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Cheap Silver versus FREE Silver

PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:29 am
by beauanderos
I frequently see threads about magazine teaser promotions for silver at or a bit below spot. The responses are sometimes greater than two pages. So where are all the creative thinkers on this one?

Last day to submit your entries to win either a beautiful one ounce round of silver, or a half ounce round.


Some guesses are fairly close (it's kinda spooky). In fairness to those who don't have access to possible insider trading information (the SEC is investigating), the two prizes will be awarded to two different entrants. Contest closes at 9PM tonight, Pacific Standard Time.

Image Second place, your choice of either a 1/2 oz Lion, or 1/2 oz Owl Get those entries in people, I wanna see how close someone can nail this. :mrgreen: