Has anyone used those bid sites?

I know, not a very descriptive title but I mean the ones where you buy x amounts of bids for x amounts of dollars. Beezid is one that is advertised on TV. Kinda bored tonight and was surfing around and saw a link to bidzillion linked on Coinflation. They actually have a gold/silver category. Looks like Credit Suisse 5 gram gold bars and the 4 toz "$100 bill" bars were all they had listed. Perhaps a chance to pick up some nice bullion really cheap? I really have no idea how these sites work but call me intrigued. Was wondering if anyone had any experience with these sites. I'm sure there are a ton of them out there. Any input would be nice. I may just take the plunge and of course I would post results. Maybe two more beers before I lose all skepticism and say what the H 
Edit: Penny auctions, I think they are called, reserching now

Edit: Penny auctions, I think they are called, reserching now