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looking to buy the dip

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2011 5:01 am
by Tantalar
I have maybe about $500. I have coins but now I want bullion. I don't care if its ugly. Wheres the best place to get it at or around spot? Ebay tends to keep the price up. Is there anywhere I can get it online for close to the spot price or will they all be the same? I can't go to any local coin shop or pawn shop. I want bars or rounds since I don't have any (i have a medium sized pile of pre 1964 coins)

Re: looking to buy the dip

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2011 8:45 am
by 97guns
ive picked up 65 oz so far on this dip, most recent came last night. a roll of eagles for $44.13 a pop, for $1 more i was able to get eagles over generic so for $20 it was a no brainer.

Re: looking to buy the dip

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 2:10 pm
by moneydog
Tantalar wrote:I have maybe about $500. I have coins but now I want bullion. I don't care if its ugly. Wheres the best place to get it at or around spot? Ebay tends to keep the price up. Is there anywhere I can get it online for close to the spot price or will they all be the same? I can't go to any local coin shop or pawn shop. I want bars or rounds since I don't have any (i have a medium sized pile of pre 1964 coins)

check bullion direct nucleo exchange ive used its pretty good :)

Re: looking to buy the dip

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 2:25 pm
by Nickelmeister

Re: looking to buy the dip

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 4:47 pm
by Investin Cents
T - what do you mean when you say
I can't go to any local coin shop or pawn shop.

You don't have any near you? You don't know of any near you? You won't go to to ones you do know for whatever reason?

Just curious. I had to find a few shops well away from me to find the good deals. Look for local coin or numismatic clubs near you or coin shows and find out who has the best deals there.

Other than that the members here have good offers. I don't do "fee-bay" - at least not yet! Good luck! :D