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Safe Deposit box in a bank. safe?

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 2:33 pm
by hejira11
My friends and Parents have been after me to get a safe deposit box at a bank. I don't trust banks after reading about the "Bank Holiday" that took place in the past. I don't believe anything will be taken away by the government (per se), but I do not want my access to my PM's cut off when I may need them most. Am I so far behind I think I'm first?

Re: Safe Deposit box in a bank. safe?

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 2:44 pm
by shinnosuke
Here is the new and improved version of a safe deposit box:
1 shovel
1 available piece of ground

Mix shovel with ground until a hole of sufficient size has been created to hold PMs. Insert PMs. Cover PMs with dirt that came out of hole. Best when performed out of sight of other humanoids and troglodytes.

I recommend 3-4" PVC pipe with the solid caps (not the type that have screw in plugs) attached on each end with PVC cleaner and glue.

Re: Safe Deposit box in a bank. safe?

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 2:47 pm
by hejira11
shinnosuke wrote:Here is the new and improved version of a safe deposit box:
1 shovel
1 available piece of ground

Mix shovel with ground until a hole of sufficient size has been created to hold PMs. Insert PMs. Cover PMs with dirt that came out of hole. Best when performed out of sight of other humanoids and troglodytes.

I recomment 3-4" PVC pipe with the solid caps (not the type that have screw in plugs) attached on each end with PVC cleaner and glue.

:lol: I laughed, but only because it was most likely true.

Re: Safe Deposit box in a bank. safe?

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 2:49 pm
by kidman232
i say you create a false floor board or wall to stash your metals behind

Re: Safe Deposit box in a bank. safe?

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 2:59 pm
by ffej
For a long time I used a old pos Vacum cleaner...the last thing my wife (ex) would touch ( well ,besides me ) and a theif would steal was a old beat up vacum that was missing a half it's cord. I used that for years and the ex Mrs. ffej never knew. I kept it in the shop in plain view..... :-)

Re: Safe Deposit box in a bank. safe?

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 3:04 pm
by brian0918
ffej wrote:For a long time I used a old pos Vacum cleaner...the last thing my wife (ex) would touch ( well ,besides me ) and a theif would steal was a old beat up vacum that was missing a half it's cord. I used that for years and the ex Mrs. ffej never knew. I kept it in the shop in plain view..... :-)

That's fine and dandy until you're at work one day and the missus decides to do some spring cleaning and throws it out.... "That old thing weighed a TON!"

Re: Safe Deposit box in a bank. safe?

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 3:08 pm
by ffej
brian0918 wrote:
ffej wrote:For a long time I used a old pos Vacum cleaner...the last thing my wife (ex) would touch ( well ,besides me ) and a theif would steal was a old beat up vacum that was missing a half it's cord. I used that for years and the ex Mrs. ffej never knew. I kept it in the shop in plain view..... :-)

That's fine and dandy until you're at work one day and the missus decides to do some spring cleaning and throws it out.... "That old thing weighed a TON!"

Well there was a rule...Don't clean my shop, I won't clean your shoe closet. :D

Re: Safe Deposit box in a bank. safe?

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 3:28 pm
by Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay
hejira11 wrote:My friends and Parents have been after me to get a safe deposit box at a bank. I don't trust banks after reading about the "Bank Holiday" that took place in the past. I don't believe anything will be taken away by the government (per se), but I do not want my access to my PM's cut off when I may need them most. Am I so far behind I think I'm first?

Yes, banks can be closed when you need your money the most. Don't forget the Fed's opening safety deposit boxes in 1933 by order of FDR. They exchanged gold coins for FRN's and it was all legal. They can do it again with your other bullion too.

The better you hide your hoard, the longer you will keep it. Too many people know what you have. That is bad. Why do your friends know about this? :o You broke the first rule of PM's. Loose lips will get you killed. (It has happened in the city I live in)

Set up a dummy safe and keep an assortment of coins in it. Then, hide a small safe where no one can find it. Keep your best stuff there.

Or, you an hide it in an isolated hole in the ground. That will work well until a guy with a metal detector comes along. :shock:

Re: Safe Deposit box in a bank. safe?

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 3:40 pm
by Country
Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay wrote:
hejira11 wrote:My friends and Parents have been after me to get a safe deposit box at a bank. I don't trust banks after reading about the "Bank Holiday" that took place in the past. I don't believe anything will be taken away by the government (per se), but I do not want my access to my PM's cut off when I may need them most. Am I so far behind I think I'm first?

Or, you an hide it in an isolated hole in the ground. That will work well until a guy with a metal detector comes along. :shock:

I always wondered what was the best way to hide a big hoard in the ground so that the metal detectors couldn't find it ??? :?

Re: Safe Deposit box in a bank. safe?

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 4:05 pm
by theo
Country wrote:
Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay wrote:
hejira11 wrote:My friends and Parents have been after me to get a safe deposit box at a bank. I don't trust banks after reading about the "Bank Holiday" that took place in the past. I don't believe anything will be taken away by the government (per se), but I do not want my access to my PM's cut off when I may need them most. Am I so far behind I think I'm first?

Or, you an hide it in an isolated hole in the ground. That will work well until a guy with a metal detector comes along. :shock:

I always wondered what was the best way to hide a big hoard in the ground so that the metal detectors couldn't find it ??? :?

Bury it a little deeper than normal and bury some pop cans and/or other scrap metal right above it.

Re: Safe Deposit box in a bank. safe?

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 4:33 pm
by henrysmedford
Not at this bank in my town. You are on your own the bank insurance does not cover you. I have heard that the bank paid off the losses to keep it on the QT. There has been no follow up after this story broke.
'Caper' at Chase bank was like Redding case
Burglars got in bank shortly after remodel
By Anita Burke
Mail Tribune
August 27, 2009 2:00 AM
The burglary of a Chase bank vault in south Medford this summer echoes a sophisticated break-in at a
Redding bank five years ago, investigators said.
Bank employees arriving to open the bank at 81 E. Stewart Ave. on Monday, July 20, found that the
vault had been breached over the weekend and items had been taken from safe deposit boxes, Medford
police Detective Sgt. Mike Budreau said. "Somebody had to know the bank and its premises pretty
well," he said, noting that the bank has a complete security system including cameras. The security
cameras didn't show the inside of the vault, though.
The branch, a former Washington Mutual outlet, had undergone some remodeling — including a new
carpet, paint and furniture during the spring — to prepare it for reopening as a Chase branch on June 1,
said Darcy Donahoe-Wilmot, a Seattle-based spokeswoman for Chase. JPMorgan Chase bought
Washington Mutual last year.
Noting that bank burglaries are far rarer than bank robberies, investigators from the Medford police,
Oregon State Police and the FBI sought out other unusual burglaries at banks.
"We've searched other agencies' cases," Budreau said. "Redding's case has a lot of similarities."
In May 2004 in Redding, burglars apparently slipped into a Bank of America branch on Hilltop Drive
through a rooftop access door and chiseled their way into a concrete vault, the Redding Record
Searchlight reported at the time.
According to Record Searchlight archives, investigators suspected that the thieves might have spent
more than a month cracking through the concrete into the vault. An alarm on the vault was tripped
during the night numerous times in the five weeks before the crime was discovered, police told the
Redding paper at the time.
Each time, officers found the bank's doors and windows secure. However, they never checked the roof,
news accounts reported.
When bank employees arrived one Monday morning in mid-May and couldn't open the vault, they
blamed a mechanical malfunction of the security system. After almost two days of trying to open the
vault, the bank brought in its own security specialists to drill it open and discovered items strewn about
The Bank of America branch had been remodeled just before the burglary, and investigators from the
Redding police and FBI interviewed bank employees, painters and air-conditioning maintenance crews
and other workers who might have been at the bank. Rewards were offered for information about the
case, but it went unsolved. ... =/200908...
1 of 2 5/13/11 2:27 PM
Budreau said he believed the statute of limitations on prosecuting the California case expired this
Redding police didn't return calls about the case this week.
Medford investigators had remained mum about the details of the Chase break-in, declining until this
week to even disclose details about what was targeted or taken in the burglary, which they called
substantial and sophisticated.
They had described the crime as "quite a caper," and "the stuff movies are made of."
Details about how the vault was entered still haven't been released. Neither was the total estimated
value of the thieves' haul, although Budreau said police were working with people who had leased safe
deposit boxes and lost valuables.
Donahoe-Wilmot said the bank was assisting clients so they could make insurance claims. Federal
deposit insurance doesn't cover items stored in safe deposit boxes. Experts quoted at
recommend adding endorsements or "personal-articles floaters" to homeowners' insurance policies to
guarantee that items stored in safe deposit boxes are protected.
Reach reporter Anita Burke at 776-4485, or e-mail ... =/200908...
2 of 2 5/13/11 2:27 PM

Re: Safe Deposit box in a bank. safe?

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 9:32 pm
by hejira11
Henry it sounds like JP Morgan might be desperate for some Au and Ag. Thank you everyone for your insights on this. 6 people know about my hoard. My parents, brother, a widowed aunt and uncle, and my best friend. NONE know EXACTLY where it is, only that it exists. With the exception of my brother, each of them are "financially independant" as the world currently defines it.

I worry that if TSHTF or I die, i want my parents and brother to have immediate access to some. My parents have 45 ounces of my stash and my brother knows where an alloted 35 ounces are for him (if TSHTF.) The rest is being "divided and hided" :lol: and with the current "sale" I'm still stacking!!!

Thanks again to everyone that responded.

Re: Safe Deposit box in a bank. safe?

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 9:41 pm
by RxForPain
I recommend that you don't keep everything in one place. Split up what you have into at least 3-4 locations.

Re: Safe Deposit box in a bank. safe?

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 9:48 pm
by TXTim
Pick up a junk hot water heater on the curb.
Modify it, fake pipe it up in a garage corner.
I thought that up a while ago and hope to do it one day if I need it.

Re: Safe Deposit box in a bank. safe?

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 10:00 pm
by shinnosuke
Country wrote:
Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay wrote:
hejira11 wrote:My friends and Parents have been after me to get a safe deposit box at a bank. I don't trust banks after reading about the "Bank Holiday" that took place in the past. I don't believe anything will be taken away by the government (per se), but I do not want my access to my PM's cut off when I may need them most. Am I so far behind I think I'm first?

Or, you an hide it in an isolated hole in the ground. That will work well until a guy with a metal detector comes along. :shock:

I always wondered what was the best way to hide a big hoard in the ground so that the metal detectors couldn't find it ??? :?

First, I am going to assume that you didn't bury the PMs on land belonging to the person operating said metal detector. So if you see someone randomly snooping around your property with a metal detector, I think the sound of you chambering a 12 guage should do the trick. :lol:

Re: Safe Deposit box in a bank. safe?

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 10:45 pm
by Verbane
TXTim wrote:Pick up a junk hot water heater on the curb.
Modify it, fake pipe it up in a garage corner.
I thought that up a while ago and hope to do it one day if I need it.

Confucius say... If you don't hold it, you don't own it.
A few ideas:
False circuit breaker box with breakers and wires in place in the basement or Garage.
Inside a Walmart frozen spinach box at the bottom of the freezer.
False air vent in the bathroom, assuming you have a forced air system.
False Ceiling light with burnt out bulb, above the ceiling drywall, not in the light its self.
The hollow space under the washing machine, well packaged so it doesn't jingle during the spin cycle.

Think outside the box..., especially outside the Unsafe Deposit Box.

Re: Safe Deposit box in a bank. safe?

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 11:45 pm
by NickelExpress
Take one 1000oz bar, toss it around the garden for 20 minutes, wipe clean...use as a door stop for whatever room in the house you keep warned after stubbing your toe on it 3 or 4 times you want to toss it in the garbage. Depending on size of horde, could always rent a jack hammer, and put a ton of it under your foundation...your only a few sledge hammer hits away from it..wouldnt even cost proof..crackhead proof and probably professional thief proof too. Inside the cat liter box (not the fresh boxes). Under the compost pile..someplace no one will ever look even if they thought you had the crown jewels.

Re: Safe Deposit box in a bank. safe?

PostPosted: Sat May 14, 2011 1:55 am
by cesariojpn
NickelExpress wrote:Take one 1000oz bar, toss it around the garden for 20 minutes, wipe clean...use as a door stop for whatever room in the house you keep warned after stubbing your toe on it 3 or 4 times you want to toss it in the garbage. Depending on size of horde, could always rent a jack hammer, and put a ton of it under your foundation...your only a few sledge hammer hits away from it..wouldnt even cost proof..crackhead proof and probably professional thief proof too. Inside the cat liter box (not the fresh boxes). Under the compost pile..someplace no one will ever look even if they thought you had the crown jewels.

Speaking of 1000 oz bars, don't keep it with lead bars, lest this happens (Go and start about 29-30 minutes in).

Re: Safe Deposit box in a bank. safe?

PostPosted: Sat May 14, 2011 7:45 am
by Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay
hejira11 wrote:Henry it sounds like JP Morgan might be desperate for some Au and Ag. Thank you everyone for your insights on this. 6 people know about my hoard. My parents, brother, a widowed aunt and uncle, and my best friend. NONE know EXACTLY where it is, only that it exists. With the exception of my brother, each of them are "financially independant" as the world currently defines it.

I worry that if TSHTF or I die, i want my parents and brother to have immediate access to some. My parents have 45 ounces of my stash and my brother knows where an alloted 35 ounces are for him (if TSHTF.) The rest is being "divided and hided" :lol: and with the current "sale" I'm still stacking!!!

Thanks again to everyone that responded.

Okay, that is not as bad as it first sounded. I got the impression a lot of people knew about your hoard.

It is time to move mine. My son-in-law has a big mouth and has tried to watch the combination when I open the good safe.