The Cayman Islands

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The Cayman Islands

Postby shinnosuke » Tue Jun 14, 2011 11:52 pm

So I have this really terrible job and I have to go to the Cayman Islands every July for an annual fund meeting. The trip is coming up soon and I was wondering if there are any coins I should look for. Never thought to check before joining realcent. Wikipedia says that their coins from 1972 to 1991 were cupronickel. Previous to 1972, they used the Jamaican dollar. Of course both islands are part of the British Commonwealth. Don't think there are going to be any Ag coins in the wild.

I've been there 5 times before. This will be the first time for Mrs. shinnosuke to join me. I can hear you all saying, "Ah, yes, there's a good lad."
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Re: The Cayman Islands

Postby merchoarder » Wed Jun 15, 2011 2:16 am

shinnosuke wrote:So I have this really terrible job and I have to go to the Cayman Islands every July for an annual fund meeting.

Sounds rough :lol: Took a quick look at Krause and looks like not much for you as expected. No silver other than proof coins. One cents appear to be bronze before 1990. They do have some cool commems though. Apparently they used Jamaican money until 1972.
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Re: The Cayman Islands

Postby merchoarder » Wed Jun 15, 2011 2:23 am

shinnosuke wrote: Previous to 1972, they used the Jamaican dollar. Of course both islands are part of the British Commonwealth. Don't think there are going to be any Ag coins in the wild.


Oops, guess I missed that, past my bed time :lol:
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Re: The Cayman Islands

Postby Cerulean » Wed Jun 15, 2011 8:10 am

1 cent, 1972-1991, bronze, 2.88g, melt 206% of face... SAVE!
1 cent, 1992-present, copper-plated steel, 2.54g, melt 11% of face.
5 cents, 1972-1991, copper-nickel, 2.25g, melt 42% of face.
5 cents, 1992-present, nickel plated steel, 2.0g, melt 2% of face.
10 cents, 1972-1991, copper-nickel, 3.92g, melt 37% of face.
10 cents, 1992-present, nickel plated steel, 3.43g, melt 2% of face.
25 cents, 1972-1991, copper-nickel, 5.7g, melt 21% of face.
25 cents, 1992-present, nickel-plated steel, 5.1g, melt 1% of face.
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Re: The Cayman Islands

Postby TXBullion » Wed Jun 15, 2011 8:34 am

There's a coin shop by Georgetown. Last year he let go of some us silver below melt. I'm not sure of the name though. Also, don't bother looking for the cayman gold exchange. They have a lot of signage around the island because their is no brick and mortar location so don't waste your time lol
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Re: The Cayman Islands

Postby shinnosuke » Wed Jun 15, 2011 8:38 am

Thanks for the comments/info guys.

Alright!! Sorting pennies in my room in the Caymans! Mrs. shinnosuke is gonna love it. Hey, any realcenters live in the Caymans? Where's a good place to dump?
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Re: The Cayman Islands

Postby sparechange » Thu Jun 16, 2011 7:09 am

You might pose as a wealthy American business owner and open an account "offshore" to protect your millions from Uncle Sugar taxation. Tell them you only have a ton of zincs, dimes, and halves to get the account open and you'll wire the rest when you get back to the states. ;)

Have a blast with the Mrs. while in country---dance, dine, beachcomb, shop, sitesee, and(almost forgot)-------Sort! :)
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Re: The Cayman Islands

Postby shinnosuke » Thu Jun 16, 2011 12:34 pm

Thanks sparechange. We intend to have good time on both sides of the business meetings.
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Re: The Cayman Islands

Postby oktyabyr » Thu Jun 16, 2011 2:00 pm

Lots of great fun. Cheapest places to eat are the little stands off the roads. Try the turtle burgers, they're great!
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Re: The Cayman Islands

Postby hobo finds » Thu Jun 16, 2011 5:39 pm

oktyabyr wrote:Lots of great fun. Cheapest places to eat are the little stands off the roads. Try the turtle burgers, they're great!

I would have to think they would have quite a "snap" to them! :lol:
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Re: The Cayman Islands

Postby psi » Mon Jul 18, 2011 3:00 pm

I keep finding Cayman Islands 10 cent coins in my nickel rolls, turns out they are actually worth about 12 cents! It appears they just peg to the US dollar at around 1.20 more or less. Wish I could say the same for the Jamaican 1 dollar and 5 dollar coins I keep finding.
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Re: The Cayman Islands

Postby shinnosuke » Mon Jul 18, 2011 3:26 pm

psi wrote:I keep finding Cayman Islands 10 cent coins in my nickel rolls, turns out they are actually worth about 12 cents! It appears they just peg to the US dollar at around 1.20 more or less. Wish I could say the same for the Jamaican 1 dollar and 5 dollar coins I keep finding.

Yep, they take the US dollar everywhere in the Caymans. But they give you Cayman dollars in change. It sure feels like I get shorted everytime I pay in USD. :?

How many have you collected so far?
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Re: The Cayman Islands

Postby psi » Mon Jul 18, 2011 3:45 pm

This last box had 6, not sure how many I have elsewhere in the house but there would be a few more in ziplocs of random foreign coins I found. There are a lot of people in Toronto from the Carribean so it's pretty common to find coins from Barbados, Bahamas, Trinidad, East Carribbean States, etc as well. I always assumed they would most likely all be worth less than the same sized Canadian coin though.
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