68Camaro wrote:The weaning of the incompetent or greedy; it has to happen periodically in a market that isn't highly regulated. Any good shop hedges their positions, and only when they fail to do that properly will a problem occur. Though even the careful could get punished over a weekend when hedging is difficult.
Makes sense. Still, it's amazing to me how we've gone from the highest premiums to the lowest premiums, in only 6-7 months.
People are getting destroyed by inflation. Even preppers are being forced to sell their PMs to stay afloat. To me this is a major red flag that PMs will most likely be totally worthless when a SHTF event happens. I think the price will spike during such an event, but afterwards most ppl will not want or care about it. Most ppl in the US today are misinformed idiots and your average idiot is totally apathetic about gold and silver, they'd rather have blipcoins instead.
If you go back and watch and PM Youtube videos from 7 months ago (and 12 years ago) the PM salesmen were all certain the end was nigh... 90% was gone, but now dealers are overflowing with 90% and all other silver products. Most of these guys just want their premiums and are constantly selling fear porn. Entertainment value only.
Diversification is a must; food, water and ammo. When I post a comment about guns or ammo on any Youtube PM channel it gets deleted within seconds.