Silver is still a monster bull market

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Silver is still a monster bull market

Postby neilgin1 » Thu Jun 09, 2011 3:46 am

forgive me for stating the obvious, but absolutely NOTHING has changed, except know we know, the lengths that exchanges will go to, to stymie longs, and guys who want to stand for delivery.

believe me, i'm not cheerleading, in fact, i wouldnt mind if i was the only bull, BUT, usually guys that are on this forum, got good mkt sense, so i'm not alone.

Silver is going to $125, first stop, time frame.....dunno, and the ratio will make another nice dip say 20:1, and thats the first stop, on its way to $300-$400 the ounce.

personally, i'm doing everything i can to take that paper fiat and convert it to things i need and and use...everyday things. Just bought me a nice BCS two wheel 11HP tractor with the brush mover and rototiller attachment, as well as the transport sulky.(dont laugh, the BCS is fine Italian made machinery, and can actually clip along at 7mph, my boys up here, the "John Deere that, Kubota this" crowd, laugh at me, but for a fourth of the price, i can do everything i need up here)..later in the year, i'll get the snow blower attachment. i even do prosaic things, like when wally world has bush's best baked bean for 1.62 the large can, i buy two cases..just for example...i see, lets say, instant coffee, offered down, i buy a case. Now i dont drink instant coffee, but lets say coffee becomes near and dear, i will, quite happily.

you see, i got blessed, i got my prayers answered. about two months ago, i was able to buy a beautiful dead end road ridge top ranch, and get out of the city forever. bought it from summertime weekenders, who couldnt hack it no mo, May God bless and protect them. Got me the right amount of tillable, i got one heck of a Dee-luxe 5 acre firewood lot, nothing but shagbark hickory, white and red oak, ironwood, soft maple and a sprinkling of ash, which has to come down, as the ash borer is wreaking havoc, plus this woodlot is gently sloping down, and is a deer superhighway, which pleases my young junior, who wants to hunt for the pot. I just had a 460 foot well dug, pump put in , and brothers, this water is sweet, cold and CLEAN....its heavenly...BUT, that is the chink in the armor:

i'm still tied into the electric grid. and the grid gives me is vulnerable. No juice means no water, no lights. (sure i got PLENTY of candles, but thats a short term bandaid) i been sitting up on my nice covered north facing porch, thinking, observing, planning and plotting and i noticed this: 5 out of 7 days in the week, i always have, at the very least, a 10 plus knot wind blowing the feel me? I think to myself, "Wind, just like grain, vegetable, fruit, you too, can be harvested".

so, funds allowing, maybe next season, find a good new generation wind turbine, just one, hooked to a control and 4 to 6 L6 batteries, and i'm good to go. It's a "got to", coz its the chink in the armor.

i got a vibrant county seat 10 miles down the road, half hippy/half mayberry, and i been making friends. in fact, they have a very good, large used bookstore, that is a wonderful cultural hub. and one of the fellows that works there, we made friends, he doesnt have a car, and limited funds, well, in a few hours, i'm going to ride him to a larger towns DMV, so he can renew his DL, for ID purposes, and i'm going to kill two birds and switch out my old states DL, as well as my licenses plates. Point being, i really am delighted to be of service, and help a man for no other agenda, than to lay mortar in the bricks of friendship.

i said all that to say this; in my humble opinion, if possible, when and if you can....get out of the cities. Not for fear sakes, nor paranoia, just for wisdom's sake. The cities and suburban areas are built on cheap petroleum and that day is coming to an end. Plus, a simpler life will benefit you and your children. No more traffic jams, fear of major crime, no more dependence on "just in time" supplies at the big boxes. a simple life, well led and full, you'll find it's worth its weight in silver........which btw is going much higher, keep stacking and may your prayers be answered, mine were, and so can yours, neil out there, got ANY advice, nuggets of wisdom for me...PLEASE,share them, my ears are open to counsel.
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Re: Silver is still a monster bull market

Postby Luoganta » Thu Jun 09, 2011 4:34 am

My father is just as loony as you. (in the nicest possible way :) ) I can't stand living in the boonies the bugs drive me crazy.

Anyway - something my father did was buy 4 run-of-the-mill trash cans - the 3(ish) foot tall plastic ones, also got 4 3-4 foot hose's. Instead of having the downspouts from the gutter lead down to the ground he has them hanging over the trash cans, using a hole cut ~2-3 inches from the top of the cans leading away from the house the hose prevents overflow from spilling over the sides and eroding the ground around the trash can. When it rains the cans fill up.

He uses this free water to water plants and to be honest it's brillant. When it rains you don't need it clearly but when you get hot dry spells like we in VT have had for 3-4 days at a time that water is so nice to have for our fresh veggies that are just starting out this season. If you could find a way to keep the bugs out after a few boil offs you could likely cook/clean with that water in a pinch.
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Re: Silver is still a monster bull market

Postby neilgin1 » Thu Jun 09, 2011 5:17 am

good deal Luo. remember this, "in a mad world world, only the mad are sane" ya pearls.

also, i found this out; we got bat kill off here, hence, the mosquito's and other such are out in force. DEET, whether it be 40% wipes, are 25% spray or even the 100% nuke' em strength is well worth the money...we out, neil
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Re: Silver is still a monster bull market

Postby franklin » Thu Jun 09, 2011 7:35 am

Check out the Simple Pump with solar as an alternative source. It's not going to set any gpm records but can provide enough to live on in case....
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Re: Silver is still a monster bull market

Postby Market Harmony » Thu Jun 09, 2011 8:42 am

Are you my long lost brother?

It sounds like your land is perfect for fruit trees. Apple and Pear trees should do well. Raspberries and Blueberry bushes are a must. Get out there and make some room for them.

If you have the mineral rights and enough land, see about the possibilities of having a gas well drilled on your land. Many companies will then hook up free gas for you, which you can then run a generator, furnace, stove, etc.

If you are on the lake, then create fry habitat by throwing in cover off the bank. Christmas trees, stumps, etc, make for great hiding places for small fish, which mean the big fish are hanging around, too.

Your garden can never be big enough.

Oh, and you're right about silver... MONSTER bull market down the road
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Re: Silver is still a monster bull market

Postby timmus0382 » Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:35 am

neilgin1 wrote:good deal Luo. remember this, "in a mad world world, only the mad are sane" ya pearls.

also, i found this out; we got bat kill off here, hence, the mosquito's and other such are out in force. DEET, whether it be 40% wipes, are 25% spray or even the 100% nuke' em strength is well worth the money...we out, neil

Buy a few bat houses to try and attract as many as possible. The white nose is bad.
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Re: Silver is still a monster bull market

Postby walt2727 » Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:57 am

BCS tractor with implements. UMMMMM! Nice acquisition.
Good luck with the property, please keep us updated as to your progress.
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Re: Silver is still a monster bull market

Postby TXBullion » Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:58 am

timmus0382 wrote:
neilgin1 wrote:good deal Luo. remember this, "in a mad world world, only the mad are sane" ya pearls.

also, i found this out; we got bat kill off here, hence, the mosquito's and other such are out in force. DEET, whether it be 40% wipes, are 25% spray or even the 100% nuke' em strength is well worth the money...we out, neil

Buy a few bat houses to try and attract as many as possible. The white nose is bad.

Whats the white nose, a type of bat?
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Re: Silver is still a monster bull market

Postby Treetop » Thu Jun 09, 2011 12:35 pm

What part of the country are you in neil? you almost certainly could make a supplementary system to your well through other means, if i can do it here in the semi desert..... Use a sand filter for filtering it for your use. Its an ancient technology, but will give you water cleaner and healthier then any city.

People mentioned trees, dont stop there... thin that forest, get in some nuts, and berries and fruits. there endless variety. early spring and fall are the period to order bareroot trees, or you can go from seeds on some stuff.

but get yourself some dandelion seeds, and plantain, and purslane, and amaranth and others in the goose foot family... Ive got about 250 wild edible HEALTHY greens, going to see which I can naturalize to my harsh climate..... whether for animals or yourself, if youve got land, you can cultivate small plots of many edibles and spread their seeds, let them spread themselves from there. it can be VERY passive. just need to make sure it gets a start...

you could even put in inian rice grass and sand dropseed, both can be servicable grains if need be...

you could put in siberian peashrubs, useful for both humans and animal. Its a bland tasting bbean, 5-10 pounds a plant. Perfectly safe to eat, but bland is all. thats fine, use it for a windbreak, and if the garden fails, eat the bland beans, of course beans are bland anyway, if your a good cook, I undrstand it hardly matters...... this is also nitrogen fixing, so will help other trees and bushes it is in the rootzone of!

goumi, seaberries, autumn olives, silverberries... hmm actually if your in a warm zone these wont help, but there are indeed other choices serving the same roles in hot regions... anyway these are overlooked berries, but all nitrogen fixing, and VERY nutrient dense.

honey locust as a survival food... the pods can be roasted and eaten. not ideal, not nearly as good as peashrubs, but it will keep you from dieing, and they produce in the worst of years......

the most over looked nut is the acorn, and you have to process out the tannins, but I find value in that its over looked, others are less liekly to steal your nuts, but after processing you still have all that nutrition.

hordes of other nuts, and berries and plants.... Im all for more conventional stuff dont get me wrong, plant those things to. But if you have a second and third tier, with these lesser known things that ALSO grow themselves, well.... you will thrive during that much harder of times, and be able to help others to if you want...
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Re: Silver is still a monster bull market

Postby neilgin1 » Fri Jun 10, 2011 4:28 am

Market Harmony wrote:Are you my long lost brother?

It sounds like your land is perfect for fruit trees. Apple and Pear trees should do well. Raspberries and Blueberry bushes are a must. Get out there and make some room for them.

If you have the mineral rights and enough land, see about the possibilities of having a gas well drilled on your land. Many companies will then hook up free gas for you, which you can then run a generator, furnace, stove, etc.

If you are on the lake, then create fry habitat by throwing in cover off the bank. Christmas trees, stumps, etc, make for great hiding places for small fish, which mean the big fish are hanging around, too.

Your garden can never be big enough.

Oh, and you're right about silver... MONSTER bull market down the road

how could i possibly dispute wuth your truths Harmony?

just like one can never have too many books, ones garden can never be too big. i have a acre tillable, and just await my new BCS tractor/tiller.

its too late for a vegetable garden, instead i intending on mowing the tillable, tilling it and then late summer/fall to plant it to buckwheat , so i can till it in to help soil tilth, which is crucial.

just looked at the sikver chart, and its a beautiful thing, many ways, we'll look back and say the recent downdraft was a GOOD thing, not only does it skim off forth, but shows us, where spport IS, trade good, and stack high, neil
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Re: Silver is still a monster bull market

Postby neilgin1 » Fri Jun 10, 2011 4:38 am

timmus0382 wrote:
neilgin1 wrote:good deal Luo. remember this, "in a mad world world, only the mad are sane" ya pearls.

also, i found this out; we got bat kill off here, hence, the mosquito's and other such are out in force. DEET, whether it be 40% wipes, are 25% spray or even the 100% nuke' em strength is well worth the money...we out, neil

Buy a few bat houses to try and attract as many as possible. The white nose is bad.

Tim, thats a really good idea, do you know of any venders of such? bat houses, or plans?

my first two week, i spaced, that i had a mess of DEET, so the bugs dont like me no more, plus i'm thinking about a bug zapper .
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Re: Silver is still a monster bull market

Postby neilgin1 » Fri Jun 10, 2011 4:50 am

walt2727 wrote:BCS tractor with implements. UMMMMM! Nice acquisition.
Good luck with the property, please keep us updated as to your progress.

Walt, you sage, FINALLY, someone who knows the excellence of the BSC, in this case the 732, with 11 horsepower.

my childhood friends around here, hobby farmers have been breaking my bolls unmercifully about my "toy", they are John Deere this, Kubota that...and they like to make sport of breaking bolls, so i told them, "Fall of '12" lets see who does output.

i put front money down with mark E, the implements dealer, and am awaiting delivery..i aint bugging the boy, but i needed it yesterday, as the brush is just blowing up, and i want to get it under, sow to a green mulch crop.

thanks for the encouragement, neil
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Re: Silver is still a monster bull market

Postby neilgin1 » Fri Jun 10, 2011 5:30 am

Tree, we are definitely on the same page. i'm in SW Wis, zome 4b, up on a ridge, which might put me in zone 5

Up here, we're the OPEC of clean drinking water, the only thing, that worries me is the electrical grid. No juice, no water and to that end i'm intend on first getting an LP genny running off a 500 gal LP tanks.

as i stated i got a nice woodlot that HAS been neglected, and intend on putting real hour's to thin and cull. Since i got primarily Shagbark Hickory and White Oak, theres plenty of mast, collect the Hick nuts for human use, and leasve most of the oak mast for the deer. ( i know about weaning tannins, but i wanna bait deer with apples and old frozen pumpkins...this old boy, a well driller, just told me, deer regard frozen pumpkin like ice cream)

I'm with seedsavers, so i got all heirlooms, non hybrids, so i;m going to save seed next year.

all great advice you're giving, in fact you reminded me of the benefits of the honey locust! good, i've longed for this tree, but what i was thinking of doing is using the pod, chopped up as pig feed. there's none up here, and growing from seed is hard, and i thank you reminding me, as my next cyber stop is to go to Lawyers nursery and get back on their catalog list for this new addy. They are great tree nursery.

all these responses just made my day, as i feel the encouragement from guys who not only know good stuff, but am happy for me. i do believe, along with my art, that cultivating and utilzing ground and woodlot is something very profibale for both soul and body. One should think of the pure and wonderful things in life that God gave us, instead of focusing on all the current dysfunctions in the world.

Bless you all, neil...and lets just keep stacking, neil
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Re: Silver is still a monster bull market

Postby neilgin1 » Fri Jun 10, 2011 5:40 am

ps to Tree, amen, i do WANT to help folks. i've been getting in and making friends in my vibrant town, 10 miles down the road, and to that end, i toted this really neat guy, to the DMV, to get his DL, and i became a Badger (Wis) as well, switching my ILL plates and license as well. we had a great chat, as he works at our towns world class used book store, but doesnt earn a lot of money. making TRUE friends is a long process, but its great, as we cant do it alone, and true friends are like gold. There's need in this town nearby, and i'm gonna let God lead me to the needs. People need not only food, but they also need to feel they're not alone, and that they too are valuable. THAT's the Gospel, not just words (isaiah 58) neil
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Re: Silver is still a monster bull market

Postby 68Camaro » Fri Jun 10, 2011 6:00 am

Very happy for you Neil, and not a little jealous. :) (For some reason I had it in mind you were more upper northeast, Vermont etc.) My grandparents were cheese-heads from the Sussex, Merton, Pewaukee area. He had spent the bulk of his later career as a tooling engineer for Gisholt Machine Tool in Milwaukee, then retired in the mid 50s out to rural Merton on a 2 acre plot and I spent a lot of parts of my early summers up there with them (and part of one cold winter). Love the area (but not the winters, sorry - okay if you're visiting, but living there would be rough for me, and even though my wife is of Swedish heritage she wouldn't take it). Only time I've been through the SW part was when we visited the Dells. (Think the Wisconsin politics would drive me nuts, but I'm still jealous.)

Had barely heard of BCS, but looked it up, which jogged a memory; it looks a bit like a "TroyBuilt". I see nothing wrong with a small 2-wheel tractor like that for smallish use (wouldn't want to mow 160 acres with it), and the only disadvantage I would see is that it would be difficult to use if you were having a health issue (pulled back muscle, etc). So stay healthy.
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Re: Silver is still a monster bull market

Postby 68Camaro » Fri Jun 10, 2011 6:06 am

neilgin1 wrote:...the only thing, that worries me is the electrical grid. No juice, no water and to that end i'm intend on first getting an LP genny running off a 500 gal LP tanks.

I had posted a bit ago in one of nickelless' threads that I finally put in a Generac 21KW unit this spring, with a big tank. Ordered it two weeks too late for the spring storms, unfortunately for immediate use, as the week before it arrived we were out of power three days in one week from two different storms. But now it's in place.
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
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Re: Silver is still a monster bull market

Postby neilgin1 » Fri Jun 10, 2011 6:34 am

68Camaro wrote: But now it's in place.

good deal. at least i'm thinking right...right?
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Re: Silver is still a monster bull market

Postby 68Camaro » Fri Jun 10, 2011 7:15 am

neilgin1 wrote:
68Camaro wrote: But now it's in place.

good deal. at least i'm thinking right...right?

Certainly made sense to me. Of course it has to work within your means. There are clearly different levels of compromise.

And I'm still looking for alternate options. Don't like being completely dependent on LP, even though there is at least domestic source for that. But I have a portable backup 5KW gas generator that I I have a pre-wired receptable, should I run short on LP but have gas - will at least let me run the most critical circuits. And I'm looking for still other moderate options, and have given some thought to how to best meter out the power should I need to stretch out the fuel. (Nothing else has as yet stood out for my situation. Solar and wind aren't good primary options for me. But if you're on a ridge with a wind power option, I would be studying it.) I'm on a well with septic, so I'm off that part of the "grid", but the well depends on power.
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
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Re: Silver is still a monster bull market

Postby moparal7 » Fri Jun 10, 2011 9:14 am Neil take a look at this website. A lot of info on alternative power.
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Re: Silver is still a monster bull market

Postby neilgin1 » Fri Jun 10, 2011 9:34 am

moparal7 wrote: Neil take a look at this website. A lot of info on alternative power.

NICE eye Mo!!!! thanks, just what the doctor ordered. appreciate that bud. neil
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Re: Silver is still a monster bull market

Postby Treetop » Fri Jun 10, 2011 9:36 am

neilgin1 wrote: i'm in SW Wis, zome 4b, up on a ridge, which might put me in zone 5

You putting in a garden? I can put you in contact with a guy whos in that cold of a region also, who grows 99 percent of his own food. All stuff PROVEN to reliably produce in 90days or less.... forget seedsavers.... great group and all, but you want to talk to my friend, trust me. Hes got the best varieties around for such regions. Hes in zone 4 in minnesota. He spent decades seeking out the most productive, most reliable crops for that region. Hes in seedsavers to, but got most of his stuff elsewhere. wouldnt be easy to track down.

But I said it in the other post but get some siberian peashrubs!!!! PERFECT zone for them. 5-10 pounds of a bean substitute. Its 36 percent protein, great animal fodder to if you use it right. Chickens like it if you crack it like you would corn. But its a serviceable bean to.... Nothing else like it.

All those nutrient dense berries (that few will know what they are) will be winners for you for sure also. Seriously, spend the few bucks for some seeds of those. Hard to track down but they are out there.

Plums are also a type of tree with less problems overall, little to no need for sprays, lots of them hardy to zone 4.

But seriously look into the wild stuff as i was saying. I live in the freaking desert, and theres a complete diet for me HERE that will grow wild, actually healthier (though not as tasty) as what most folks eat when they grow food on purpose. Absolutely all regions in our country have choices, though if you live in florida or something most of them would be different. they have stuff to though (I dont know all the stuff for hot regions, but one to get is moringa!!! amazing ttree to say the least)

Im saying this because you know as well as I do times could get tough. Your not a farmer, and heck even skilled farmers loose a crop from time to time. Or perhaps things are rough enough tending crops wont be easy, or water not abundant, hordes of variables.... Getting trees and wild stuff in place that can feed you in the worst of times(in addition to those hickory and acorn trees!! dont thin all those babies they are as good as gold! of course thinning them will help them produce most likely to)
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Re: Silver is still a monster bull market

Postby neilgin1 » Fri Jun 10, 2011 5:48 pm

Tree, i been a prepper for a while, but its something i dont talk or think about, much like the sex life of my mother.

i just get stuff, and hold it.
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Re: Silver is still a monster bull market

Postby merchoarder » Sat Jun 11, 2011 1:17 pm

TXBullion wrote:
timmus0382 wrote:
neilgin1 wrote:good deal Luo. remember this, "in a mad world world, only the mad are sane" ya pearls.

also, i found this out; we got bat kill off here, hence, the mosquito's and other such are out in force. DEET, whether it be 40% wipes, are 25% spray or even the 100% nuke' em strength is well worth the money...we out, neil

Buy a few bat houses to try and attract as many as possible. The white nose is bad.

Whats the white nose, a type of bat?

White nose is a fungus that infects bats. It spreads quickly and is a serious problem. It has been killing off entire populations of bats, bad indeed.
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