The party's over in California as of April 1st......
Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2019 10:38 am
Yep I live in southern California and beginning last week (April 1) our Democratic controlled government decided to require out-of-state on-line companies that meet one of two requirements to start collecting 7.25% sales tax on goods sold and shipped to California. Any out-of-state on-line company that had $100,000 in (gross) sales in 2018 to the state of California (OR) had 200 separate transactions to the state of California must now begin charging the new tax beginning April 1. My favorite on-line bullion seller is JM Bullion and I regularly buy their 10 oz Sunshine silver bars one or two at a time. They are based out-of-state and I've never had to pay sales tax but today having heard about the new law I went to JM Bullion to do a "test" purchase of one 10 oz Sunshine bar and during checkout I now have to pay $13 in sales tax so its good by to JM Bullion and under no circumstances will I give the state of California anymore tax dollars than the egregious amount they are already taking from me.
The party's over in California
The party's over in California