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Seems like everyone is looking for silver
Fri Apr 29, 2011 1:38 pm
by Pennysaved
I was at the grocery store yesterday and paid the cashier $10 in halves and he asked me if any of them were silver (like I would knowingly hand someone silver at face haha).
I asked him if he finds them often and he said from time to time; I asked him if he sells but he said he was a collector and just holds onto them.
Then at a bank, I got some halves from the teller and she sensed I was asking for them to look for silver. She then told me that she always has better luck finding silver dimes than halves.
Re: Seems like everyone is looking for silver
Fri Apr 29, 2011 1:39 pm
by DJS
I have a bank that I use as a dump for searched dimes and was told the other day that there are now 3 others doing what I am doing. It is only going to get worse.
Re: Seems like everyone is looking for silver
Sun May 01, 2011 3:13 am
by BullionStar
This may be a stupid idea, but would it be possible to see some kind of thread or poll, page where all you sorters can post their hit rates so over time we could see a plot of the strike rates. We could smooth the results and it might provide a useful resource for the rest?
Re: Seems like everyone is looking for silver
Sun May 01, 2011 10:15 am
by beauanderos
BullionStar wrote:This may be a stupid idea, but would it be possible to see some kind of thread or poll, page where all you sorters can post their hit rates so over time we could see a plot of the strike rates. We could smooth the results and it might provide a useful resource for the rest?
Country administers threads in the tracking section that addresses this idea. We are all going to experience a drop-off of our "hits" due to reasons already cited here and in other threads, no need to repeat them. What you may not have considered, however, is that your "take" is probably the same. In a time frame when your silver finds have decreased by two thirds, but silver has tripled in value... you're still in the same place value wise.
Re: Seems like everyone is looking for silver
Sun May 01, 2011 10:46 am
by Gamecock
i returned $110 in halves yesterday and one of the other tellers came running over and bought all of them from the teller i gave them to. then he started rim searching right away.
Re: Seems like everyone is looking for silver
Sun May 01, 2011 11:04 am
by McDuck
I gave up on prospecting for silver back in late 2008. I got tired of getting skunked and being told that I was the 4th or 5th person to ask for halves that day.
I prefer buying bricks of cents and getting looked at like I'm a madman instead.
Re: Seems like everyone is looking for silver
Sun May 01, 2011 1:13 pm
by Country
Even if your SILVER searching yields are diminished, I still relish finding even a few SILVERs in my searching. It's still fun to find the last of the SILVER coins for face. Actually, at around $50 SILVER, it's remarkable that we still find them at all. I rarely find any CWR halves (clads or otherwise) when I go to my local banks - too many people asking for them nowadays. The only real way I get SILVER halves is order boxes at my source bank. Dimes are a waste of time in my area, I get 1 SILVER dime every $1000 of dimes. If your SILVER searching is down, get some boxes of pennies to cheer you up. COPPER sorting is still good in most places.