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Gave up free silver.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 10:29 am
by knibloe
The other day I was at a Little League game for my son. I looked down on the ground and there was a sterling silver necklace. I took it to the snack shack. Figured that if someone noticed it was missing, they would go there to ask??

The people looked at me like I had three heads for turning it in and didn't know what they were going to do with it. On one hand my conscience is clear because I did the right thing. On the other hand, it bugs me a little that it appears that someone other than the original owner or myself who found it will benefit. I go with the clean conscience.

Re: Gave up free silver.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 11:39 am
by TXBullion
Just like when you get an extra dollar in change by mistake, if I realize it, I give it back. If I realize it after the fact when I have gone, I dont return it.

Re: Gave up free silver.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 11:51 am
by Tourney64
I remember trying to give back an extra dollar I received as change at Wal-Mart. They cashier got nasty with me and wouldn't admit she made a mistake. I left pissed off, but $1 better off. I didn't feel guilty at all.

Re: Gave up free silver.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:24 pm
by knibloe
Tourney64 wrote:I remember trying to give back an extra dollar I received as change at Wal-Mart. They cashier got nasty with me and wouldn't admit she made a mistake. I left pissed off, but $1 better off. I didn't feel guilty at all.

Same thing happened to my wife a while back. The bank teller actually gave here $20 too much at the drive up window. She realized it and went into the lobby to try to give the money back. but the teller got nasty. Eventually, they did take back the $20.

Re: Gave up free silver.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:26 pm
by Treetop
Tourney64 wrote:I remember trying to give back an extra dollar I received as change at Wal-Mart. They cashier got nasty with me and wouldn't admit she made a mistake. I left pissed off, but $1 better off. I didn't feel guilty at all.

That happened to me at a bank once!!! except it wasnt a dollar it was around 400.

this was in new jersey. every friday there would be a long line cashing checks, and people are very rushed there. but id always count my money anyway before I left in case there was an issue. It would upset both the tellers and those behind me, but whatever.

So one day I get 400 or so extra, and I tell the bank teller, who assured me that bans DO NOT make mistakes. I told her they certainly had, and she scolded me so I left. I have no idea what happened but my wifes brother ALSO got a few hundred extra, and he had cashed his check about a half hour after I had at the same bank. So I dont know if they had a counting machine that was broken or who knows what. I doubt it was a fluke and only us two got the extra money..... I bet that teller wishes she had checked the machine right after me. they must of lost thousands....

Re: Gave up free silver.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 1:42 pm
by twentybux
knibloe wrote:The other day I was at a Little League game for my son. I looked down on the ground and there was a sterling silver necklace. I took it to the snack shack. Figured that if someone noticed it was missing, they would go there to ask??

The people looked at me like I had three heads for turning it in and didn't know what they were going to do with it. On one hand my conscience is clear because I did the right thing. On the other hand, it bugs me a little that it appears that someone other than the original owner or myself who found it will benefit. I go with the clean conscience.

Clean conscience indeed. :D You made the right choice. True, it may or may not make it to the owner, but you did your part. I commend you for it. Twenty

Re: Gave up free silver.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 1:54 pm
by Robarons
Treetop did you ever see that teller again?

Re: Gave up free silver.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 2:20 pm
by Treetop
Robarons wrote:Treetop did you ever see that teller again?

i dont even know. she was a voice coming out of a speaker. you only get to see the tellers if you take the lane right next to the building. I did have issues at the same bank after that though, so who knows maybe she was punishing me....

Re: Gave up free silver.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 2:35 pm
by Robarons
Ha, I just realized you got a Bank Error in your favor in real life, like from monopoly!

Most times Banks notice their errors and will track you down. Surprised no one ever got you.

Re: Gave up free silver.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 3:02 pm
by marblerye
Kudos to you for your honesty knibloe. I'm a big believer in karma.

A little while back I was at the local coin shop and I purchased a peace dollar. I handed the owner a $10 and a $20 (price was $29) while he and I were having the usual conversation about silver/gold/economics/corruption, and he comes back with a $10 and a $1. I handed him back the $10 and told him I didn't need to steal. He was surprised I didn't pocket the $10, but grateful.

It's funny because I'd been buying from his shop since silver was around $17/oz. but we'd never formally introduced each other. When I left the shop that day he introduced himself and shook my hand. Even if I thought it was ok to steal, it is obvious from a business perspective I will gain far more than $10 over the long haul by being honest and decent to the owner.

Re: Gave up free silver.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 4:50 pm
by Somnophore
My dad once cashed some foreign currency in and they gave him 10x what it was worth, must have missed a
Decimal point, he had said he didn't think it was right but they insisted it was.

Re: Gave up free silver.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 10:47 pm
by shinnosuke
About 33 years ago I took my younger brother and his friend to McDonalds for dinner. The friend ordered his food and came back and sat down. He mentioned that he felt like he didn't get enough change back so I did a quick calculation. Sure enough the amount of his change seemed low based on the prices on the menu. I did the calculation again making sure I added in the right amount of sales tax. He was definitely ripped off by about $1.o6. So I went to the counter with him and spoke with the cashier, showing the receipt. She immediately claimed that it was impossible for the cash register to make a mistake. I countered that the lovely piece of equipment surely had made a mistake and verbally walked her through the transaction, adding each item up for her. She agreed that my numbers sounded correct but that the register could not be wrong. I told her to call the manager. The manager announced loudly enough for everyone around to hear that the register does not make mistakes. Man, that made my blood boil. Barely hiding my contempt, I showed her the receipt and pointed out the impossible math on it. She finally agredd that I was right and rudely slid a one dollar bill, a nickel and a penny over to me. I shoved it back and said, I want it all in pennies. The people in line behind me groaned. The people in other lines laughed and cheered. I got the pennies and gave the friend his rightful change.

The moral of the story? I should have kept those pennies and given the friend some of my paper money. Was realcent around 33 years ago?

Re: Gave up free silver.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 3:19 am
by fansubs_ca
Reminds me of when I was 18-20ish and got $5 too much change at 7-11.

The thing is I had to re-count my change about 15 times because I kept thinking it
was impossible for them to have made that mistake, I must have mis-counted. (I
was a bit unaware of how chaotic a 7-11 is from the other side of the counter at
that age. ;) ) Once I finally convinced myself that there really was $5 extra there
I turned it back. Many years later when I went to work for a 7-11 (strangly the
same location) and learned what things are like I was amazed that anything ever
goes right in that place. ;)

In one much calmer job I worked in (a cell phone store) I pretty much worked
alone most of the time and did cash out at the end of the day. It was almost
always exactly on to the cent, except this one day the till was 20¢ over. Since
we did so few cash transactions (a lot of people used debit/credit cards) I was
able to think through the transactions and figured out who was shorted. Someone
who bought a $10 pay and talk card which at the time was $11.40 with tax payed
with $12 so she should have gottern 60¢ change but we were talking and both
got distracted and since I had 40¢ on the brain I only handed her 40¢ change.
So I kept it set aside in the back of the store and next time she came in I said
"I have something for you" and came out with the 20¢ and told her what happened
last time.

Funny thing although I didn't know her name I knew what she looked like and
she was known in the store by the name on her pay and talk account "Ms. Cash".
A bit of a story but she didn't want her name appearing anywhere in the cell
company's system so since it was a pre-payed I just named her "Ms. Cash"
when I activated the pre-paid phone. Other people with small purchases might
be rung up in the till as "Mr. Cash" or "Mrs. Cash" but if the invoice said
"Ms. Cash" it was known to be hers. :D

Re: Gave up free silver.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 4:02 pm
by cesariojpn
You're doing it wrong.

1. Find silver necklace.
2. Place free "Found" ads in newspapers and classified rags. FOUND: SILVER NECKLACE IN TOWN X ON XX/XX/XX. CALL TO ID. 555-5555. Keep copies of said papers.
3. Do this for a month or two every week. Keep copies of said ads to maintain continuity and for the record that you took appropriate and reasonable steps to find the owner.
4. ????

Re: Gave up free silver.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:24 am
by silverflake
Disney World makes mistakes too! Was at Disney 2 months ago and my wife bought something with mouse ears for around $17 and handed the 20ish year old cashier at the gift shop register a $20. He hands her the change and her bag and we walk away and as she is putting the money in her wallet she grabs my arm. She is holding almost $83, She says to me, "what do I do?" It didn't take long to decide to turn around and tell the cashier. At first he says, "Oh no, you gave me a hundred dollar bill." And my wife disagrees. Mind you, the kid actually wasn;t rude or anything, just a little too sure, if you know what I mean. So he opens up his cash register because he says that they put all bills of $50 and over beneath the till. And sure enough, he pulls out a twenty dollar bill. He turned white and thanked us profusely. God has his eye on these things. Just always do the right thing and you will never go wrong.

Re: Gave up free silver.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:10 pm
by psi
I was making a coin purchase at my bank not long ago and decided to get less when it turned out 1 box worth of nickels was in bundles. Somehow the guy screwed up reversing the transaction I was supposed to do and it ended up showing up as a deposit. Including the coins I received I was up by almost $100. Next time I explained the situation and I thought everything had been resolved, turned later out it hadn't AND I ended up getting charged twice for an order I asked for a day in advance, once when ordering and again when receiving it. At that point the bank owed me about $30 but I was just dreading having to resolve the situation verbally. I ended up typing up a detailed account of what happened, and the teller I gave it to called me back the next day and told me my account had been credited with the difference. From now on I will make a point of looking very closely at my receipts when doing coin buys from account funds.