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10K tie clip

PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2023 1:36 pm
by thecrazyone
Along with the earrings, I scored a Speidel 10K gold tie clip. It reads:


It also has 2 small stones on the front. Any suggestions on how to gauge its value? I'm basically just chucking it in a bag with other scrap gold that I find along my path of life, so it's not like I'm looking to flip it and retire :)

Re: 10K tie clip

PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2023 3:08 pm
by thecrazyone
This site had helpful info: ... mall-items

The tie clip weighs 6.9g, and the above site says that 1/20 of that would be 10K gold, so, that is telling me that it is .35g of 10K gold. Sound right? If that's true, looks like its melt/scrap value is about 10 bucks. We'll take it!

Re: 10K tie clip

PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2023 5:30 pm
by Robarons
Be mindful buying goldfilled items. Yes the math does check out but dealers or refiners do not typically buy such items.

Because these items are scrap their ultimate destination would be a refiner, like normal gold or silver scrap. The gold recovery is so low and costs are so high most will not accept such items. It is worth noting that the actual gold parts on these items are on the outside and will get worn down or 'brass' out first so actual content can be much lower.

Did a few 1000 gram lots to with a refiner who did accept items with luke warm results, especially with the work and headaches of acquiring these items and the process itself.

Think the actual market for these items is closer to 50 cents or a $1 a gram. Should try to pay that or less if you can. With that being said goldfilled items are typically higher quality jewelry and can resale for the actual collectable/antique value over the melt.

Re: 10K tie clip

PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2023 5:37 pm
by thecrazyone
Thanks! It's just going in the next gen bin for when I'm gone anyway :)