Country wrote:What happened on Friday? It appears that PM money managers were allocating away from SILVER and buying GOLD with the proceeds. Could this be start of a trend whereby GOLD outperforms SILVER? I do believe as long as GOLD moves higher, SILVER will not fall, but will follow along like it used to when GOLD outperformed prior to the fall of 2010.
They probably felt, as do many, that silver has made a significant rise in the past several months and is overdue for a pullback. They are locking in profits, and parking them in gold, which is "safe" and which may be due to rally itself as silver corrects and/or consolidates. I also think that gold, being a vastly larger market than silver, is not as easy to cap price rises. As the public perception fastens on gold it may be the next beneficiary of depreciating dollar dismay, but silver will have it's turn again.