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Are you planning on dying with PMs in your safe?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 7:28 am
by Thogey
I would like to have an empty safe on that day. I would rather leave my son, who will be my sole heir with total liquidity.

But timing is a bitch! :lol:

Re: Are you planning on dying with PMs in your safe?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 11:04 am
by Treetop
I honestly hope to die with my lil pirate stash. The kids have the map to it. I assume I have much less than you to be clear but obviously dont know that is true. It is an insurance policy I can pass to my kids as I see it. Or maybe my wife and I will need it. Silver is easy to turn liquid although youll lose money most ways people sell it who dont understand the market. Oh well if my kids didnt listen to me on selling it. Im a dad not a god. I can only do my best. My hope is they keep it until emergencys just because they know I liked round pieces of flat precious metals for some reason.

All this said, who cares. Its your treasure. A solid upbringing is more valuable than any financial things I could leave my kids even if I become wealthy. A friend of mines grandpa left 50k to each of his 6 kids and random stuff to grandkids. My friend got a belt his grandpa liked to wear and thought would last forever. LOL maybe it will it was made out of nice leather. He left almost 9m to "random" (maybe he picked carefully) groups in africa. He felt they needed the capital more. I mean personally Id either spend it myself while alive or if not leave to my kids and grandkids if I live long enough for them to exist but I cant fault anyone for using the treasure they made as they see fit. Im probably rambing at this point so I will stop lol.

Re: Are you planning on dying with PMs in your safe?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 9:11 pm
by Morsecode
A lofty goal, perhaps, but almost no-one dies with an empty refridgerator, or leaves their heirs total liquidity. There's always a house, a car or two, some valuable whatever. I don't know if a few extra ingots left in the safe creates much additional 'inconvenience'.

And who's to say you don't live to 97?


Re: Are you planning on dying with PMs in your safe?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 11:38 pm
by shinnosuke
The Germans alive during the Weimar Republic who owned gold/silver were very thankful to have such powerful weapons against the fiat hyperinflationary shenanigans in their country. If you aren't lucky enough to die before that happens under our current Federal Reserve overlords, then you may spend all of yours putting beans on the table and have nothing left to leave anyone.

Re: Are you planning on dying with PMs in your safe?

PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 6:44 am
by CardsNCoins
It might be better to teach him all that you know with regards to the very reasons why you haven't fully (I know you have sold various amounts of excess here in the past) "liquefied" it yet yourself.