warthog wrote:Heh I wasn't accusing you of being a Gore or Obama fan (we're supposed to remain civil here after all
)so much as pointing out that he does have a Nobel prize for his work and unlike those two, he actually earned it through merit rather than a popularity contest. Whether you agree with all the results of what he did, you can't really argue with what he accomplished (200 million souls in India sure wouldn't!). Calling him a joke or a fool and whatever is being somewhat intellectally dishonest about it.. genius, hard work and accomplishment deserve their due.
genius? all he did was some breeding work. I know many projects much more profound then that, that were instead buried or ignored. Including a man in india by the way who bred a series of crops that out performed anything out of the green revolution, grew on more arid soils, and poorer quality soils, with no need for inputs, and higher nutritional quality. Know what happened? the government of india destroyed his work and career. Luckily he knew it was coming and sent a few of the varieties out to other sources before the hammer fell on the entirety of his work. He died discredited and poor.
Anyone with normans backing could of done what he did. Its not intellectually dishonest at all. Actually the fact that he is put on such a pedastool kinda highlights how much of a shill he is in relation to the work he did. they wanted a happy energetic face to carry the torch.
I was going to use the term 'shill' myself actually but didn't because while being a bit too cozy with the chemical companies, by most accounts he remained his own man. Consider the character it takes to start from an Iowa cornfield and end up where he did. That he never felt the need to apoligize for employing the proven and cost effective means readily available at the time to solve the problem at hand seems to gall the more radical environmentalists (who all seem to live in big cities and who's only real experience with agriculture is growing dope in their parent's basement) and especially the disciples of Ehrlich who seem to be disappointed that their Malthusian catastrophy never really materialized.
How do yo think he got where he did? As I said I know of projects much more profound and benefitial that were buried. their work supported a system not based on mandatory inputs though. Well that isnt exactly tru, normans work grows organically like anything else, but wasnt exactly bred or selected for it. his current work that just came out was actually much more beneficial then the stuff from the past. he did do much of that on his own basically from what I understand, hes bred some rust resistant varieties. those methods are cost effective only if you dont account for all the costs. first it was subsidized into existence. It works but is destined to fail from salt build up alone although there are other factors. It has cost the world and country scores of family farms centralizing to a major extend a large portion of the food industry. his work was used to sell this system as superior when it simply isnt. As I said in a past post we could of just as easily used other means of adding additional ferts then a soil can hold on its own. Farmers simply never really did this before. in fact some you can make yourself do this better. all those family farms would still be around instead of the wiser or lucky ones who could work with the new paradigm. without subsidies the industrial model in play now simply never would of happened. its a myth that this has higher yields then other proven systems let alone some of the more radical possibilities.
In some aspects you have it quite wrong I think, his whole deal was about advancing new and better techniques in place of merely expanding the status quo. His advocacy of chemical fertilizers and pesticides was really just a small part of a much bigger agenda. Again, just a means to and end.
Yes thats the idea sold over decades. Im not wrong though. It build a multi billion dollar industry. yes theres an agenda and a means to an end, however your wrong on what the agenda was. As I keep saying methods proven at the time already had higher yields. couple superior breeding into those and the potentials of ferts through out a season that instead of being part of the soil are directly used by plants and this is even more true. I will give you the pesticides, although there are many plant sources of those you can make yourself.... But arent really as easy to work with. Pesticides also caused many issues, there are other methods, but I will give you that...
As for my unbacked claims.. in case you didn't notice you have quite a few there yourself Mr. Kettle
. Neither of us are true experts in this matter (and you can likely find plenty of Ivory Tower intellectuals that will argue both of us are completely wrong anyway), but since you bring it up - I'll give you an example. Rather than going out and hosing down a field with fertilizer like in days past, technology has enabled us to cost effectively use fertilizer injection in conjunction with GPS systems. This means the ability to vary coverage and amounts specifically targeted to the needs of an area and crop and leads to a reduction in wasted inputs and less agricultural runoff. Another would be develpment of hybrids that are naturally disease and pest resistant reducing the use of pesticides. Yet another would be development of (supposedly) safer herbicides with less carryover and greater selectivity... though I think 2-4D is still pretty much the industry leader and there is still quite a bit of controversy as to how much safer they really are.
I meant unbacked as unable to be backed. the studies of that simply has never been done. Im not going to but I could lay out several books worth of info to back everything I said. Well Im not sure I earn the title expert just yet, but I am indeed on some cutting edge work. Believe me or not I dont care. I just wanted everyone to atleast of heard it was possible to beat the current paradigm. in a few years I will show people. Many others who know much more then yourself dont believe me either even when I showed them. Indoctrination is a powerful force... Im hardly the only one working on these things though... luckily. the crops you speak of are not hybrids exactly they are genetically engineered. Many of those proven unsafe to eat. though these arent conclusive tests being independently done. the population is literally lab rats... hopefully the little testing they have had was wrong. As for disease resistance, you dont need synthetic inputs for that. the industry is also missing many key areas on that, but its another topic.
You see the techniques and systems *do evolve in their own ways and that is why I say the current model isn't as static as you seem to think and will find ways sustain itself for as long as it takes for something better to come along. That may not be as fast or in ways you would seem to like, but agribusiness is first and foremost a business and its a tough sell to get people to leave what is proven to work (and for all its faults - the current model does work) unless they are presented with a proven better and more economical choice.
???? when did i say the current model is static? this part is to complex for me to explain it seems, i thought I did well earlier. We had better methods BEFORE this came along. More economical as well, although you do need more workers for certain models. Not all of them. Unless higher yields, no need for subsidies, not destroying soil slowly, healthier foods, and higher profit margins are inferior to you then we could beat it before and with things learned since then multiply that as well. Believe me or not I dont care. Im just telling you its true, not here to actually prove it. It would take me weeks. I mean that. Write me off if you like, this is my lifes work. the bottom line numbers prove me right if you look under the agendas.... I will add however there is some type of disconnect.. After industrial ag wiped away what came before, then organics was reborn they for some reason forgot many things known in the past and basically modeled their organic systems on industrial ag. Rather bizarre really. Most modern organic set ups arent really much better then the industrial paradigm, though the foods a bit healthier. (micro nutrients0 studies always focus on dominate nutrients that stay about the same either way)
Heh. i gotta admit I do kind of enjoy this thread though I fear we are drifting off topic pretty far. I especially enjoy revisting Mr and Ms Ehrlich's prophecies. Anyone else notice a certain parallel to Al "The Debate Is Over" Gore? I think I read somewhere that they are mutal admirers of each other. Figures.
off topic? oh well....
sorry forum if I bored you. Gore is a joke. I actually believed AGW until I watched his movie, saw some things that werent true and then studied it further. you realize the earths distant past has no proof co2 altered climate? or that it was never actually proven in a lab? How this myth still stands i will never understand. It does however have in amind a global multi trillion dollar tax as an answer....
I enjoyed this conversation as well.... although im guessing I just sound nutty to people. I dont really care im not ready to actually make my case yet.... i dont have the backing of our buddy norman.
will take me some time. i also live in a poor region considered non arable, so its a bit slower still... Lots of breeding for me to do as well for parts of it....