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Silver Prices in the recession

PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:41 pm
by scrapper2010
Where do you guys think the price of silver will go IF the U.S enters another backbreaking recession? The last recession seemed to have a strong upward effect on silver, among other factors. But now that it has stabalized in the mid to upper $30's, do you see another recession sending the price even higher, or lower, given so many people will be out of work and might not have the cash to pay $50 or more per ounce of silver? Or is spot silver price not at all tied to what people are willing to pay for a physical ounce? Thoughts?

Re: Silver Prices in the recession

PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 2:49 pm
by frugalcanuck
I think I recall during the downturn silver gold and platinum all took plunges as well.

My thoughts... It depends on how the dollar reacts

Re: Silver Prices in the recession

PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 7:12 pm
by avidbrandy
silver went from 20 to 10 last time. I expect it might get to 20 again. The difference is that this time if the US crashes it won't affect the rest of the world as much.It still will to a large extent but not in the same capacity as last time, as the issues this time, Europe is not as heavily invested in. They have their own problems.

I expect a temporary drop. The main issue is how the Dollar index does during this time. Normally when the stock market drops, the dollar index will rise. I expect this to happen but within two weeks depending on what is done, I would think it would drop again, driving silver and gold back up as long as Europe manages to stay afloat. The reason the dollar index would drop again is because though it's the natural reaction for it to rise, the reason for the crash would be the dollar's weakness.

Should be entertaining. It started yesterday it seems with the Federal Reserve selling, Half? of AIG's portfolio. Which basically means the Fed just bailed on the stock market. No QE3. No more high stocks.