realmoneyHOARDER wrote:Hello all,
I am pretty new to silver stacking but I have around 20 ozt of silver approx. & 0.1177 ozt of gold.
I have a couple of questions;
Should I convert most of my junk silver into .999?
Do you guys think I should sell some of my silver to convert into gold? If so, how much AG should I sell and what kind of gold should I buy?
Please answer. Thanks.
Edit: I dont have much .999 silver (only 3 Maples)
First, world to the world of precious metal investing.
Second, sounds like you're starting to build a nice postions in gold and silver. Remember, Rome wasn't burnt in a day. Your gold and silver investements don't have to be done in one day either.
Your questions can't be answered without looking at your overall financial picture. We don't have any idea what your personal finances and balance sheet is, only you know that. Maybe you're hundrend dollar bills to heat your house. Or maybe you're behind on your rent. You might have high interest credit cards that need to be paid off. Or you might have a fleet of armored cars carrying around prized art collection. We have no idea and frankly it's not our business.
You need to first sit down and figure out what your personal financial situation is. What do you have asset wise and what liabilites are. What is your net worth, is it even postive? What is your income and expenses looking like.
Traditional thought is that you want to have 10% of your net worth (assets minus liabilities) in PMs (gold and silver). If you wanted to push that mark up somewhat closer to 15%, I wouldn't blame you. Again, remember, you don't run out and meet that mark today. Hoards take time.
As for the gold vs. silver debate. That's whole another can of worms. They both have a place, I think you'll find in this current market, silver could have more upside then gold.