i opened two windows, so i could reference all your well reasoned points, in ALL due brotherly respect. You cant "hear" my voice, but its modulated, not this shrill stuff you hear on the media these turbulent days.
Though we're just getting to know one another, please know this, i'm an Eisenhower/Colin Powell "hawk"...also one of my hero's is an Admiral by the name of "Fox" Fallon, ex-CentCom CO.....(here's an article, you'll definitely dig on this wise warrior:
http://www.esquire.com/features/fox-fallon )
i "grew up in the Carter military, i was serving, and it nearly me got killed. long story for another time, but it was not pretty, and i'm not advocating that position at all.
as far as fighting the wars, in the Iraqi theater, hostilities have ceased, we've drawn down to, i believe 50,000 troops. In Afghanistan, most of our combat units, pretty much stay close to "green zone" type enclaves and bases, the exception being special force ops, so the war fighting tempo has slowed to a crawl...guys arent going out haji hunting a lot.
i just wish somebody would explain WHAT the warfighting endgame IS, in both theaters...what does "victory" look like?...to date i have not seen any coherent explaination. If somebody said, we have to be an in theater blocking force to counter the Chinese "string of pearls" strategy, vis-a-vis Pakistan, THAT i can see, but both Iraq and Afghanistan were a total violation of the "Powell Doctrine", which was three fold, overwhelming force, clear cut objectives that outline victory, and an exit strategy.
Military history will NOT be kind to Secty Rumsfeld, he pissed off a LOT of mid level officers, who will be in positions of leadership ten years down the line.
Furthermore, DoD wont be cashiering guys and girls currently serving, OR cutting post service benefits, military takes care of its own. The drawdown will be via attrition, and higher enlistment standards, which are already in place.
as far as this new "drumbeat" for war with the Chinese, its not necessary or helpful. I'm not an appeaser, but the Chinese arent "car crazies", they DO NOT want war with the United States, what they do want is global respect, and i believe they are entitled to that. As Fallon said, if you show yourself to a grown up on the world stage, you get to sit at the grown ups table, and in my reading, they have shown themselves as such. We should move towards engagement with the Chinese, rather than this drumbeat, because believe me, America does NOT want war with PRC.
the main threat facing the US, is an extranational "player" doing something, whether it be cyber or EMP to our electrical grid, that is our weak point, and that doesnt take 700 bln dollars a year. If you take every nations defense budget and add them up, they dont come out to 700 bln...something, to me at least, not what the Framers had in mind, but history had it own dictates, and in our national lifespan, we are, unfortunately in the grips of Empire........brother, there is so much MORE i;d love to outline, but i gots to get mobilizing, i remain, your friend, neil
i'm glad you liked that clip from "The Best Years of Our Lives"...one of my favorite films, wish i could of been part of that generation, steeled in the Depression, baptized in war, back to the arms of my wife, buying a humble home, its America that has faded.