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10 years

PostPosted: Fri Apr 23, 2021 7:58 pm
by scyther
The silver price hit a high, according to Kitco, of $48.48 ten years ago this month. I check PMs once a week, and it will probably be gone from the chart when I check next week. I started stacking silver about a year after that. Who would have thought at that time that a decade later it still never would have hit $50, or even 30 for most of that time?

Re: 10 years

PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 10:11 am
by Cu Penny Hoarder
scyther wrote:The silver price hit a high, according to Kitco, of $48.48 ten years ago this month. I check PMs once a week, and it will probably be gone from the chart when I check next week. I started stacking silver about a year after that. Who would have thought at that time that a decade later it still never would have hit $50, or even 30 for most of that time?

The paper price is a scam. It's very obvious now how PM (especially Ag) prices have been manipulated all these years. Ag will eventually beat the price manipulation. The amounts that are needed for industrial use and technology keeps increasing. The WSS crowd is actually doing a good job increasing people's awareness, they're averaging 800-1000 new subs everyday. I don't sub to them, but I do browse their site at least once a day.

I believe part of the reason these crypto scam coins were created was to distract people away from PMs. So far, it's worked pretty well. MSM pumps/pushes the crypto narrative 24/7. The MSM is controlled by TPTB. It's not too hard to connect the dots.