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When is enough, enough?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:15 am
by dan53
I've been sorting halves now for over a year. From 2-8 boxes per week. Currently at 4 boxes per week. Last week, sorted 4 boxes for one 64 kennedy. Same thing the previous week. So when should a person throw in the towel? I keep thinking of that box 3 months ago, The one with 210 silver halves. Thats what keeps me coming back for more. As I sit here I'm looking at four boxes.....fixin' to dig in. Comments anyone?

Re: When is enough, enough?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:16 am
by Corsair
It's old, it's cliche, and it might even be a little bit greedy, but the greatest answer to these types of questions, and my answer when I ask them myself, is...

"Just a little bit more."

Re: When is enough, enough?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:53 am
by hirbonzig
I keep getting half boxes (and the skunks that go along with them) between the time I can find bags of halves-which usually have better silver finds. Ask around for any amout of loose halves or ask to buy bags off the coin counters. Don't give up totally on halves-try to get bags/loose halves. Good Luck! :D

Re: When is enough, enough?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 12:22 pm
by AGCoinHunter
I will quit when all my pickup and dump banks start charging.

Re: When is enough, enough?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:04 pm
by NDFarmer
I gave up a couple of months ago. I was getting nothing but skunks doing 4 K a week. I figure if I sort more copper and sell some and trade some I am further ahead than sorting all those skunk boxes. At least then I know I will be adding silver to the pile.

Re: When is enough, enough?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:21 pm
by amalekidad
I was dumping 4K in halves last week and the banker was quizzing me on my success rate. He said I would have better luck gambling. I looked at him and said, I always get my money back and once or twice a year I hit a jack pot. He just smirked and said, ‘quit bringing your losses here.’ Skunks are part of the game. I will continue to sort as long my cash flow and/or my life will let me.

Re: When is enough, enough?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 2:08 pm
by 68Camaro
beauanderos threw up his hands last week after something like 20 straight skunks, then gave it one last go with 7 more boxes and hit a few 64s and something like 50 40%ers. I think he's back in the game for the moment.

Re: When is enough, enough?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 2:09 pm
by gettin copper
I'd say try to keep percise records, and quit if your breakin even or worse over a fair sample size. I'm talking tracking your gas down to the 1/2 block for pulling in and out of bank parking lot. Some people drive there truck past the local coin shop 15 miles to save .10 cents a coin on a roll of mercs.

Re: When is enough, enough?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 2:24 pm
by beauanderos
68Camaro wrote:beauanderos threw up his hands last week after something like 20 straight skunks, then gave it one last go with 7 more boxes and hit a few 64s and something like 50 40%ers. I think he's back in the game for the moment.

Talkin about me behind my back again, eh Rich :lol: I didn't give it up because of the skunks (if you're ordering bank boxes at least half of them will always be skunks). My bank is starting to implement either a $6 or $8 fee per bag returns, making continued searching using THEM for a dump bank an iffy, probably losing, proposition. I will still sort one or two boxes a week, and return them to a different branch (I think they were trying to scare me out of the one branch, since no others have mentioned the "new fee" yet). And I did find a dump bank with four nearby branches to accept my cents... so I can keep up with my present $500 a week.

On the topic question... we're supposed to keep three to six months of emergency cash ready at all times. Why not keep it "working" by picking up boxes and searching them? As long as they are free of charge (both orders and dumps)... if you enjoy the "hobby," what have you got to lose? Just try not to get too addicted... or we'll soon be prescribing nokoinzital for you.

Re: When is enough, enough?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 2:42 pm
by 68Camaro
beauanderos wrote:Talkin about me behind my back again, eh Rich :lol: ...

Yep... ;)

beauanderos wrote:On the topic question... we're supposed to keep three to six months of emergency cash ready at all times. Why not keep it "working" by picking up boxes and searching them? As long as they are free of charge (both orders and dumps)... if you enjoy the "hobby," what have you got to lose?

That's a good way to look at it. I like that! :)

I might have to try ordering some boxes. I had tried picking some up once, but it was a searchers dumps, and ticked me off, so never tried it again.