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Stupid People

PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 8:01 pm
by BamaJoe
So, I'm visiting one of my local dealer buddies today picking out a few things and a bright shiny red Mercedes E Class pulls up to the front door that couldn't have been older than a 2009. A guy comes in carying a box and immediately goes into a story about how he needs to sell this "stuff" because the repoman is looking for his car, he needs $1300 for last months rent and his credit cards are being declined. My friend and I look at each other wondering if he's an escaped mental patient. Turns out that he had 3 100oz bars in the box. The guy said his dad bought them 8 years ago, his dad recently died and want's to see if these bars are worth anything.

I resisted the urge to tell him to let the repoman have the car, move to a cheaper place, cut up the credit cards, and keep the silver, but stayed silent - not wanting to ruin a possible buy for my buddy. He ask the guy what he needs today and the guy says 5k. To be honest I probably would have handed the guy 5k and sent him walking out the door, but he gives him 5700 for the bars.

I guess there's just no hope for some people, they are going to live beyond their means until the bitter end.

Re: Stupid People

PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 8:11 pm
by Rodebaugh
your buddy is a good man for giving ol' El stupido such a fair deal on his fire sale.

Who knows TSHTF may have been happening in this man's life? lost job, divorce, ect..... Still no reason to live beyond ones means.

Live by plastic.....die by plastic. :(

Re: Stupid People

PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 8:39 pm
by rickygee
Ya know, I hope I would have had the character your buddy showed and you too, for that matter, for remaining silent. Good on y'all. Might have given the joker a new start...well, maybe, kinda. What's an E class worth? :lol:

Re: Stupid People

PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 2:53 am
by slickeast
rickygee wrote:Ya know, I hope I would have had the character your buddy showed and you too, for that matter, for remaining silent. Good on y'all. Might have given the joker a new start...well, maybe, kinda. What's an E class worth? :lol:

$50,000 and up. The repair bills are rough too!!!

Re: Stupid People

PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 3:08 am
by cesariojpn
Heck, doing up an older Mercedes is abit of a rough gamble as well.

Re: Stupid People

PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 7:24 am
by misteroman
Just sold a 300sd for a guy last week and he told me he had paid 70k+for it in 92 :o Couldn't believe it. Heck new Vettes were only$30k then