Silver Mining in the Rockies

Just got back from a little family get together in Colorado. Got to do a little silver "mining" in the former ghost town of Saint Elmo. The miners exchange/general store has antiques in the back which includes some silver items. I got a sweet Sterling Colorado mining souvenir spoon which weighs 29 grams for 15 dollars and a sterling baby cup which weighs 50 grams for 32 dollars. So together it was 79 grams (about 82 dollars of silver) for 47 dollars. They had a bunch of weighted stuff too but I don't have the skills to estimate the amount of silver in them, so I just went with the items that I knew to be worth more in silver than the price on them. I guess it is still far and high (10,000 feet above sea level) enough away from civilization that the metals market news does not get up there. I know it is not a big score but it was really fun and I'll keep the spoon cause it is really cool, it even has a prospector panning for gold on it!