Prediction: Silver to sub $40 by friday 4/29

-Ben Bernanke's speech is going to be spun POSITIVELY by mainstream media, making average joe investors dump their SLV to invest in the 'recovering' US economy, temporarily driving spot down
-Mainstream media talking about silver corrections much more than silver increase.. average paper silver holders likely to dump more this week
-Silver has increased WAY too fast. Not saying we won't have $50-$60 silver, but it needs to happen next fall, not next week.
-Enormous speculation on silver leaves deep downside and smaller upside
I think we will get down to high 30's, 40 or so, and then slowly move back up. I see the dollar taking a slight increase this week, but overall, long run, bearish on the dollar, bullish on commodities. At the end of the day, physical silver investors make up a very SMALL percentage of the market. We hear of our friends and family buying silver and talking about silver.. but all that demand isn't a lot compared to the industrial uses of silver, which hasn't risen that much. YES PM;s will keep going up.. but I plan on taking advantage of this correction.
That being said.. I'm selling everything I have tomorrow morning!
Anyone care to talk me out of it? The way I see it, I can dump about 250 ounces tomorrow morning, and then buy 290 ounces or so in a week or two for about the same price.
PS, I'm still long term bullish on silver.. i just have a local coin shop that will pay me a very generous amount.. +$2 on eagles, almost 36 on morgans right now, etc.. so that makes my stack very liquid, allowing me to get in and out quickly
-Ben Bernanke's speech is going to be spun POSITIVELY by mainstream media, making average joe investors dump their SLV to invest in the 'recovering' US economy, temporarily driving spot down
-Mainstream media talking about silver corrections much more than silver increase.. average paper silver holders likely to dump more this week
-Silver has increased WAY too fast. Not saying we won't have $50-$60 silver, but it needs to happen next fall, not next week.
-Enormous speculation on silver leaves deep downside and smaller upside
I think we will get down to high 30's, 40 or so, and then slowly move back up. I see the dollar taking a slight increase this week, but overall, long run, bearish on the dollar, bullish on commodities. At the end of the day, physical silver investors make up a very SMALL percentage of the market. We hear of our friends and family buying silver and talking about silver.. but all that demand isn't a lot compared to the industrial uses of silver, which hasn't risen that much. YES PM;s will keep going up.. but I plan on taking advantage of this correction.
That being said.. I'm selling everything I have tomorrow morning!
Anyone care to talk me out of it? The way I see it, I can dump about 250 ounces tomorrow morning, and then buy 290 ounces or so in a week or two for about the same price.
PS, I'm still long term bullish on silver.. i just have a local coin shop that will pay me a very generous amount.. +$2 on eagles, almost 36 on morgans right now, etc.. so that makes my stack very liquid, allowing me to get in and out quickly