Know Common Cents wrote:Think back to New Year's Eve 2017. If someone told you about all the actual economic and political strife that loomed ahead during these 12 months, you (like me) would've dismissed them as being an alarmist.
The next 12 months of 2019 have the potential to be very good or very bad. Middle of the road doesn't even seem like a possibility anymore. Many millenials have lots to learn about financial matters. In my early 20s, I pretty much knew what I should be doing, but made multiple conscious decisions to rebel against just about all conventional wisdom.
I dropped out of college (strongly believing I already possessed the wisdom of the ages) only to discover how wrong I was. I finished college and had a very successful career. I do have an optimistic slant to my thinking these days about the future of most millenials. The ones who concern me the most, however, are those who are on a perpetual slow-drip IV of social media. They're on a self-imposed short tether and consider Facebook and other social media to be the center of the known universe.
I do have abundant hope. May I live long enough to validate it.
Honestly back in 2017 I knew exactly what was coming. I've been aware of the banksters financial system of fraud since I was 16. The federal reserve has been plunging this country into the ground since 1913, It's a private bank running our country with zero oversight or regulations. People in the 70's thought the fiat money system crash was imminent and yet here we are still chugging along.
I honestly thought [shucks] would hit the fan years ago. Every year your dollar will be worth less and prices will keep going up. Wages will not increase with this cost of living.
Once the Government subsidized housing, food stamps and free medical care go away this country will go to hell quickly. Especially when they don't have entertainment and are withdrawing from their psychotropic ant-depressants. The US will never fully recover after we have our economic crash.
This current system could keep riding like this for decades... or it could collapse anytime. The best thing to do is be prepared and mentally ready for the challenges ahead.
Unfortunately the millennial's have no idea what's going to slap them in the face. It's not a matter of will it happen, its a matter of when will it happen.
Sorry if i just dropped a black pill. My advise is enjoy the good times while we still have them!