any type of site out there to manage your physical au/ag?l

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any type of site out there to manage your physical au/ag?l

Postby kidman232 » Fri Aug 19, 2011 3:52 pm

I was thinking it would be pretty cool if there was a site out there where you could basically load your holdings into the web site and it would give you a total value, it could some how pull live prices from a few sites to create an average value per coin. This way you could see daily gains/loses for your stacks. I imagine some already do something similar with spreadsheet, but I think this would be a nicer visual display. It would basically be like a portfolio that you could add or subtract coins as you move them. would also have reference pictures for each coin.

something like this

Item quantity value total value

1995 silver eagle 6 44.00 264.00

1997 silver eagle 2 43.50 87.00

2011 silver kookaburra 1 47 47.00

total account value 398.00

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Re: any type of site out there to manage your physical au/ag

Postby 68Camaro » Fri Aug 19, 2011 3:57 pm

I'm sure it would, but as you note, I just use a spreadsheet and it does all I need.
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Re: any type of site out there to manage your physical au/ag

Postby Mossy » Fri Aug 19, 2011 3:57 pm

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Re: any type of site out there to manage your physical au/ag

Postby rexmerdinus » Fri Aug 19, 2011 4:54 pm

68Camaro wrote:I'm sure it would, but as you note, I just use a spreadsheet and it does all I need.

I'm kinda new when it comes to tracking my finds...I don's suppose you'd mind sharing your spreadsheet? Pretty please!

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Re: any type of site out there to manage your physical au/ag

Postby thedude » Fri Aug 19, 2011 5:13 pm

Northwest Territorial Mint offers software called MyBullionTracker at no cost.
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Re: any type of site out there to manage your physical au/ag

Postby kidman232 » Fri Aug 19, 2011 5:55 pm

not bad at all thedude, not exactly what i was talking about, but pretty close
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Re: any type of site out there to manage your physical au/ag

Postby schockergd » Fri Aug 19, 2011 6:24 pm

Google Docs?
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Re: any type of site out there to manage your physical au/ag

Postby 68Camaro » Fri Aug 19, 2011 6:49 pm

rexmerdinus wrote:
68Camaro wrote:I'm sure it would, but as you note, I just use a spreadsheet and it does all I need.

I'm kinda new when it comes to tracking my finds...I don's suppose you'd mind sharing your spreadsheet? Pretty please!


Unfortunately it's a) nothing special, and b) fairly well integrated and embedded into a much more complex spreadsheet that I used to manage all my affairs, so it would be a fair amount of work to pull it out into a stand-alone version. If no one else supplies something better in a few days, I'll see what I can do to create a stand-alone version, but I promise you'll be underwhelmed. It's nothing fancy...
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
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Re: any type of site out there to manage your physical au/ag

Postby RichardPenny43 » Fri Aug 19, 2011 7:56 pm

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Re: any type of site out there to manage your physical au/ag

Postby kidman232 » Fri Aug 19, 2011 8:28 pm

richard- thats not a daily updating site where you can setup your own '"portfolio"
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Re: any type of site out there to manage your physical au/ag

Postby BamaJoe » Fri Aug 19, 2011 8:57 pm

If you can actually keep track of what you have and where it all is you don't have enough. :D
If you are waiting for the "correction" to buy you need to realize that the increasing prices ARE the correction.

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Re: any type of site out there to manage your physical au/ag

Postby beauanderos » Fri Aug 19, 2011 9:02 pm

The IRS has a nice tracking program. Call an administrator and explain you'd like to value all of your silver...and they will help you to minimize the amount you need to keep track of.
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Re: any type of site out there to manage your physical au/ag

Postby Rodebaugh » Fri Aug 19, 2011 9:45 pm

I'm pretty sure there is inventory software made just for numismatics/bullion out there. If they have a lick of value there should be an input function for spot values and auto updates to the greysheet or some other price guide.

Check the Bay under coins/supplies
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Re: any type of site out there to manage your physical au/ag

Postby Treetop » Sat Aug 20, 2011 12:55 am

im apparently lazier then most here with this. i just keep track of my total number of ounces and hiding spots. also keep track of a rough estimate of premiums over spot. Other then that I let it do its thing, and keep a few coins easily accessible so I can fondle it and look at it every few days. :lol:
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Re: any type of site out there to manage your physical au/ag

Postby reddirtcoins » Sat Aug 20, 2011 8:11 am

I have seen some screenshots.. finally found the site.. but no profile saving... ... etalprices
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Re: any type of site out there to manage your physical au/ag

Postby RichardPenny43 » Sat Aug 20, 2011 1:00 pm

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Re: any type of site out there to manage your physical au/ag

Postby Thogey » Sat Aug 20, 2011 2:45 pm

BamaJoe wrote:If you can actually keep track of what you have and where it all is you don't have enough. :D

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Re: any type of site out there to manage your physical au/ag

Postby Mossy » Sat Aug 20, 2011 3:17 pm

kidman232 wrote:richard- thats not a daily updating site where you can setup your own '"portfolio"

Uhmmmm, you want to save your financial information someplace out of your control?
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Re: any type of site out there to manage your physical au/ag

Postby PennyBoy » Sat Aug 20, 2011 4:07 pm

Just curious, why would you want to keep that kind of information on someone else's website? Bad thing about websites is that they can disappear overnight along with any info you may have on said site.

Maybe you should consider editing your post to say "any type of software......?".

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Re: any type of site out there to manage your physical au/ag

Postby Mossy » Sat Aug 20, 2011 4:16 pm

PennyBoy wrote:Maybe you should consider editing your post to say "any type of software......?".

Just my .02 cents.

I /think/ that could be done with Excel with real time updating, if you can find the value needed on a web site, and no one messed around with the address...

Might be able to find a useful link over at Coinflation, "view source".

(edit: Tried it. No luck. The Coinflation entry is manual, not linked.)
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Re: any type of site out there to manage your physical au/ag

Postby kidman232 » Sat Aug 20, 2011 7:35 pm

think there is a little too much paranoia in here. it would just be a site where you could enter various quantities of certain coins. no big brother figure would no if you actually had these items or not, it could be a watch list, etc.

software would be fine, that my bullion app above is a soft version of what I was thinking. just thought it would be nice to have a program or site that would also reflect live market changes and premiums for coins/bullion
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Re: any type of site out there to manage your physical au/ag

Postby Oakair » Sat Aug 20, 2011 8:44 pm

kidman232 wrote:think there is a little too much paranoia in here. it would just be a site where you could enter various quantities of certain coins. no big brother figure would no if you actually had these items or not, it could be a watch list, etc.

software would be fine, that my bullion app above is a soft version of what I was thinking. just thought it would be nice to have a program or site that would also reflect live market changes and premiums for coins/bullion

Make one ;)

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Re: any type of site out there to manage your physical au/ag

Postby Treetop » Sun Aug 21, 2011 3:58 am

kidman232 wrote:think there is a little too much paranoia in here. it would just be a site where you could enter various quantities of certain coins. no big brother figure would no if you actually had these items or not, it could be a watch list, etc.

big brother is hardly the only issue, though big brother doesnt need to KNOW you have it for that to be an issue...

What about hackers? what about people who have access through owning the site?

I dont see paranoia at all. better safe then sorry. People hack banks often enough let alone some site where you list all your metals. I used to know a hacker. that guy could figure out all kinds of things about others youd never expect, including in some cases pin pointing who someone is through their IP. software would be much better. even if you have to manually enter the spot prices to get your total value. Even personal computers can be hacked to though.... but less likely youd have someone targeting metals going that route Id guess.
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Re: any type of site out there to manage your physical au/ag

Postby Mossy » Sun Aug 21, 2011 11:54 am

Spot price is easy enough, a single entry on a spread sheet with several formulaes referencing that cell, it's the premiums that pose a problem.

My job requires that I use a program installed in a distant computer. The connection fails too often and I'm left to twiddle thumbs. I much prefer using a locally installed program.

If I had the room and an internet connection at home, I'd have two computers. A household computer with very little capability for word processing, accounts, etc, left on at all times (and there are some mini-boxes around that will do this very well with minimal wattage required). I'd not have it on the net. I'd use DOS, Linux, or one of the BSDs, and rip out any internet capable programs. Rip out network capability as well, if possible. Less hassle if I never have to mess with anti-virus, etc.
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