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Federal Reserve Cuts Off Sorting

PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 4:20 pm
by shinnosuke
Just saw this on WSS:
The Fed caught on to the dime game.

Just picked up $500 in dimes to play with and asked for more.

Bank just called and told me the Fed put a halt to ALL coin orders that aren’t for “internal use” at the bank. (close quote)

Anyone else hearing this?

Re: Federal Reserve Cuts Off Sorting

PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 5:52 pm
by coppernickel
Not yet, coin has been very difficult to get for months. I haven't even tried this year.

Re: Federal Reserve Cuts Off Sorting

PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 9:45 pm
by JerrySpringer
Wonder if this means bank tellers will flat out not give you any coins at all unless you run a business. I know when I asked in recent weeks, the banks told me they could only give out maybe $10 worth of nickels. I also seem to notice they were more inquisitive about why I was getting coins but maybe that was random teller interaction.

Re: Federal Reserve Cuts Off Sorting

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 7:21 am
by Morsecode
It sounds like someone at your bank is using "the Fed" as an excuse to stop supplying you with coin. The Fed no more controls who banks give coin to than who they give loans to, or who they give toasters to for opening checking accounts. Now why they are doing that is another thing.

I was told I can order whatever I want, including halves. My fav teller says she 'adds it to her order'; the bank pays a fee for coin delivery. Maybe your bank no longer wants to absorb the extra freight?

Sometimes my coin is not there. She'll say the entire order was shorted. So there are supply chain issues, largely manufactured make-believe excuses, but they're real enough to be disruptive. A friend who works for one of the major armored players tells me their supply depot is overflowing with coin, and that's all he knows.

The Mints are still pumping out the fiat round the clock. There is no actual coin shortage. But there may be some deeper endgame in play.

Re: Federal Reserve Cuts Off Sorting

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 7:57 am
by Cu Penny Hoarder
Morsecode wrote:It sounds like someone at your bank is using "the Fed" as an excuse to stop supplying you with coin. The Fed no more controls who banks give coin to than who they give loans to, or who they give toasters to for opening checking accounts. Now why they are doing that is another thing.

I was told I can order whatever I want, including halves. My fav teller says she 'adds it to her order'; the bank pays a fee for coin delivery. Maybe your bank no longer wants to absorb the extra freight?

Sometimes my coin is not there. She'll say the entire order was shorted. So there are supply chain issues, largely manufactured make-believe excuses, but they're real enough to be disruptive. A friend who works for one of the major armored players tells me their supply depot is overflowing with coin, and that's all he knows.

The Mints are still pumping out the fiat round the clock. There is no actual coin shortage. But there may be some deeper endgame in play.

Great post Morse and I totally agree. Someone at the bank said: "enough is enough". They have even more reason to stop giving you coin if you're not paying an extra fee for those boxes of dimes. The Fed directive is simply a narrative they're all parroting.

I know someone who drives for Brinks. He picks up bags and bags of coins everyday. He told me, there is no coin shortage. There are still BILLIONS of coins being minted every year.

As Morse suggested, there's probably something more nefarious going on behind the scenes. I believe TPTB are conditioning people for a cashless, all digital money system. It will be totally traced and taxed. Anonymity of cash transactions will be a thing of the past. They are starting with coins and working their way up.

Try opening an account at a local credit union instead. They tend to be much more friendly and accommodating. I've had no problem ordering boxes from them, in any amount I want, as long as I pay the $7 premium per box. However, I often get individual rolls for free. Yesterday I stopped by 3 branches and and removed $100 in nickel rolls without paying any premium. Where there's a will, there's a way. 8-)

I'll say it again... get all you can NOW before coinage is gone... especially copper pennies and nickels.

Re: Federal Reserve Cuts Off Sorting

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 8:12 am
by Cu Penny Hoarder
JerrySpringer wrote:Wonder if this means 1. bank tellers will flat out not give you any coins at all unless you run a business. I know when I asked in recent weeks, the 2. banks told me they could only give out maybe $10 worth of nickels. I also seem to notice 3. they were more inquisitive about why I was getting coins but maybe that was random teller interaction.

1. I know for a fact this is happening more and more, especially at the bigger banks like Wells, TD and BoA.

2. If I haven't ordered any boxes, the most rolls I can usually get at one time are $20-30 worth. Yesterday I went to the main branch of my CU and they gave me $50 in nickels, no charge.

3. Some have asked, most don't. My advice is to become as friendly as possible with a teller or multiple tellers. Lie to them if you have to, but never tell them what you're actually doing. The more friendly they are, the easier it is to get what you want (damn, that sounds sneaky and underhanded! - lol).

Re: Federal Reserve Cuts Off Sorting

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 10:55 pm
by Silver4face
All of today's posts are spot on. We simply have to buy as many rolls as we can. I can feel the apocalypse of coins coming fast. I feel like I'm racing against govt removal, which means I'm racing against time.

Re: Federal Reserve Cuts Off Sorting

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 11:19 pm
by NDFarmer
Wasn't it HCBTT that said always bring candy for the tellers and they will look forward to you coming in the door and be more willing to work with you instead of saying "OH NO NOT HIM AGAIN".

Re: Federal Reserve Cuts Off Sorting

PostPosted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 7:15 am
by Cu Penny Hoarder
NDFarmer wrote: Wasn't it HCBTT that said always bring candy for the tellers and they will look forward to you coming in the door and be more willing to work with you instead of saying "OH NO NOT HIM AGAIN".

Absolutely. 100%. Since most tellers are female, I bring them chocolates every once in a while and they always treat me very well. Stay away from male tellers, this candy tactic doesn't work. :P

Also, make sure to hit multiple branches... that way the "oh no, not him again" thought will not happen as often. Always be as patient and friendly as possible.

Re: Federal Reserve Cuts Off Sorting

PostPosted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 7:23 am
by Cu Penny Hoarder
Silver4face wrote:All of today's posts are spot on. We simply have to buy as many rolls as we can. I can feel the apocalypse of coins coming fast. I feel like I'm racing against govt removal, which means I'm racing against time.

Exactly. Gotta get it NOW, especially nickels. Make it a priority, but don't request too much from one branch. Make sure to spread your coin requests evenly among multiple branches. Also, make visits infrequent as possible, say once a month.

Re: Federal Reserve Cuts Off Sorting

PostPosted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 9:50 am
by Treetop
JerrySpringer wrote:Wonder if this means bank tellers will flat out not give you any coins at all unless you run a business.

Nothing was mentioned about the fed or anything like that but this is why I wasnt able to get to much into coin sorting locally. I can get limited stuff the rare times I go into the bigger city over an hour away. Locally though since even before I joined here (but was reading some posts on the old forum) I was never able to get much coin. Since I dont have a business.

Re: Federal Reserve Cuts Off Sorting

PostPosted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 11:09 am
by Doctor Steuss
I haven’t sorted in a loooong spell, but from when I was, I can attest that a box of donuts every third trip resulted in some tellers even saving stuff for me. I once ended up with two rolls of CWR mercs because of this. Also got me on the good side of the managers.

I’d guess that what they blamed on the fed was actually something they had to implement because of their 3rd party carrier. Might be able to set something up with them to buy all of the CWRs. One credit union loved me because I would buy them, and save them from having to crack them open and bag them.

Re: Federal Reserve Cuts Off Sorting

PostPosted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 1:09 pm
by Silver4face
Doctor Steuss wrote:I haven’t sorted in a loooong spell, but from when I was, I can attest that a box of donuts every third trip resulted in some tellers even saving stuff for me. I once ended up with two rolls of CWR mercs because of this. Also got me on the good side of the managers.

I’d guess that what they blamed on the fed was actually something they had to implement because of their 3rd party carrier. Might be able to set something up with them to buy all of the CWRs. One credit union loved me because I would buy them, and save them from having to crack them open and bag them.

Doctor, you should sort NOW even if it's just a little bit because the day is coming when we can't sort anymore. Keep in mind that pennies and nickels will be the first to disappear.