A little background: My wife is a bank teller. She thinks I'm slightly crazy for hoarding silver and copper, but is ok with it. She'll bring me home boxes when I ask her to if they have any. Her bank has been having supply issues with nickels and pennies (wonder why?). However, they make it very difficult for her to buy rolls that customers turn in to her. She has to sell them to another teller then can buy them back when she's off the clock.
Yesterday she sends me an email that a guy just dropped off $100 in halves. He told her he already got the silver out of them. She asked if I wanted her to buy them anyway. Hoping that maybe he missed the 40%ers, i told her to get them.
I get home and she hands me 5 rolls.
"Ummm.....babe.....these aren't halves."
Thankfully, the roll wrappers had the dollar amount printed on them so she didn't get an over or under.
They are 71-D's, 72 P & D, and 76 P & D. They are in really good condition. Looks like he pulled them out of circulation not long after they were made. Anyone want to buy them? There's $100 there. I hate to turn them back in for face.