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Spreading Religion Door to Door

PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 1:24 pm
by beauanderos
Just answered the doorbell. Thought it would be the postman with a package that had to be signed for. Then I realized it wasn't... it was a woman with a stack of business cards in her hand. Before she spoke I thought to myself "oh, no... another zealot trying to convert me to their cult beliefs, I don't have time for this." The she spoke... in BROKEN english... here, please accept my card... we buy gold. Boy, is everyone climbing on this bandwagon or what? :shock:

Re: Spreading Religion Door to Door

PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 1:27 pm
by NHsorter
No gold here... what do you think I look rich? Move along please.

Re: Spreading Religion Door to Door

PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 1:29 pm
by argent_pur
I was born in '83 so I wasn't there, but did any of this kind of thing happen in the late 70's/1980 when the POG got to $850? Was there THIS kind of pressure to sell? It's happening in our area, too, where gold shops are opening up right across the street from each other competing.

Re: Spreading Religion Door to Door

PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 1:31 pm
by Oakair
South FL is basically just pawn shops and gold buyers...and car dealerships

Sign spinners everywhere...

Re: Spreading Religion Door to Door

PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 4:03 pm
by Morsecode
(same scenario, 5 years later)...

"Here, take my card...we buy copper"

And I'll be, "$8 a pound? Back the truck up to the's your lucky day"

Yes, it's getting out of hand around here, too. So much so, the bozos in the Statehouse are smelling blood in the water (to a politician that's money changing hands that has not been properly taxed) - and there are talks about adding layers of paper trails and waiting periods. Seems they don't understand spot pricing. I watched a televised hearing where one of the clowns actually suggested that the price of gold should be fixed on a weekly or possibly monthly basis to accomodate her 7 day waiting period proposal.

Re: Spreading Religion Door to Door

PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 4:24 pm
by Mossy
"Waiting period"??? Google news says nothing. Got a link?

Re: Spreading Religion Door to Door

PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 5:12 pm
by neilgin1
beauanderos wrote:Just answered the doorbell. Thought it would be the postman with a package that had to be signed for. Then I realized it wasn't... it was a woman with a stack of business cards in her hand. Before she spoke I thought to myself "oh, no... another zealot trying to convert me to their cult beliefs, I don't have time for this." The she spoke... in BROKEN english... here, please accept my card... we buy gold. Boy, is everyone climbing on this bandwagon or what? :shock:

oh man!! what kinda market indicator is THAT?......just sat pondering for a few minutes...i think its as bullish as all get out.

it means that the edges of society are JUST starting to wake up to the fact, that they got monopoly money in their wallets and "bank" accts....these two at the door, wouldnt trust as far as i could throw them. number one, they'd trying to jam unwitting desperate folk, number two, if they're buying, you mean they got a wad ON them?...and if they do, and have half a brain, does that mean they're packing heat?....

i'm telling you Ray, when this nation wakes up out its cozy sleep and realizes they are holding toilet paper, all that work, all those dreams going bye bye? out. give you my public advice? hook up with Idaho Copper, sounds like he's got his poo poo together, and knows the lay of the land in Idaho...he said he knows of 500 retreats in that area, and thats much closer to your position.

good antedote, i love reading the little market indicators, they are most valuable.

Re: Spreading Religion Door to Door

PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 5:21 pm
by cesariojpn
I see gold buying place in a kiosk at a a "Dead Shopping Center"......hell, even the local Check Cashing Place has signs that say "We Buy Gold and Silver!!"

Madness I tell you!!

Re: Spreading Religion Door to Door

PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 5:26 pm
by neilgin1
Morsecode wrote:(same scenario, 5 years later)...

"Here, take my card...we buy copper"

And I'll be, "$8 a pound? Back the truck up to the's your lucky day"

Yes, it's getting out of hand around here, too. So much so, the bozos in the Statehouse are smelling blood in the water (to a politician that's money changing hands that has not been properly taxed) - and there are talks about adding layers of paper trails and waiting periods. Seems they don't understand spot pricing. I watched a televised hearing where one of the clowns actually suggested that the price of gold should be fixed on a weekly or possibly monthly basis to accomodate her 7 day waiting period proposal.

oh! no no!...please tell me, your just pulling my leg.....tell me that...un-effing-believable!
take that back....VERY believable. Son of a buck. "waiting periods"!
but thanks for the share, Morse...we just got to really double down now, AND...wait for it, get the shovels and water tight bins out.

savage bastards.

Re: Spreading Religion Door to Door

PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 5:31 pm
by neilgin1
cesariojpn wrote:I see gold buying place in a kiosk at a a "Dead Shopping Center"......hell, even the local Check Cashing Place has signs that say "We Buy Gold and Silver!!"

Madness I tell you!!

for real?'re just messing with us, now...cmon...really?

oh man, next computer stop has GOT to be, and ramp up purchases of that OTHER "precious" metal.

when these folks cant buy their anti-depressants, its gonna get postively sci-fi out there!

oh, our beautiful beloved America is coming apart......right before our very eyes...dammitt Beavis!

Re: Spreading Religion Door to Door

PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 5:43 pm
by neilgin1
i dont know WHAT this has to do with the thread, but i have to share it with you all, its very powerful, from "Blade Runner", and its weird way, it speaks to the whole situation stretched before us:

i just love great art, precious as the metals we own...dont ya think? coz it speaks to the heart, entertains, makes you think...thats of value....yes?

enjoy...great film.

Re: Spreading Religion Door to Door

PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 5:48 pm
by Know Common Cents
No door-to-door gold buyers here in the middle of the Midwest. We're well stocked with corrupt attorneys and ambulance chasers, however.

When I was involved in a rear-end accident, I received more than 25 mail and phone solicitations from attorneys who wanted to represent me.

Wonder if the traveling gold buyers even carry a small scale. I'd tell those characters that my only gold is a GOLDen Retriever. Rocco the dog would make certain they had no interest in coming back. As for me, I'd offer to send a few high-velocity lead projectiles their way.

Re: Spreading Religion Door to Door

PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 5:59 pm
by cesariojpn
Know Common Cents wrote:No door-to-door gold buyers here in the middle of the Midwest. We're well stocked with corrupt attorneys and ambulance chasers, however.

And religious nutjobs. Wait, aren't Westboro Church members corrupt attorneys and ambulance chasers?

Re: Spreading Religion Door to Door

PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 6:10 pm
by hirbonzig
beauanderos wrote:Just answered the doorbell. Thought it would be the postman with a package that had to be signed for. Then I realized it wasn't... it was a woman with a stack of business cards in her hand. Before she spoke I thought to myself "oh, no... another zealot trying to convert me to their cult beliefs, I don't have time for this." The she spoke... in BROKEN english... here, please accept my card... we buy gold. Boy, is everyone climbing on this bandwagon or what? :shock:

Oh-boy, this is getting out of hand. Next thing will be roadside buy gold stands right next to the farmer selling sweet corn. :shock:

Re: Spreading Religion Door to Door

PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 6:11 pm
by Country
argent_pur wrote:I was born in '83 so I wasn't there, but did any of this kind of thing happen in the late 70's/1980 when the POG got to $850? Was there THIS kind of pressure to sell? It's happening in our area, too, where gold shops are opening up right across the street from each other competing.

I was there in '79-'80. You brought your SILVER and GOLD to coin dealers (or mailed it to folks like Investment Rarities). Your local coin dealer was ready to protect his stuff too, and had the ammo to back it up. These wandering hucksters are a 21st century phenominum. These huckster guys are ready to rip off the public big time. In '79-'80, they would be thrown in jail. Nowadays, there are no restraints or penalties.

Re: Spreading Religion Door to Door

PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 6:56 pm
by Pennybug
WOW! I guess were just a few months away from the "ice cream" truck sellin' franks and morgs...

Re: Spreading Religion Door to Door

PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 8:21 pm
by Morsecode
Mossy wrote:"Waiting period"??? Google news says nothing. Got a link?

No, this was just one of those public hearings in Hartford, which got sidetracked from it's original intent...which was to outlaw pawn shops from paying in cash. Funny thing, that. Turns out it's already illegal for pawn shops and coin dealers to pay in cash, has been for years. The legislator who scheduled the hearing in the first place was a little embarrassed, especially after firing off a 20 minute opening tirade, and that's when it took a turn for the absurd.

A well known local coin dealer, friend of mine, gave our side of things quite eloquently -

Rep. Ninnynanny: "Mr. K~, are you stating for the record that a 7 day waiting period on precious metals sales is not a workable solution?"

Mr. K~, "I'm saying that a 7 minute waiting period won't work"

Ms. Ninnynanny then went on to complain, with great distaste, how just anyone can walk in off the street to sell gold. I wish I could recall her exact was hilarious.

Re: Spreading Religion Door to Door

PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 9:20 pm
by Mossy
Morsecode wrote: Ms. Ninnynanny then went on to complain, with great distaste, how just anyone can walk in off the street to sell gold. I wish I could recall her exact was hilarious.

Imagine so. I got a voice recorder for exactly that sort of situation (and keep forgetting to carry it). Next "toy" purchase? One of those wearable cameras disguised as a button or ink pen.

Re: Spreading Religion Door to Door

PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 4:10 am
by cesariojpn
Pennybug wrote:WOW! I guess were just a few months away from the "ice cream" truck sellin' franks and morgs...

Re: Spreading Religion Door to Door

PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 7:39 am
by NHsorter
Don't get me wrong, I am bullish on gold. But I don't think that the door to door gold buyer indicates anything more than the fact that gold is high. Since there is a much higher potential upside or profit margin available to these people, there are more people doing this now. If gold is 4X what is was a few years back, you now only need to scam/hose 25% of the amount of people that you had to before to make the same amount of money. So "gold buying" is just a more lucrative occupation than it was before. Now everyone wants in. If I had a storefront, I would put up a sign too. I love buying discounted money with FRN's!

Re: Spreading Religion Door to Door

PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 1:02 pm
by Kurr
Pennybug wrote:WOW! I guess were just a few months away from the "ice cream" truck sellin' franks and morgs...

Great. I want an ice cream truck now. I'll play "All the Gold in California" and "Midnight Rider (I got one moooore siiiiilver dollllllaaaaar) over the P.A., hit up the rich burbs.

Re: Spreading Religion Door to Door

PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 11:37 pm
by Mossy
NHsorter wrote: But I don't think that the door to door gold buyer indicates anything more than the fact that gold is high.

Actually, I'd say it means that the FRN is low, and the general public has not caught on yet.