beauanderos wrote:Just answered the doorbell. Thought it would be the postman with a package that had to be signed for. Then I realized it wasn't... it was a woman with a stack of business cards in her hand. Before she spoke I thought to myself "oh, no... another zealot trying to convert me to their cult beliefs, I don't have time for this." The she spoke... in BROKEN english... here, please accept my card... we buy gold. Boy, is everyone climbing on this bandwagon or what?
oh man!! what kinda market indicator is THAT?......just sat pondering for a few minutes...i think its as bullish as all get out.
it means that the edges of society are JUST starting to wake up to the fact, that they got monopoly money in their wallets and "bank" accts....these two at the door, wouldnt trust as far as i could throw them. number one, they'd trying to jam unwitting desperate folk, number two, if they're buying, you mean they got a wad ON them?...and if they do, and have half a brain, does that mean they're packing heat?....
i'm telling you Ray, when this nation wakes up out its cozy sleep and realizes they are holding toilet paper, all that work, all those dreams going bye bye? out. give you my public advice? hook up with Idaho Copper, sounds like he's got his poo poo together, and knows the lay of the land in Idaho...he said he knows of 500 retreats in that area, and thats much closer to your position.
good antedote, i love reading the little market indicators, they are most valuable.