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figuring the value of a ring?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 10:48 am
by alpacafarmer
Hello, I bought some coins off of a guy the ohter day and he had a 14K gold wedding ring weight 3.0 dwt or 4.8 grams could someone verifiy if I figured the gold value correct. I came up with $113. What do most places pay for jewelry 10% back or more?

Re: figuring the value of a ring?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 12:37 pm
by didou
14K gold over 24 is 58.3% of gold in the ring
14/24 = 0.583333333

0.5833333333 * 4.8 grams = 2.8 grams in gold

current price of gold from ounce troy to grams
1350 $ ozt / 31.1034768 gram = $43.403508

2.8 grams * $43.403508 = $121.52982203

sound right to me, just tweak it to the current gold price
and gold price are always for 99.9% pure gold

Re: figuring the value of a ring?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 12:55 pm
by Kurr
Over at a fellow named Noxx made a spreadsheet for the differing carats andI saved a copy so I wouldn't lose it. That is what I use, but all credit goes to him. GREAT site over there too if that's what yourinto, TONS of info.

Hope it helps!