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Received an offer for 10% eBay Bucks

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 12:51 am
by TwoAndAHalfCents
I have been following for a while and I often see topics posted for special deals that are out there for those of us buying silver. My preference has always been to accumulate junk US silver that I find on eBay. It was a pleasant surprise to receive an email from eBay with the subject "Earn 10% plus a bonus $5 in eBay Bucks". Maybe some of you have also heard of this one but I thought I would share it anyway.

Here is the information from the email:

"Discover Internet Explorer 9 for Windows 7 to earn 10% in eBay Bucks on every qualifying purchase. Plus, earn an additional $5 in eBay Bucks on your first qualifying purchase. Offer ends May 18." ... camp=bucks

The big drop in the price of silver plus a chance to get back an extra 10% has led me to doing some very serious buying of 90% silver coins on the recent price dips like today.