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Bust at coin show today and dealer unhappy with silver price

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 3:43 pm
by Pennysaved
I went to a local coin show today and did not find any good deals :-(

Usually I can go around and find a dealer who marked the prices a week or more ago and find deals below melt.

Now none of them mark the prices on the coins unless they are the high end ones.

There is one dealer I was able to score deals from 6 months ago that was going on and on about the price of silver and how it is killing coin collecting. It was taking him forever to set his stuff out because he kept going on and on about how he is not going to let anything go below melt and turned all the coins over to hide the price for the ones he didn't get the chance to change the price on to the current melt value.

He was pretty agitated saying that there is no way to keep up and how this run up in precious metals is killing the numismatic market.

Found the whole thing pretty entertaining and interesting :)

Re: Bust at coin show today and dealer unhappy with silver p

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 5:25 pm
by Morsecode
If anything, the run up in metals is bringing more people into coin collecting, not fewer. He's only griping because he can't BUY gem BU '64 Kennedys for $3 and unload them at $15 a pop at previous profit margins.

I went to the Sat flea market and it was elbow room only at the lone coin/bullion booth. People stop to gawk at the high ticket bullion items, then buy a few buffalo nickels or indian cents because they "used to collect them". Some of them will maybe rekindle an old passion. It's all good for coin collecting in the long run.

Re: Bust at coin show today and dealer unhappy with silver p

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 8:49 pm
by jerry278
Morsecode wrote:If anything, the run up in metals is bringing more people into coin collecting, not fewer. He's only griping because he can't BUY gem BU '64 Kennedys for $3 and unload them at $15 a pop at previous profit margins.

I went to the Sat flea market and it was elbow room only at the lone coin/bullion booth. People stop to gawk at the high ticket bullion items, then buy a few buffalo nickels or indian cents because they "used to collect them". Some of them will maybe rekindle an old passion. It's all good for coin collecting in the long run.

Thats funny what you say about people buying buff nicks and indian cents. I know this isnt the nickel thread, but I always wondered what the future held for good old buffalo nickels. If theres a compostion change I am sure they will appreciate, but with the uncertain economy I really couldnt say what the future will hold for 'buffalo nicks.'

Re: Bust at coin show today and dealer unhappy with silver p

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 9:56 pm
by Know Common Cents
I've found that the crabbiest dealers are those who have large display cases of slabbed Anthony and Sacagewa dollars or very, very high end esoteric coins such as PF 67 three cent pieces. The world passes then by with hardly a glance at the shows.

The dealers are ticked because they've become so specialized in what they sell and are mad at themself for not following market trends.

Re: Bust at coin show today and dealer unhappy with silver p

PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 8:15 am
by 97guns
i cant stand dealers with the attitudes. i walked up to a table yesterday where the guy was showing a customer some coins, they werent in a conversation at the moment so i ask if he's buying.

he tells me that he's busy right now and to grab a seat, WTH you cant answer my question without attitude, i mumbled to my buddy screw this guy.

Re: Bust at coin show today and dealer unhappy with silver p

PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 8:41 am
by psi
When I first saw "bust" in the thread title I was thinking it was being used in the law enforcement sense. Seems like sort of a glass half empty type view to see the current market conditions as a hassle rather than a huge profit opportunity, why not just mark the numismatic silver once as spot+x and be done with it?

Re: Bust at coin show today and dealer unhappy with silver p

PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 1:29 pm
by cesariojpn
97guns wrote:i cant stand dealers with the attitudes. i walked up to a table yesterday where the guy was showing a customer some coins, they werent in a conversation at the moment so i ask if he's buying.

he tells me that he's busy right now and to grab a seat, WTH you cant answer my question without attitude, i mumbled to my buddy screw this guy.

Dude, if you came up to me and a clerk and interrupted our business conversation, i'd tell you to sod off. Unless it's a life threatening emergency of some sort, then your actions are rude to both parties involved.

Either wait your turn, or go somewhere else. Seller being understaffed notwithstanding. Pisses me off when i'm at the checkout and someone thinks it's proper to cut in line to ask the clerk if she sell X item. You have two frelling eyes and a brain: USE THEM!! You don't see it after a through search, then guess what: THEY DON'T SELL THEM!!