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The "Bears" are back 15kg of silver in a Tomahawk missile?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 6:54 pm
by Delawhere Jack
Check out what silver bear says at 2:30.


That seems like an awful lot of silver per missile. Must be a lot in the batteries if it's true. Can anyone confirm/debunk?

Re: The "Bears" are back 15kg of silver in a Tomahawk missil

PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 7:31 pm
by psi
There doesn't seem to be much on the net aside from that 15 kg figure being repeated in a few different places like forums, some were suggesting that part of that could be wiring too. The silver oxide battery article mentions military applications including torpedos specifically, makes sense that they would need a lot of stored electrical power if it's used in propulsion. What's the biggest power drain in a cruise missile?

Re: The "Bears" are back 15kg of silver in a Tomahawk missil

PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 8:27 pm
by IdahoCopper
probably it's radar, telemetry, electro-servos for the fins, and.....IIITYIHTKU.

Re: The "Bears" are back 15kg of silver in a Tomahawk missil

PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 8:29 pm
by Thogey

Help on this one please

Re: The "Bears" are back 15kg of silver in a Tomahawk missil

PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 8:41 pm
by 68Camaro
It's a <3000 lb missile. I don't know the details of tomahawk - if I did I couldn't talk about it, but in general missile design while there would normally be small amounts of silver used in various components and things I can't talk about, this seems high by a factor of at least ten (if not a hundred), for that size of a missile system. The main battery will be a thermal battery which uses no silver. Whoever put this one together is spouting off on things about which they know nothing.

Re: The "Bears" are back 15kg of silver in a Tomahawk missil

PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 8:42 pm
by 68Camaro
Thogey wrote:IIITYIHTKU?

Help on this one please

If I told you I'd have to kill you...

Re: The "Bears" are back 15kg of silver in a Tomahawk missil

PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 8:47 pm
by Thogey
It's OK!

I was a MM III combat crew commander. (TS-SIOP ESI security clearance). I know a little about missiles.


Re: The "Bears" are back 15kg of silver in a Tomahawk missil

PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 9:02 pm
by 97guns
i used to make the minute man 3rd stage motor untill we had a couple of explosions and the air force pulled the contract from us.

Re: The "Bears" are back 15kg of silver in a Tomahawk missil

PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 9:44 pm
by psi
Wow, the silverseek thread on this topic seems to just be pages and pages of trollery, not sure if that's typical for that site.

Re: The "Bears" are back 15kg of silver in a Tomahawk missil

PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 11:01 pm
by Thogey
Thogey wrote:It's OK!

I was a MM III combat crew commander. (TS-SIOP ESI security clearance). I know a little about missiles.


Apparently I'm also an idiot (AIAAI)

If I Told You I'd Have To Kill it

Re: The "Bears" are back 15kg of silver in a Tomahawk missil

PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 11:10 pm
by 68Camaro
Thogey wrote:
Thogey wrote:It's OK!

I was a MM III combat crew commander. (TS-SIOP ESI security clearance). I know a little about missiles.


Apparently I'm also an idiot (AIAAI)

If I Told You I'd Have To Kill it

Well I've had my moments also, as you will know if you've read some of my posts - we need an "I'm an Idiot" smiley... Anyone graphically talented?

Re: The "Bears" are back 15kg of silver in a Tomahawk missil

PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 11:30 pm
by tn-dave
Don't feel bad Thogey. That went right over my head too. 15kg is a bunch of silver..!!

Re: The "Bears" are back 15kg of silver in a Tomahawk missil

PostPosted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 3:17 am
by cesariojpn
When I read the title, I imagined this:


Re: The "Bears" are back 15kg of silver in a Tomahawk missil

PostPosted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 4:34 pm
I was an EOD tech in the military and back in the mid 90's we took apart an old Terrier missile that was damaged and we ended up gutting it to make a display out of it. After throwing all of the wiring into the trash something just didn't look right. I stripped some of the insulation off and foun that all of it was pure silver. I kept it all and used it to make jewelry for the next several years. I wish now I'd kept it. I was told that they did that (silver wiring) for all of the missiles that were nuclear capable.

Re: The "Bears" are back 15kg of silver in a Tomahawk missil

PostPosted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 5:47 pm
by 68Camaro
BOHICA wrote:I was an EOD tech in the military and back in the mid 90's we took apart an old Terrier missile that was damaged and we ended up gutting it to make a display out of it. After throwing all of the wiring into the trash something just didn't look right. I stripped some of the insulation off and foun that all of it was pure silver. I kept it all and used it to make jewelry for the next several years. I wish now I'd kept it. I was told that they did that (silver wiring) for all of the missiles that were nuclear capable.

Most Terriers were non-nuke; only one model had a small nuke warhead. I will take your statement on the wire at face-value, but I'm not aware of solid silver wire being used as conductors in anything except the magnets used for atomic enrichment during WWII, which was because of diversion of copper to the other efforts at the time. However, it is common to use silver-plated copper wire, defective plating on this which is a source of a major corrosion problem that the DoD has been dealing with for decades.

Re: The "Bears" are back 15kg of silver in a Tomahawk missil

PostPosted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 7:05 pm
I'm sure that the wire wasn't plated. It might have been an alloy, but it sure was pretty.

Re: The "Bears" are back 15kg of silver in a Tomahawk missil

PostPosted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 8:12 pm
There is a lot of gold and silver plating in all military electronics. Most connectors are gold plated , while most ground or contact strips are solid stainless or silver plated copper.

Re: The "Bears" are back 15kg of silver in a Tomahawk missil

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:40 pm
by AGgressive Metal
15 kg sounded way high to me, but of course there is still going to be a lot of silver in those things I'm guessing. Maybe 15 kg for every salvo of 10 or 12 - I might believe that.

Re: The "Bears" are back 15kg of silver in a Tomahawk missil

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 5:32 pm
by beauanderos
68Camaro wrote:
Thogey wrote:
Thogey wrote:It's OK!

I was a MM III combat crew commander. (TS-SIOP ESI security clearance). I know a little about missiles.


Apparently I'm also an idiot (AIAAI)

If I Told You I'd Have To Kill it

Well I've had my moments also, as you will know if you've read some of my posts - we need an "I'm an Idiot" smiley... Anyone graphically talented?

I guess this kinda looks like Eric Image

Re: The "Bears" are back 15kg of silver in a Tomahawk missil

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 9:39 pm
by 68Camaro
That's good - can we get that added to the smiley list?

Re: The "Bears" are back 15kg of silver in a Tomahawk missil

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 9:55 pm
by Thogey
If I thought the mods wouldn't remove a image of male genitalia, than I would have posted a picture of Ray.

But, that Imagewould be a good addition to the smiley menu. As I am not proud we can call it the Thogey apparently I am am idiot(AIAAI) smiley.

Re: The "Bears" are back 15kg of silver in a Tomahawk missil

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 10:17 pm
by TXBullion
Thogey wrote:If I thought the mods wouldn't remove a image of male genitalia, than I would have posted a picture of Ray.

But, that Imagewould be a good addition to the smiley menu. As I am not proud we can call it the Thogey apparently I am am idiot(AIAAI) smiley.

Does this mean you are officially in with the smiley thing?

Re: The "Bears" are back 15kg of silver in a Tomahawk missil

PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 4:48 am
by Lemon Thrower
zerohedge is a very irreverent site. the 15kg of silver is a throwaway fact - it may be true, it may be false, it may have been made up for dramatic effect. the reason to buy silver is not because we just shot off a bunch of missles or that they each have a monster box worth of silver in them (some members probably have more silver than we shot at Libya, after all).

I too thought the number sounded high.

don't take your eye off the ball.

Re: The "Bears" are back 15kg of silver in a Tomahawk missil

PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 5:38 am
by 68Camaro
Thogey wrote:If I thought the mods wouldn't remove a image of male genitalia, than I would have posted a picture of Ray.

But, that Imagewould be a good addition to the smiley menu. As I am not proud we can call it the Thogey apparently I am am idiot(AIAAI) smiley.

Oh - regardless of name - it would get used by others. Reference the need for it with regard to me just a few weeks ago... :roll:


(Time flies, actually it was only 6 days ago!...)

Re: The "Bears" are back 15kg of silver in a Tomahawk missil

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:17 am
by neilgin1
cesariojpn wrote:When I read the title, I imagined this:


a"Bear"......ever since i was a 19 year old sailor (1979) i always wanted to shoot one of those down....don't know why, guess i dont like Russkies.