Thog, my shipmate, i wasnt reproving or rebuking in any no no. Believe me, having grown up in Chicago, i can tell you all about when black kids get ganged up. Back in 1968, April 5th to be precise, my great uncle, a 60 year old Jewish man, driving in the wrong place, wrong time, was set upon by a group of black rioters, and beat to death...took him 7 months to die, and the REALLY terrible thing was, they beat him, because one of MY REAL HEROES, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, who i had the privledge of actually seeing speak in a black Church, not two years before, was murdered by dark forces. So that night, it was tragedy upon tragedy for a little boy like me, my great uncle, a good man, worked hard all his life, violated and murdered by a mob of the wicked, Dr. King a great man, my kind of guy, JUST FEARLESS was dead. I had watched his last speech on the news not two nights before, and re-watching it, Martin KNEW his race was run, i'm telling ya...HE KNEW HE WAS GOING TO GET KILLED, but he spoke FEARLESSLY, i love that, heres the clip: i go...i want to go out like Martin, a Son of the Light...thats histories whole struggle, our personal struggle, am i gonna be a Son of the Light, or a son of the darkness?....i have made my Choice, "i just want to do God's Will". and the second clip i want to turn you onto is from the movie, "Pulp Fiction", a movie i'm not wild about, nor am i a fan of Quentin tarrantino, but at the end Samuel Jackson's character delievers a monologue i so completely identify with, as my own struggle. He's got some white scumbag robber under his gun, Sam's a tormented hitman himself, who quotes from Ezekiel before he does murder, but something has happened to him and here it is:
its real good: ... re=relatedsee ya later shipmate, neil