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when you dump, do banks even look at what you turn in?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 4:57 pm
by kidman232
ive been dumping rolls of halves lately and they just immediately give me the cash back, without opening the rolls or even counting. I normally do about $100 a day or so at various different banks that I don't pick up from. Most im not even a member of, just seems like they could easily be ripped off.

Re: when you dump, do banks even look at what you turn in?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 6:10 pm
by Oakair
I asked one bank if thy count the pennies in the rolls, and they said no, we just take them as they are and give them as they are...

Oddly enough, the next day, another teller said that my rolls "looked short" and counted out 3 of them...2 at 50 ,and 1 at 51 hahaha...

If you had half dollar sized foreign that was worth less, Im sure you could scam em...but shorting rolls wouldn't really work nor would anything that would throw off the weight by a lot...

Re: when you dump, do banks even look at what you turn in?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 6:20 pm
by amalekidad
I took a $500 box of rolled halves into a bank and the teller dumped the rolls out of the box. When I asked why, he said that some people were bringing in boxes of rolls with rocks in the bottom layers :roll:

Re: when you dump, do banks even look at what you turn in?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 6:46 pm
by chris6084
It depends on the bank. I have some that take every roll out of the box, compare sizes to make sure they are not short, and run magnets along them to check for washers. They even do this to penny rolls, which I think is pointless. Where can you find washers for less than a penny to put in penny rolls? I also have some banks that barely even check. I turned in a box of dimes, and they did not even open the box to see what was inside. I guess it depends on the bank or the teller. If a particular branch has been ripped off a lot, they may be more cautious.

Re: when you dump, do banks even look at what you turn in?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 10:59 pm
by NDFarmer
Very unusual for a bank operate this way. In my area banks won't even accept machine rolled coins. If I were to bring in any of my machine wrapped coins I would have to stand there and bust them all open and run them through their counting machine. So because of this there is no such thing as customer wrapped rolls in my area.

Re: when you dump, do banks even look at what you turn in?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 11:18 pm
by BlackOut
I am lucky and have dump banks that have coin machines on the floor (4 within 2 to 15 miles of my house and two are on the way to work). the bad part is, it makes roll searching easier so halves are virtually stripped of all silver by now.

Re: when you dump, do banks even look at what you turn in?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 2:07 am
by cesariojpn
chris6084 wrote:Where can you find washers for less than a penny to put in penny rolls?

One scam one of my friends told me once is that they would go to the local pick-n-pull, and grab anything small that they could casually throw into their toolboxes. Even washers. But this was like back in the day....

Re: when you dump, do banks even look at what you turn in?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 2:01 am
by Rob72830
My bank has a coin machine so its like coinstar except as a customer I don't pay any fees. Also they don't carry half dollars or even the presidential dollars. As far as I know I can get all the rolls of coin I want except halves. Since I figured all the silver dimes and quarters were gone, I just stick to pennies and nickles. Last silver coin I got in circulation was a Franklin half which was in the drawer when I worked as a convenience store clerk.

Re: when you dump, do banks even look at what you turn in?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 8:44 am
by shinnosuke
Yesterday when I was dumping coin at my bank, I looked in the trash can next to the machine. Somebody had thrown away a 1960 dime because the machine wouldn't take it. Well, I will take it and did! So you never know where silver will turn up. If somebody is ignorant enough to throw away silver coins, they are ignorant enough to return some to the bank for face value.