check out the pictures on this article: ... -City.html
get out of the cities IF YOU CAN.
aristobolus wrote:Take note of this quote from the article, "'The Zabbaleens are Christians, and in Cairo, Muslims don't have much dealing with rubbish, which is why niche was taken by Zabbaleens. 'Besides many hundreds years ago they were not allowed to do anything else, only the most dirty jobs."
How amazing these people come here and demand rights, but when they are in the majority we are but sewage to them. Yet the article goes on to say that the people there are happy; that is because they are safe from their persecutors as long as they are near that which would make the latter seem "unclean".
Read more: ... z1To7msYJC
Mossy wrote:Just one more reason to raise hogs, eh?
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