beauanderos wrote:Anyone ever mused about the idea of having a fallback shelter, an enclave... whatever you want to call it, that could be utilized as a defensible gathering point/living compound for any realcenters who chose to gravitate there, just in case things got really bad? I, for one, am a loner in my campaign to survive and thrive during whatever may face us in the future. But you really need a team. One well-prepped individual can survive as long as their supplies do... if they aren't overrun by roving mobs going door to door ransacking premises and scavenging food. At least on this forum we have a lot of like-minded (probably libertarian) people who are already pointed in the same direction. I'm just saying... if someone has the assets to buy a large tract of tillable land, with a well and electricity off the grid, it could be a destination if society disintegrates. Read Rawlins Patriots and you'll get more of my gist.
its an idea with powerful merit. i'm in this position now. i know the lay of the land, i've been integrating with many in my community, but and i say this without patronizing, its a life, vastly different from petro world, and many who believe they can handle it,,,not the physical, but the mental part, realize midstream, its not for them. Its stillness, its waking up and just drinking in the world around you. Though i;ve dug the well, 460 feet and have water, i'm still waiting on some of the "boys" to do the plumbing and septic...two months with a hose and an outhouse, and i'm perfectly content. i have all the amenities, stove fridge, freezer, internet phone, elec. But the winters are harsh, which is why all my efforts are geared towards getting the plumbing set, the LP tank and LP generator in, and all the firewood split, cured and ready, and i've never been so serene and at peace in my life, AND i'm NOT in hiding from the world, the county seat, 10 miles away is over 4,000 souls, vibrant and i have made many friends as well as those friends of mine 30 years running.
but it is a commiment and headspace that is total. i know of parcels that might serve such an endeavor, so i stand ready to encourage and help such an ideal....when it gets closer, God willing, maybe a more exclusive forum area can be set, for those who have "bought in", with all the gravitas and intent needed.