Neil, did you write this?

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Neil, did you write this?

Postby beauanderos » Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:18 pm ... ty-shifts/ Boy... does THIS support what Neil has been saying :o :mrgreen:
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Re: Neil, did you write this?

Postby theo » Wed Jul 13, 2011 2:02 pm

Nice article. Thanks for the link! I picked up a few ounces on the way to school and now I wish I had bought a few more.

Actually I forgot to take the small bag of coins out of my pocket and now I chime when I walk. :)
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Re: Neil, did you write this?

Postby neilgin1 » Wed Jul 13, 2011 10:08 pm

no Ray, i didnt. i always stand behind what i write, in that you know its me that wrote those words....but this is guy is on fire too. (i'm halfway thru the article)

finished it, and reccomend all you men i hold in esteem read this. This article is a CLARION CALL, its a shot across the bow, BIG TIME.

You know Ray, for about 3 to 5 days, i'm buying silver like crazy, found a lil niche guys are ignoring, i'm taking down a few choice shagbark hickorys from my choice woodlot, buying pigmeat at 1.29 a pound...good stuff. freezing it, buying bags of Shortgrain Japanese rice, the premium kind, etc etc...and thats on top of the stuff i've already done for a while now

point being, d'know why i'm doing all this with urgency? i feel it coming, and i do it not out of fear, but because i GOT to write two farking books i got inside me, and i want to write in peace!!!...instead biting my nails over the impending bank holiday.

in closing, its good to know you're not alone, like some lone nut screaming on a mountain, its a bit of very coherent validation, and i thank you for it my dear friend ray, neil
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Re: Neil, did you write this?

Postby Mossy » Thu Jul 14, 2011 11:45 am

I think he is accurate, but early. Nothing for the next few months, no bets on how much longer.
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Re: Neil, did you write this?

Postby 68Camaro » Thu Jul 14, 2011 12:52 pm

neilgin1 wrote:no Ray, i didnt. i always stand behind what i write, in that you know its me that wrote those words....but this is guy is on fire too. (i'm halfway thru the article)

finished it, and reccomend all you men i hold in esteem read this. This article is a CLARION CALL, its a shot across the bow, BIG TIME.

You know Ray, for about 3 to 5 days, i'm buying silver like crazy, found a lil niche guys are ignoring, i'm taking down a few choice shagbark hickorys from my choice woodlot, buying pigmeat at 1.29 a pound...good stuff. freezing it, buying bags of Shortgrain Japanese rice, the premium kind, etc etc...and thats on top of the stuff i've already done for a while now

point being, d'know why i'm doing all this with urgency? i feel it coming, and i do it not out of fear, but because i GOT to write two farking books i got inside me, and i want to write in peace!!!...instead biting my nails over the impending bank holiday.

in closing, its good to know you're not alone, like some lone nut screaming on a mountain, its a bit of very coherent validation, and i thank you for it my dear friend ray, neil

I started into realcent on the copper cent thing. And nickels. But I digressed big into silver, and then gold, turning the January turn-down. I'm now mostly invested in PMs, and anticipating starting back into copper, while keeping my eyes open for further good PM buys. My thanks to all here at RC for providing direction and balance in this.

As far as friends and family, I've told most everyone I care about at least something about this. Only my boss (and my wife's boss - who for some reason does hang on my every word, and sometimes that worries me because I know I'm wrong about some things and I don't want him to hang on the wrong word, lose his shirt, and then take it out on her) has told me that I'm right. (And with that, I don't know that my boss has actually been motivated to do anything about it himself.) I do believe one of my friends, Canadian, who is too circumspect to give me too many details one way or other what he is doing, is probably heavily invested in PM and I know he did acquire a beautiful farm outside of Toronto that is fairly self-sufficient. (He was CFO of CEF in the mid-80s, he knows what I think and hasn't corrected me, and he would be an idiot given his background to not have a great big stash somewhere.)

Apart from them, most of the rest of my friends have just been too polite to tell me I'm a nutter. But I know that's what they are thinking...

I'm 90+% done with basic preps. I can't prepare for everything, and I know that. But I have all the usual stuff. I'm mostly self-sufficient, or can be, at least for a time. I can defend myself somewhat, as needed. I'm in a position to help some family, friends, and neighbors - as needed (my only concern there is where to draw the line when so many may be needy). I've got >1 year worth of basic foods and goods. I'm in the fine-tune mode now, which will continue forever from this point on. I have some concerns that I'm missing some things, but I now have (hopefully) some time to evaluate, re-evaluate, and fine-tune. Waiting to the last minute is never a good thing.

Yes, get your basic stash all in. Then you can rest a bit with a weight off your shoulders, while you do other things, and give yourself time to contemplate and fine-tune.

Looking forward to reading your tomes when then are done! :)
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
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Re: Neil, did you write this?

Postby 68Camaro » Thu Jul 14, 2011 12:59 pm

Mossy wrote:I think he is accurate, but early. Nothing for the next few months, no bets on how much longer.

In my book that doesn't qualify as early. Whether this all comes down this month, next month, or next year, I think he's describing much the same thing many here are. Timing is nearly impossible to predict accurately, and he's calling it as close as he can.
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it. George Orwell.
We can ignore reality, but we cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality. Ayn Rand.
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