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My first venture into silver buying
Sun Apr 03, 2011 10:03 pm
by ed_vantage17
Just spent an hour trolling eBay for well priced silver. Net result: 16 dimes (all roosevelt) for $44.10 shipped. Grand total of 6 cents over spot for the whole ball of wax. Feel good so far. Let's see when I get 'em.
Re: My first venture into silver buying
Mon Apr 04, 2011 3:54 pm
by jasmatk
not a bad deal but I would try pawn,coin,and gold buying shops as you will find better deals than ebay most of the time or try the market area on this site.
now that you bought once are you hooked?
Re: My first venture into silver buying
Mon Apr 04, 2011 5:29 pm
by ed_vantage17
I've been fascinated with precious metals since I was a kid. Dunno why. Right now I'm trying to save some cash for a large purchase down the road a bit. I feel if my savings is not 100% liquid I won't be so tempted to spend it on something I don't really need and I can keep my goal. If I make a few bucks along they way, even better.