhoods will remain peaceful, but you will never know by the news coverage. If you were around during Katrina, there were false reports of people shooting at rescue copters and lawlessness in the Super Dome, all made up, and believed by the news media because there were so many Blacks there. (And us Conservatives are supposed to be the bigots?)

As another poster said, "Better to have a gun and not need it, than need it and not have it." Any gun would be better than none, if you have the will to use it. If you look like someone who would shoot, most criminals will run at the sight of any firearm, unless they are in a mob, then you probably will have to shoot to keep from being kicked to death.

I recommend you read up a bit on this subject. Right now, the only level headed I know is: Please avoid politics there.
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Re: Do you believe the US will turn to looting/ dimes=grocer

Postby AGCoinHunter » Thu Mar 17, 2011 2:06 pm

The bad guys know that the honest people don't have guns, so they will believe that they have little to fear.

I have to disagree with this. I know plenty of honest people that are loaded to the hilt. Its not going to take long for those bad guys who believe this to become extinct if this is the way they think.
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Re: Do you believe the US will turn to looting/ dimes=grocer

Postby Mossy » Thu Mar 17, 2011 2:17 pm

AGCoinHunter wrote:
The bad guys know that the honest people don't have guns, so they will believe that they have little to fear.

I have to disagree with this. I know plenty of honest people that are loaded to the hilt. Its not going to take long for those bad guys who believe this to become extinct if this is the way they think.

True, and I worded that poorly. The areas where the bad guys are heavily armed are usually areas where gun ownership is discouraged or illegal. In /those/ areas, the bad guys are convinced that honest people are not armed. Those areas where honest people are discouraged from being armed are going to explode in violence.
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Re: Do you believe the US will turn to looting/ dimes=grocer

Postby AGCoinHunter » Thu Mar 17, 2011 2:21 pm

Mossy wrote:
AGCoinHunter wrote:
The bad guys know that the honest people don't have guns, so they will believe that they have little to fear.

I have to disagree with this. I know plenty of honest people that are loaded to the hilt. Its not going to take long for those bad guys who believe this to become extinct if this is the way they think.

True, and I worded that poorly. The areas where the bad guys are heavily armed are usually areas where gun ownership is discouraged or illegal. In /those/ areas, the bad guys are convinced that honest people are not armed. Those areas where honest people are discouraged from being armed are going to explode in violence.

Yes, I agree with you there. Thank God I live in the southeast.
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Re: Do you believe the US will turn to looting/ dimes=grocer

Postby psi » Thu Mar 17, 2011 2:28 pm

Mossy wrote:And, our gov't has been importing 3rd world refugees for years, so many that some parts of the US no longer have anyone born here in them. Do you think they have magically become "civilized"?

Any reason you believe refugees in particular are a concern? I don't see how it's particularly uncivilized to want to move away from your home country when things descend into chaos. If anything such people might be more likely to just move along again if a similar situation arose in their new country.
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Re: Do you believe the US will turn to looting/ dimes=grocer

Postby Mossy » Thu Mar 17, 2011 2:39 pm

psi wrote:
Mossy wrote:And, our gov't has been importing 3rd world refugees for years, so many that some parts of the US no longer have anyone born here in them. Do you think they have magically become "civilized"?

Any reason you believe refugees in particular are a concern?
No, I was addressing the part about "we are all civilized", and I did say "some (most?) will remain peaceful" in reference to the 3rd worlders. I've seen a good many goat herders in the area north of the SeaTac airport.

IMO, the danger with the 3rd worlders are the "disenfranchised youths" as the news media so delicately puts it. Teens and early 20's who have not adapted to the US, and who the Left try to keep from adapting. The older adults are likely to try to tone things down, IMO. (Except the Moslems. I can spit upwind further than I trust that lot, and there are many in the US.)
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Re: Do you believe the US will turn to looting/ dimes=grocer

Postby Mossy » Thu Mar 17, 2011 2:49 pm

Mossy wrote: (Except the Moslems. I can spit upwind further than I trust that lot, and there are many in the US.)

I dislike bringing politics into this forum, but just ran into something disquieting: ... osque.html

A story about an 8 year old kid being turned into a terrorist recruit. If the US crashes, mosques are going to be centers of "unrest".
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Re: Do you believe the US will turn to looting/ dimes=grocer

Postby psi » Thu Mar 17, 2011 3:18 pm

On "disenfranchised youths" playing a big role in that type of conflict I can agree at least, of course that's not something unique to immigrants although immigrant status and reduced economic opportunity can obviously be connected. But I'm not going near the religious issue personally.

As far as politics on this forum, I thought that some of the more heated political discussions at the old forum were driving away some new members who didn't happen to share the prevailing conservative or libertarian viewpoints and came more to learn about coins and economics. Just my take though.
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Re: Do you believe the US will turn to looting/ dimes=grocer

Postby Mossy » Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:26 pm

psi wrote: As far as politics on this forum, I thought that some of the more heated political discussions at the old forum were driving away some new members who didn't happen to share the prevailing conservative or libertarian viewpoints and came more to learn about coins and economics. Just my take though.

Political discussions can do that. But, as Nader said "If you don't act on politics then politics will act on you." (Might be a misquote.) Politicians are so likely to mess with stuff that effects the economy, and they are good at convincing people they support what ever it is the voters want, or think they want, and twisting the group's aims to benifit the politician. This is not a "conservative"/"liberal" thing, con artists can pretend to be anything.

I have a hard time caring what someone believes, so long as they don't make it my problem. Make it my problem, and I'll solve it to suit /me/.

Eh, I'm out of this thread.
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Re: Do you believe the US will turn to looting/ dimes=grocer

Postby hejira11 » Thu Mar 17, 2011 5:25 pm

Treetop wrote:We have set the dollar up as the worlds reserve currency. If you really dig into that particular issue. it becomes rather obvious the dollar will not hold this spot forever. A few more years at best. Theres nothing we can do to stop it. in fact like those who created the euro one could argue everything was done to ensure the dollar would die someday. though it could of been pure ignorance as well. Most simply gloss over these things, or pretend it will continue on like it is now because thats the way it was in the past. Those types are ALWAYS wrong given enough time.

So will we be trading our horded dimes for bread? easily actually..... Look at our current debt levels.... this WILL change. It is 100 percent un sustainable. doesnt matter what sugar coating you give it, we spend multiple of what we take in. To not see that this cannot continue is to hide from various real world things. Including the end of the dollar as the global reserve currency. So where does that put us? if you look atthis system we cannot perpetually uphold and see how its layered on top of each other and employs large swaths of our country... it is clear there will be many who have to reset and start over. Perhaps many all ready retired folks as well....

You mention libya, I do think we are more "civilized" then them. but what does that mean? more socially adapted to systems we see as civil? Well what happens when a population that has been spoon fed its whole life suddenly has to fend for themselves? What I mean by that is no welfare, the churches and the like jam packed etc... No food stamps. Much less work as we adapt to the new realities.... a population to pampered for many to got into the back yard and plant some beans(though many will there are MILLIONS heading into gardening now, and I go to many gardening forums there are indeed many doing it for savings, it is getting to be a major trend, but again many just wont).... Government regs (that hopefully we get rid of) that hinder the ability for many types of perfectly safe and desirable ways to make money. (like babysitting your friends kids for a few bucks, or many other things that set regs into place that seem so reasonable to "statists" but put a weight onto perfectl legitimate movements of wealth and capitol. Ive contemplated several types of businesses and it is rather bizarre some of the regs. They help nothing, and yes weve got good ones to. Im not against all regs at all, not even close but many are beyond silly, many simply block the bigger fish from competition from the little fish) anyway under such conditions new start ups will be fewer and farther in between.

So imo its rather inevitable that our standard of living will lower and that it will be tricky for the population as a whole to adapt to especially with extra weights that some regs represent. We are talking generational issues imo in a country that RIOTS over college basketball and other nonsense.

there are hordes of other issues as well. Not only is our gov. to constricting now in many regards, but governments almost always get more so when theres instability. How will people react to it? In a country were many are seemingly trained to think ALL our problems are neocons fault, or all our problems are liberals fault etc. Few see clear true solid paths in such times. With leaders that apparently put the ideas of both sides on the table and take the worst of each and shoove it down our throats. this is historically a very tight spot to be in. We are half way to a police state all ready.

So trading a silver dime for bread? actually I know a market gardener who takes silver now, but thats wisdom not necessity. That is exceedingly possible depending on how things play out. Feasibly true hyper inflation may be thwarted. But either way its likely to be volatile and loose lots of respect. All while that silver dime gains respect the world over. Silver is actually a tiny market. silver will never trade as the only currency. theres just not enough of it. but it trades as a currency now, and likely always will. that said. weve got answers to ALL problems as a country and individually (though we might not like many of them) if people keep their wits about them. But we live in an age where 10 second sound bites form reality for the bulk of the population. People with attention spans the size of a puppy. So adapting to hard times will not happen as well as the depression for instance, where despite what many think it was the garden that did more then any government program. People like my grandparents who handed dozens a bowl of watered down soup and a shovel to ensure the next bowl....

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Re: Do you believe the US will turn to looting/ dimes=grocer

Postby Kurr » Thu Mar 17, 2011 6:54 pm

What do you guys think? Aren't we a bit more civilized than Libya?

Lets look at history and see:

1713 - Boston Bread Riot, (Boston, Massachusetts, British America)
1734 - Mast Tree Riot, (Exeter, New Hampshire, British America)[citation needed]
1742 - Philadelphia Election Riot, (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, British America)
1770 - Boston Massacre (Boston, Massachusetts, British America)
1772 - Pine Tree Riot (Weare, New Hampshire, British America)
1773 - Boston Tea Party, Boston, Massachusetts, British America. Involved destruction of property.
1794 - Whiskey Rebellion, (Western Pennsylvania, United States)
1829 - Cincinnati riots of 1829, Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
1834 - Anti-Abolitionist Riot, (New York City, New York, United States)
1835 - Baltimore bank riot (Baltimore, Maryland, United States)
1836 - Cincinnati Riots of 1836, (Cincinnati, Ohio, United States)
1837 - Flour Riots, (New York City, New York, United States)
1841 - Cincinnati Riot of 1841, Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
1844 - Philadelphia Nativist Riots, (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States)
1849 - Astor Place Riots, (New York City, New York, United States)
1850 - Squatters' Riot, (California, United States)
1853 - Cincinnati Riot of 1853 (Cincinnati, Ohio), United States
1855 - Bloody Monday (Louisville, Kentucky, United States)
1855 - Portland Rum Riot, (Portland, Maine, United States)
1855 - Lager Beer Riot, (Chicago, Illinois, United States)
1856 - Kansas Slavery Riots, (Lawrence, Kansas, United States)[citation needed]
1856 - Know-Nothing Riot of 1856, (Baltimore, Maryland, United States)
1857 - Know-Nothing Riot, (Washington, D.C., United States)
1859 - Baltimore Election Riot of 1859,[citation needed] (Baltimore, Maryland, United States)
1861 - Baltimore Riot of 1861,[citation needed] (Baltimore, Maryland, United States)
1862 - Buffalo riot of 1862, (Buffalo, New York, United States)
1863 - Richmond Bread Riot, (Richmond, Virginia, United States)
1863 - New York Draft Riot, (New York City, New York, United States)
1866 - Memphis Race Riots, (Memphis, Tennessee), United States
1866 - New Orleans Riot, (New Orléans, Louisiana, United States)
1868 - Pulaski Riot, (Pulaski, Tennessee, United States)
1870 - Paris Riots of 1870, (Paris, France)[citation needed]
1870 - New York City Orange Riot, (New York City, New York, United States)
1871 - Second New York City Orange Riot, (New York City, New York, United States)
1871 - Meridian race riot of 1871, Meridian, Mississippi
1871 - Los Angeles Anti-Chinese Riot, (Los Angeles, California, United States)
1873 - Colfax Riot, (Colfax, Louisiana, United States)
1874 - Election Riot of 1874, (Barbour County, Alabama, United States)
1874 - Tompkins Square Riot, (New York City, New York, United States)
1874 - Battle of Liberty Place, {New Orléans, Louisiana}, United States}
1874 - Vicksburg Race Riot, (Vicksburg, Mississippi, United States)[citation needed]
1877 - Philadelphia Railroad Strike, (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States)[citation needed]
1884 - Cincinnati Vigilante Riot, (Cincinnati, Ohio, United States)
1885 - Rock Springs Massacre, (Rock Springs, Wyoming, United States)
1885 - Tacoma riot of 1885, (Tacoma, Washington, United States)
1885 - Issaquah riot of 1885, (Issaquah, Washington, United States)
1885 - Pierce City Vigilante Riot, (Pierce City, Idaho, United States)
1886 - Haymarket Riot, (Chicago, Illinois, United States)
1886 - Seattle riot of 1886, (Seattle, Washington, United States)
1887 - Louisiana Sugar Strike, (Louisiana, United States)[citation needed]
1891 - New Orléans Anti-Italian Riot, (New Orléans, Louisiana, United States)[citation needed]
1892 - Homestead Steel Riot, (Homestead, Pennsylvania, United States)[citation needed]
1892 - March on Washington, (Washington, D.C., United States)[citation needed]
1894 - Pullman Strike riots, (Chicago, Illinois, United States)
1898 - Wilmington Race Riot, (Wilmington, North Carolina, United States)
1899 - Coeur d'Alene Miners Strike of 1899, (Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, United States)[citation needed]
1900 - Robert Charles Riots, (New Orléans, Louisiana, United States)
1906 - Atlanta Riots, (Atlanta, Georgia, United States)
1907 - Bellingham riots, (Bellingham, Washington, United States)
1908 - Springfield Race Riot, (Springfield, Illinois, United States)
1910 - Tonypandy Riot (South Wales, UK)
1910 - Nationwide riots following the heavyweight championship fight between Jack Johnson and Jim Jeffries

in Reno, Nevada on July 4
1916 - Everett massacre, (Everett, Washington, United States)
1917 - East St. Louis Riot, (St. Louis, Missouri & East St. Louis, Illinois, United States)
1917 - Houston Riot (1917), Houston, Texas, United States
1919 - May Day Riots, (Cleveland, Ohio, United States)
1919 - Red Summer, (United States)
1919 - Chicago Race Riot, (Chicago, Illinois, United States)
1919 - Luton Peace Day Riots, Luton U.K.
1919 - Boston Police Strike, (Boston, Massachusetts, United States)
1919 - Elaine Race Riot, (Elaine, Arkansas, United States)
1921 - Tulsa Race Riot, (Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States)
1922 - Herrin Massacre, (Herrin, Illinois, United States)
1923 - Rosewood massacre, (Rosewood, Florida)
Fires rage during the Bonus Army March1931 - Hawaii Riot, (Hawaii, United States)
1932 - Bonus Army March, Spring/Summer, Washington, D.C., United States
1934 - U.S. Nazi Riot[3] (New York City, New York, United States)
1934 - Minneapolis Teamsters Strike of 1934 Minneapolis, Minnesota
1935 - Harlem Race Riot (New York City, New York, United States)
1937 - Memorial Day Massacre of 1937 (Chicago, Illinois, United States)
1943 - Zoot Suit Riots, (Los Angeles, California, United States)
1943 - Detroit Race Riot (1943), (Detroit, Michigan, United States)
1946 - Nylon riots US
1957 - Little Rock Integration Crisis (Autumn, 1957 Little Rock, Arkansas)
1962 - Ole Miss riot 1962, September 30, The University of Mississippi
1963 - Cambridge riot 1963, June 14, Cambridge, Maryland
1964 - New York City 1964 race riot, July 18–23 (New York City, United States)
1964 - Rochester 1964 race riot, July 24–25 (Rochester, New York, United States)
1964 - Jersey City 1964 race riot,[8] August 2–4 (Jersey City, New Jersey, United States)
1964 - Elizabeth 1964 race riot,[8] August 11–13 (Elizabeth, New Jersey, United States)
1964 - Dixmoor 1964 race riot[8] August 16–17 (Chicago, Illinois, United States)
1964 - Philadelphia 1964 race riot August 28–30
1965 - Watts Riot, August 1965, (Los Angeles, California, United States)
1966 - Division Street Riots, June 12–14 (Humboldt Park, Chicago, United States)
1966 - Hough Riots, July 1966 (Cleveland, Ohio, United States)
1966 - Hunter's Point Riot[citation needed] (San Francisco, California, United States)
1966 - Compton's Cafeteria Riot, August 1966 (San Francisco, California, United States)
1966 - Benton Harbor Riot, August–September 1966 (Benton Harbor, Michigan, United States)
1966 - Atlanta riot of 1966, Sep. 6 (Atlanta, Georgia, United States)
1966 - Sunset Strip curfew riots (Los Angeles, California, United States)
1967 - Tampa Riots of 1967, June 1967 (Tampa, Florida, United States)
1967 - Buffalo riot of 1967, June 27 (Buffalo, New York, United States)
1967 - 1967 Newark riots, July 12–18, 1967 (Newark, New Jersey, United States)
1967 - 1967 Plainfield riots, July 14–20, 1967 (Plainfield, New Jersey, United States)
1967 - Cairo riot, July 17 (Cairo, Illinois, United States)
1968 - 1968 Washington, D.C. riots, April 1968 (Washington, D.C., United States)
1968 - Baltimore riot of 1968, April 6–12 (Baltimore, Maryland, United States)
1968 - Chicago riot of 1968 April 7–14 (Chicago, Illinois, United States)
1968 - Kansas City riot of 1968, April 1968 (Kansas City, Missouri, United States)
1968 - JCH Riot in outrage over Hartwick College's schism from the Lutheren Church [9][Full citation needed]
1968 - Louisville riots of 1968, May 27, (Louisville, Kentucky, United States)
1968 - Glenville Shootout, (Cleveland, Ohio, United States)
1968 - 1968 Democratic National Convention riot, August 1968, (Chicago, Illinois,
1969 - Stonewall Riots, June 1969, (New York City, New York, United States)
1969 - Zip to Zap, May 9–11, 1969 (Zap, North Dakota, United States)
1969 - Battle of the Bogside (Derry, Northern Ireland on 12–14 August 1969)
1969 - Days of Rage, Oct. 1969, (Chicago, Illinois, United States)
[edit] 1970s1970 - Kent State shootings, May 1970, (Kent, Ohio, United States)
1970 - Hard Hat riot, Wall Street, May 8, 1970, (New York City, New York, United States)
1970 - Koza riot, December 20, (Ryukyu Islands, United States, later Okinawa Prefecture, Japan)
1971 - May Day Protests 1971, May 1971, (Washington, D.C., United States)
1971 - Camden Riots, August 1971, (Camden, New Jersey, United States)
1971 - Attica Prison uprising, (Attica, New York, United States)
1973 - Oklahoma State Penitentiary Prison Riot, (McAlester, Oklahoma, United States)[citation needed]
1974 - Cherry Blossom Festival at the Richmond Stadium, (Richmond, Virginia, United States)[citation needed]
1975 - Livernois-Fenkell riot (Detroit, Michigan, United States)
1977 - New York City Blackout riot, July 1977, (New York City, United States)
1979 - Disco Demolition Night, (Chicago, Illinois, United States)
1979 - White Night gay riots, May 1979 (San Francisco, California)
1979 - Greensboro Riot/Shootings, Nov. 1979, (Greensboro, North Carolina, United States)
[edit] 1980s1980 - New Mexico State Penitentiary Riot, (Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States)
1980 - Chattanooga Riot of 1980,[citation needed] (Chattanooga, Tennessee, United States)
1980 - Arthur McDuffie riots, May 1980, (Miami, Florida, United States)
1982 - Washington Anti-Klan protest 1982, Nov. 1982, (Washington, D.C., United States)[10]
1982 - Miami Riot, Overtown Riot, Dec. 1982, (Miami, Florida, United States)[11]
1983 - Sing Sing Prison Riot, Jan. 10, (Ossining, New York, United States)[citation needed]
1983 - Yatala Prison Riot, Mar. 22, (Adelaide, South Australia)[citation needed]
1983 - Brazilian Unemployment Riot, Apr. 4-5, (São Paulo, Brazil)[citation needed]
1983 - Polish Pro-Solidarity Riots, May. 1, (Poland)[citation needed]
1983 - Black July, Jul. 24, (Sri Lanka)
1984 - Tunisian Bread Riots, Jan., (Tunis, Tunisia)
1984 - Anti-Sikh riots, (Delhi, Kanpur, India)
1984 - Operation Blue Star (Amritsar, India)
1984 - Lawrence Massachusetts Race Riot, August 8, 1984, (Lawrence, Massachusetts)
1984 - Aggieville Riot, (Manhattan, Kansas)
1987 - Tampa Riot 1987, Feb. 1987, (Tampa, Florida, United States)
1987 - Pioneer Days Riot, (Chico, California, United States)
1987 - Atlanta Prison Riots, (Atlanta, United States)
1988 - Tompkins Square Park Police Riot, August 1988 (East Village, Manhattan, New York City)
1988 - Hot Biscuit Riot, Shreveport, Louisiana[12]
1989 - SCI Camp Hill Riots, Sept 1989 (Camp Hill, Pennsylvania, United States)
1989 - Overtown Riot 1989, Jan. 16-18, 1989,(Overtown, Florida, United States)
1989 - Tampa Riot 1989, Feb. 1989, (Tampa, Florida, United States)
1991 - 1991 Washington, D.C. riot in D.C.'s Mount Pleasant neighborhood, May 1991, (Washington, D.C., United

1991 - Crown Heights Riot, August 1991, (Brooklyn, New York, United States)
1992 - Los Angeles riots/Rodney King riot, April–May (Los Angeles, California, United States)
1996 - St. Petersburg, Florida Riot 1996, Oct. 1996, (St. Petersburg, Florida, United States)
1998 - Denver Super Bowl riot, Jan 25, (Denver, Colorado)[citation needed]
1998 - Miami University Riots of May 1998, (Oxford, Ohio)[citation needed]
1998 - Washington State University student riot, May 1998, (Pullman, Washington, United States)[citation

1999 - Michigan State University student riot, April 1999, (East Lansing, Michigan, United States)
1999 - Woodstock 1999 concert rioting, July 1999, near Rome, New York
1999 - WTO Ministerial Conference of 1999, November, 1999 (Seattle, Washington, United States)
2000 - Riot at the Staples Center after Lakers win Championship, June 21, (Los Angeles, California)
2001 - Philadelphia Mardi Gras Riots, February 2001, (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States)[15]
2001 - Seattle Mardi Gras Riots, February 2001, (Seattle, Washington, United States)
2001 - University of Maryland student riots following team's loss in the 2001 NCAA tournament, (College

Park, Maryland, United States)
2001 - 2001 Cincinnati Riots, April 2001, (Cincinnati, Ohio, United States)
2002 - University of Maryland students following their team's victory in the 2002 NCAA tournament, (College

Park, Maryland, United States)
2002 - Ohio State University post University of Michigan football game riot, November 2002, (Columbus, Ohio,

United States)
2003 - Benton Harbor Riot, June 2003 (Benton Harbor, Michigan, United States)
2003 - Wrocław football riot 2003, March 30, 2003,
2003 - University of Minnesota campus riots after the Gophers men's hockey team won their back to back

national championships
2004 - VEISHEA riot, drunk Iowa State students riot, cancel 2005 VEISHEA (Ames, Iowa)
2005 - 2005 Toledo Riot, October 2005, (Toledo, Ohio, United States)
2006 - San Bernardino punk riot, March 4, San Bernardino, California
2009 - Riots in Oslo, Copenhagen, London, Belfast, Toronto, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and other cities

following the 2008–2009 Israel–Gaza conflict.

2009 - Riot in Downtown Los Angeles after Lakers win the Championship, June 14

What do you guys think? Aren't we a bit more civilized than Libya?

I think I need more arms and ammo after reading all that,and the insignifigant reasons people erupt.
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The Two Republics: ... UBLICS.pdf
Good reading: Frederic Bastiat "The Law"

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Re: Do you believe the US will turn to looting/ dimes=grocer

Postby blackrabbit » Thu Mar 17, 2011 8:09 pm

Mmmmmmm lager beer riot.

I was at the WTO police riot. We nonviolently were blocking the roads into the meeting when the cops attacked everyone and the nilists smashed up the town. I still wish the WTO, along with the IMF/World Bank were permanently shut down!
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered....The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
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Re: Do you believe the US will turn to looting/ dimes=grocer

Postby cesariojpn » Thu Mar 17, 2011 8:53 pm

involuntary tentacle wrote:Other reports of people stealing gasoline from abandoned gas stations, looting of food from abandoned airports.

Hey, if it's a Zombie's justified. ... er-13.html
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Re: Do you believe the US will turn to looting/ dimes=grocer

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Fri Mar 18, 2011 6:43 am

Wow. When I made my earlier post I commented on the "haves" vs. the "have nots". I was talking about people's economic status. From there this thread has taken a turn about race. That was not my intention, at all.

Shouldn't this thread be in the Members Only area?
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Re: Do you believe the US will turn to looting/ dimes=grocer

Postby beauanderos » Fri Mar 18, 2011 7:28 am

back on topic... One thing to consider if it ever gets to TSHTF. If you had planned to get into silver and gold for profit, you will need to have sold before this point. Who are you going to sell to, regardless of the then current melt, if the Internet has crashed and the Postal System is in chaos? You won't have a national audience to market to on ebay, you will only have immediately local individuals to barter with by then. Let's hope it never gets that bad :o
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Re: Do you believe the US will turn to looting/ dimes=grocer

Postby alpacafarmer » Fri Mar 18, 2011 1:51 pm

Getting back to silver as money it is already starting to happen. My dad had a new clutch put in his backhoe the other day and the guy requested he pay him in silver dimes.
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