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more spooky news, Ampex wants to buy your ASE's at 3 over.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:52 pm
by neilgin1
How generous kind and thoughtful of them: ... -over-spot

Re: more spooky news, Ampex wants to buy your ASE's at 3 ove

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:19 pm
by RxForPain
When a major supplier hits up its customers you know the pot is starting to boil. Hold what you have and hang on. I would suggest that you do not give up any physical metal you own. I am betting they are trying to flush as many holders as possible before this really takes off.

Re: more spooky news, Ampex wants to buy your ASE's at 3 ove

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 6:47 am
by Diggin4copper
Anyone check Tulving? He will give 750 in 90% for a monster box of ASEs That's 36.25 Ounces Of Silver For FREE
Or $1,631 In FREE Silver (Based On Spot Of $45.00) 3.26 premium over spot for ship both ways..

Re: more spooky news, Ampex wants to buy your ASE's at 3 ove

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 7:25 am
by BullionStar
I hadn't been paying particularly close attention to premiums on ASE's but a quick look on is showing premiums of $7 + on some ASE's at auction.

Agree with RxForPain, the pot is starting to boil.

Re: more spooky news, Ampex wants to buy your ASE's at 3 ove

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 7:29 am
by shinnosuke
BullionStar wrote:I hadn't been paying particularly close attention to premiums on ASE's but a quick look on is showing premiums of $7 + on some ASE's at auction.

Agree with RxForPain, the pot is starting to boil.

Why is the last word of that link "Chinese"? Just wondering...

Re: more spooky news, Ampex wants to buy your ASE's at 3 ove

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 7:30 am
by IdahoCopper
Diggin4copper wrote:Anyone check Tulving? He will give 750 in 90% for a monster box of ASEs That's 36.25 Ounces Of Silver For FREE
Or $1,631 In FREE Silver (Based On Spot Of $45.00) 3.26 premium over spot for ship both ways..

Keep your ASEs. The 90% junk is probably 15% light from wear on the coins.

If the 90% is 13.862% light, you're only getting 500.07 oz

Re: more spooky news, Ampex wants to buy your ASE's at 3 ove

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 7:52 am
by AGCoinHunter
Screw APMEX. Their ATB distribution still pisses me off.

Re: more spooky news, Ampex wants to buy your ASE's at 3 ove

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 8:44 am
by DJS
Interesting read and take on things. ... 42511.html

Re: more spooky news, Ampex wants to buy your ASE's at 3 ove

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 9:22 am
by whatsnext
DJS wrote:Interesting read and take on things. ... 42511.html

The guy he is mainly talking about is bob chapman. He says alot of complete unfactual madeup rumor garbage and sells it by subscription. What about those bank holidays we were supposed to have? Gold plated bars he covered like he knew insiders and stuff I have forgotten. I cant believe people listen to that guy anymore. He is boring also.

Re: more spooky news, Ampex wants to buy your ASE's at 3 ove

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 9:54 am
by beauanderos
DJS wrote:Interesting read and take on things. ... 42511.html

Sobering assessment of the "real" state of silver affairs, if you're open to listening to an opinion contrary to those silver bugs hold dear. He punches holes in assumptions of drivers of the silver market which have assisted in its current rise, which, if true, would bolster his assertion that silver is overpriced and long overdue to correct to much lower levels. Not easy to dismiss, could be he's right... but I hope he's not. I still think the preponderance of evidence is supportive of a buy and hold mentality for physical silver in light of the precarious state of the economy and the ominous threat of hyperinflation. Whether the current price of silver is reflective of it's real value is open to debate, and on that topic people vote with their wallets. We all await the results. The votes are being tallied day to day, but the election won't be final for a few more years.

Re: more spooky news, Ampex wants to buy your ASE's at 3 ove

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:09 am
by DJS
beauanderos wrote:
DJS wrote:Interesting read and take on things. ... 42511.html

Sobering assessment of the "real" state of silver affairs, if you're open to listening to an opinion contrary to those silver bugs hold dear. He punches holes in assumptions of drivers of the silver market which have assisted in its current rise, which, if true, would bolster his assertion that silver is overpriced and long overdue to correct to much lower levels. Not easy to dismiss, could be he's right... but I hope he's not. I still think the preponderance of evidence is supportive of a buy and hold mentality for physical silver in light of the precarious state of the economy and the ominous threat of hyperinflation. Whether the current price of silver is reflective of it's real value is open to debate, and on that topic people vote with their wallets. We all await the results. The votes are being tallied day to day, but the election won't be final for a few more years.

I agree that it is an interesting, and possibly factual, take on things. Those that lean too far one way or the other may not want to be open to what he is saying. I am not saying he is right or wrong, but he brings up some very valid points. The fact is that none of us know how much silver, gold, etc. is actually in the ground as all we have to go by are "reports, etc." that are published for our viewing pleasure. We could be out or have an overabundance, but we will only be told or allowed to see what the people running this show want us too.
I believe another point to all of this is what are your goals, to make some money, or to hedge your bets against a dollar collapse and bad times. Depending on your goals, this will drive how/when you hold/sell.

Re: more spooky news, Ampex wants to buy your ASE's at 3 ove

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:25 am
by inflationhawk
My goal is to protect my purchasing power over time by owning precious metals. When the price of one precious metal suddenly outperforms the others by huge proportions, you have to reconsider continuing to hold the appreciated metal (i.e. Silver in this case). I can still meet my goal of protecting my purchasing power over time by buying gold. I could sell my silver, buy gold and be far better off than I was a year or two ago. I have now inadvertently not only achieved my goal, but exceeded it.

Re: more spooky news, Ampex wants to buy your ASE's at 3 ove

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:26 am
by inflationhawk
Not to say I've done this...yet, I just continue to argue with myself :)

Re: more spooky news, Ampex wants to buy your ASE's at 3 ove

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:22 am
by whatsnext
The article writer is right b/c he knows just like every rising star the masses get wind of it draws in the flippers who have no interest but to buy, hold and flip like a stock.
Silver will do well even for holders b/c they are looking at future possibilities. In the short term yes he is right. Will it top/bubble a few more times? yes

A holder could do better b/c they sell when they want something other than money for moneys sake.
Singing to the chorus as all this is.

Re: more spooky news, Ampex wants to buy your ASE's at 3 ove

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:45 am
by neilgin1
Ray, what you wrote above:

" I still think the preponderance of evidence is supportive of a buy and hold mentality for physical silver in light of the precarious state of the economy and the ominous threat of hyperinflation."

says it all....."preponderance of evidence".......

when one views the preponderance of evidence, in a clear eyed, DISPASSIONATE stance, "buy and hold mentality" is the only stance to take. The currency, FRN's is wrecked, there is NOTHING that be can done to "fix" it, and in light of that truth, silver is vastly undervalued.

just one example, as long as the price of gasoline maintains a price of $4 a gallon, this itself serves as a de facto massive tax increase, being heaped atop an economy that is so fragile, you have folks lining up for jobs at McDonalds. $4 gas is killing a "recovery" that is a recovery in name only, its a farce, its a lie. and the whole thing is not a "left-wing/right thing" issue. all that bs rhetoric does is to have regular folk going at one another for that last little cookie on the table, just distract the regular folk by dividing them, having them fight amongst themselves, thats why we have this national joke of "Fox versus MSNBC" going on, garbage posing as "news", when its really just TV theater, screaming and vitrol as opposed to thoughtful discourse, interspersed with commercial airtime selling junk.

its not a "left/right thing"...its a "water thing", meaning who CARRIES THE WATER?........oil concerns, intelligence think tanks, banking concerns, weapons systems manufacturer's, 750 to a 1000 overseas bases, an unholy conglomerate of such vast proportions, sucking the life out of this country, and sucking the life out of the world, because these "democracy" riots aflame in the Arab world having nothing to do with freedom, they're f###ing FOOD riots, but the "media" doesnt have the stones to TELL TRUTH, because there is no man made institution today, that is about TRUTH. Liars, power hungry thieves, and lovers of money, the whole lot of them, and the only way, regular folk, like ourselves, can resist, is to adopt the mindset of a coyote, as opposed to the hapless sheep, being readied for the slaughter.

and a coyote's are adroitly opportunistic, which means yes, buying and holding silver, so that when the truth is sprung upon the sheep, meaning all the lies that were fed to the poor sheep like milk, are exposed as lies, the coyote have their cache of supplies safely stocked away, to survive and thrive amongst the wreckage of a dying world.

Brothers, dont buy into the lies of the "left/right" hatefest being fed to you by circus clowns and grocery clerks that can perform well in front of camera. The Glenn Becks, Rachel Maddows, Ann Coulters and Wolf Blitzer's out there, going thru their antics are just well paid hirelings, all joined at the hip, to fool us all by dividing us over that one last cookie.

Silver is my form of resistance, its not something i "believe" in, or "trust" in. i believe in God, and trust God only, silver is but a tool for us to utilize.

my apologies for seeming to climb on a soapbox, i just feel rather strongly about what is happening to the beautiful country of my birth. When you love something, or somebody so strong and you see them going wrong, you have to speak truth.

so yes, silver is VASTLY undervalued, take todays "spot" (lol) price, stick another zero at the end, and thats its true value.

keep hoarding, and as your soul feels fit, believe God, neil

Re: more spooky news, Ampex wants to buy your ASE's at 3 ove

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 12:39 pm
by neilgin1
I just read Bob Moriarty's piece.

i understand full and well, the market danger posed by a 90% plus bullish consensus, but what he is refusing to acknowledge is the fact, that we are at Peak Oil, and have been for a few years now.

you might ask, "what the hell does peak oil, or the price of petroleum have to do with the price of silver"?

Everything in the world, because everything in the world is so interconnected with petroleum, and frankly, this commodity is irreplacable, there is no substitute for it, and the population hyperspike of the 20th century was only made possible
by the availiability of crude oil and its thousands of life giving applications.

....and now that it's availibility has been halved, SOMETHING has to give. Growth is not infinite, and every economic model is predicated on that falsehood, and Moriarty seems to not recognize this, Many people dont want to recognize the hole we've dug ourselves into, because to comtemplate the alternative is too terrifying a prospect for folks to deal with....and that alternative, is collapse and die-off.

So he can rant and ring forth about "permabulls", not recognizing that some who hoard silver, aint just hoarding silver.

when that bear starts coming after the lot of us campers, i dont have to be the fastest camper, just faster than the slowest, thats all.

Re: more spooky news, Ampex wants to buy your ASE's at 3 ove

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 12:51 pm
by beauanderos
both prior posts... "well said, Neil... well said!" ;)

Re: more spooky news, Ampex wants to buy your ASE's at 3 ove

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 12:55 pm
by inflationhawk
There has been dramatic increases on silver prices specifically, so we can't use a generic precious metals argument about the debasement of the dollar. There must be something specific to silver to justify this.