I had a dream...
Tue Mar 22, 2011 9:06 am
by argent_pur
...that gold skyrocketed to $20,000/oz and silver hit $186/oz in a single day!
Of course, I also dreamed that I climbed to the top of the St. Louis arch, which was bent forward, and was NOT in St. Louis, but along the ocean somewhere
Re: I had a dream...
Tue Mar 22, 2011 12:39 pm
by Corsair
I have to vent about something.
I live about an hour west of St. Louis. In high school, I was the president of our Scholar Bowl team. We were pretty damn good. We were in a game once, and the question started, "What monument that stands 630 feet tall-"...I buzzed in right there. I know that the Arch stands 630 feet. I said, "The St. Louis Arch." Incorrect. I was shocked. They finished the question, the other team buzzed in and said, "The Gateway Arch." Correct.
So, even though anyone would know what you were talking about if you said the St. Louis Arch, it's actually called the Gateway Arch. Nice dream, though. I think the nightmare would be how much inflation would be associated with those prices.
Re: I had a dream...
Tue Mar 22, 2011 10:48 pm
by Know Common Cents
Even a more scary thought related to the dream is what event may have caused the HUGE spike in the PMs that day. Pur, if you're the only one around to enjoy those prices, this sounds more like one of the old Twilight Zone episodes. Back up the Brink's truck to the Arch. I'll ride shotgun unless I'm permanently horizontal.