The paint would just burn off, and for such a small piece, it would not matter. If for some reason there was a lot of extra material (paint, varnish, glue, etc) then a pre-clean would pay dividends. I once got in a large lot of knock-off SAEs that had a thick layer of varnish over paint on one side of the round. I don't know why anyone would do that, but it was a real pain getting that crap off before I melted them down.
The gold plating would not even show up on the assay unless the whole piece was thickly electroplated. But, from what I am assuming about the piece, whatever minuscule amount of gold that is on there will not affect a remelt. If it came into my shop, then I would not use it as raw material for the bullion, but I would use it to bring up the purity of low grade scrap... makes it easier to refine when the purity is higher (thus the larger discount to spot for war nickels and 40% Half Dollars)
Anyways, sounds like a nice little honey hole that you found there. Make sure you walk out heavier than you walked in. Get rid of that paper and get some real money

Brick and mortar shop: buy, sell, and trade anything precious- coins, bullion, scrap, jewelry, gems, etc.
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