Turd is good - not perfect, but sure a fun read.
Yes, I did buy a few ASE's today from a local dealer at a LOW premium on his advice - so that's my BTFD action - or as he also calls it, a FUBM move

I'll follow him cause he seems honest, the advice is free, he advocates keeping your physical PM's and tells it like it is about the shyster bankers, CEO's, politicians, etc.
Slightly off-topic (ok, it's related to the "shysters" comment above) - does anyone want to strangle the slime-balls selling the crap on HSN? My wife and I just saw the snake-oil salemen hawking the AG and AU William and Catherine Wedding coins for a 50% mark-up over Apmex and the Royal Mint. Now they are hawking the gold-plated state quarters. These guys have no soul - preying on the febble-minded old folks, the un-educated, etc.
My aunt bought some of those plated state quarters - she was so proud and asked me what I thought. I said they were junk. She asked if she sould keep them - I said no. She told me she was going to send them back.
Sorry about that rant! Felt good to unload it!