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Cost per ounce.... time to broaden the mind.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 8:03 am
by Rodebaugh
We all follow silver and golds spot. Most of us check Coppers per pound spot daily as well.

I think it would be fun to evaluate other price units of random things in ounces. (yeah I know Avi and troy differ...but level with me here)

Pictures welcome. :)

I will get us Started.

Here is a Musky Lure I bought last night online:
The Legand "Out-Cast". This shallow, jointed version from Legend will swim with the sharks. Cast in the 3’-4’ range for shallow cover or troll it down to 6’-7’. The “Outcast” will run true and trolls well at 4-5 mph. Solid plastic construction is tooth-proof!

$35.99 for 3.9 ounces of lure = $9.29 per ounce

Re: Cost per ounce.... time to broaden the mind.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 8:16 am
by Treetop
Just order some more fish for my aqua culture set ups.... With shipping which was the expensive part (but always include shipping in my silver or gold cost averages) they cost about 310 for 1.5 pounds... 21.87 ounces so... 14.17 an ounce. of course they grow, so it brings my averages down over time. its to bad I cant feed my silver...

Re: Cost per ounce.... time to broaden the mind.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 8:25 am
by Thogey
If my wife weighs 362 pounds av and she costs $30,000 per year to maintain, that comes to about $5.75 per troy ounce annually

Re: Cost per ounce.... time to broaden the mind.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 8:45 am
by Rodebaugh
Thogey wrote:If my wife weighs 362 pounds av and she costs $30,000 per year to maintain, that comes to about $5.75 per troy ounce annually

:lol: Yep that one was a good one.

Re: Cost per ounce.... time to broaden the mind.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 8:46 am
by Rodebaugh
Treetop wrote:Just order some more fish for my aqua culture set ups.... With shipping which was the expensive part (but always include shipping in my silver or gold cost averages) they cost about 310 for 1.5 pounds... 21.87 ounces so... 14.17 an ounce. of course they grow, so it brings my averages down over time. its to bad I cant feed my silver...

Species? and Size?

Re: Cost per ounce.... time to broaden the mind.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 8:57 am
by Treetop
Isreali common carp. It is the most highly bred and used aquaculture fish on the planet, but I might be the only one in the country using them for food despite worldwide it being the most purposely raised fish. I bought them from a place in ohio that only has them for bait. I was on a few aquaculture forums for awhile and no one had ever even heard of them. Weird how that is. they are as tastier then tilapia the main fish for aquaculture in the states if raised right. Tilapia are ALSO crappy in the wild. Go down to florida sometime where tilapia are feral, no one will eat them. tilapia also do not have the good omega 3s and such unless they got it form their food sources, carp like almost all other fish do.

At this point they are tiny. like feeder goldfish size. They will be huge eventually. The ones i got last year are about 10 inches long and FAT. If Im lucky they will breed by spring, but might not be until the following spring... Ive got a 8 foot diameter tank for them now, 2 feet tall. they love it in there.

Tilapia breed much younger. They actually work well with the carp because tilapia can eat "greenwater".... and the greenwater will eat up the excess wastes in the water... Still working out the bugs but its a very interesting topic for me. Ive got tilapia in their own greenwater tanks and havent feed them for months. they still grow as fast as the carp. Going to work the two together next year. the biggest of the tilapia are also about 10 inches... I could start eating them soon to because they have babies younger and I already have more babies then i started with. but i will probably let them breed a few more times first and get bigger.

Re: Cost per ounce.... time to broaden the mind.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 9:28 am
by neilgin1
Treetop wrote:Isreali common carp. It is the most highly bred and used aquaculture fish on the planet, but I might be the only one in the country using them for food despite worldwide it being the most purposely raised fish. I bought them from a place in ohio that only has them for bait. I was on a few aquaculture forums for awhile and no one had ever even heard of them. Weird how that is. they are as tastier then tilapia the main fish for aquaculture in the states if raised right. Tilapia are ALSO crappy in the wild. Go down to florida sometime where tilapia are feral, no one will eat them. tilapia also do not have the good omega 3s and such unless they got it form their food sources, carp like almost all other fish do.

At this point they are tiny. like feeder goldfish size. They will be huge eventually. The ones i got last year are about 10 inches long and FAT. If Im lucky they will breed by spring, but might not be until the following spring... Ive got a 8 foot diameter tank for them now, 2 feet tall. they love it in there.

Tilapia breed much younger. They actually work well with the carp because tilapia can eat "greenwater".... and the greenwater will eat up the excess wastes in the water... Still working out the bugs but its a very interesting topic for me. Ive got tilapia in their own greenwater tanks and havent feed them for months. they still grow as fast as the carp. Going to work the two together next year. the biggest of the tilapia are also about 10 inches... I could start eating them soon to because they have babies younger and I already have more babies then i started with. but i will probably let them breed a few more times first and get bigger.

ZAc, that is very cool, you're definitely 'going long' protein..nice play...protein will trade high...the feed must be a corn/soy mix?,,,isnt fish oil a really good food supp? can you extract fish oil yet?...nice walking the talk brother, neil

Re: Cost per ounce.... time to broaden the mind.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 10:14 am
by Rodebaugh
I have paid $8.00 a pound for isreali carp before from the bait shop. The Flathead Cats love them. 4 inches average length. That was back in 2000-2003 When I was cat crazy.

So thats 50 cents per ounce for Common isreali Carp local pickup in WV not adjusted for inflation. :lol:

Shipping killed you Zac.


Re: Cost per ounce.... time to broaden the mind.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 10:22 am
by Treetop
yeah, he only wanted a buck a fish. and i got the impression they were cheaper in person. No one lists them for sale online being a bait fish. I hadnt even realized anyone sold them, it was a fluke I was trying to source ANY carp and was ordering koi from him, then he tells me of the isrealis and how much faster they grow, so I got them instead. What sane person would want to buy bait fish online? only me I guess... :lol: well if you can call me sane. i like to think so anyway. i called him a year later for more fish and he knew who I was as soon as I asked for them. I tried to get them from other sellers for more diverse genetics, but they either only deal in fancy mail order stuff or wont sell through the mail. This guy happens to straddle both, so I got lucky. He stocks ponds and such in ohio, and also sell koi and such online.

Re: Cost per ounce.... time to broaden the mind.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 4:21 pm
by Oakair
Some certain plant sells for anywhere from 160-350~ an ounce...Higher than silver (for now) :lol:

I just bought some chicken for 3.19 a lb (on sale apparently)...comes to .19 an ounce (avi)

Re: Cost per ounce.... time to broaden the mind.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 4:44 pm
by Rodebaugh
Oakair wrote:Some certain plant sells for anywhere from 160-350~ an ounce...Higher than silver (for now) :lol:

I just bought some chicken for 3.19 a lb (on sale apparently)...comes to .19 an ounce (avi)

Not to be that "one upper guy" but...

Now that makes you think. I only buy chicky when I can get the breast at $1.99 / pound. Thats less than 13 cents an ounce. Now thats some cheap lean protien!

Now candy bars, thats another story.

Re: Cost per ounce.... time to broaden the mind.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 4:53 pm
by Oakair
Wow! Didn't know the price of chicken varied that much across location...

Hopefully Denver is cheaper than fl...or im going to starve this school year :lol:

Re: Cost per ounce.... time to broaden the mind.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 6:54 pm
by natsb88
Oakair wrote:Wow! Didn't know the price of chicken varied that much across location...

Hopefully Denver is cheaper than fl...or im going to starve this school year :lol:

You'll live. A 10-pack of 3oz Ramen goes for $1 on sale. That's $0.033 per AVDP oz :lol:

Re: Cost per ounce.... time to broaden the mind.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 8:35 pm
by avidbrandy
Well my car weighs about 3443 pounds. That's about 50210 troy ounces. Car cost me $1800. That's about $0.36 per troy ounce. Not bad.

Re: Cost per ounce.... time to broaden the mind.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 8:39 pm
by Rodebaugh
avidbrandy wrote:Well my car weighs about 3443 pounds. That's about 50210 troy ounces. Car cost me $1800. That's about $0.36 per troy ounce. Not bad.

Ha David! I love it. :P

Picked up a Coca-Cola after work today. 16.9 FL oz for 99 cents.
Thats about 6 cents per FL oz..........well worth it

Re: Cost per ounce.... time to broaden the mind.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 10:42 pm
by uthminsta
According to, a gallon of gas weighs 6.073 pounds. That comes to 3.7 cents per ounce if I do the calculations right. Doesn't sound so bad now...

FOR THE WAY THIS THREAD VEERED: Check out the hand-made lures my brother-in-law makes!
Tell him Aaron sent ya!

Re: Cost per ounce.... time to broaden the mind.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 11:12 pm
by AGgressive Metal
Thogey wrote:If my wife weighs 362 pounds av and she costs $30,000 per year to maintain, that comes to about $5.75 per troy ounce annually

You beat me to it. :lol:

Re: Cost per ounce.... time to broaden the mind.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 12:19 am
by Rosco
Thogey wrote:If my wife weighs 362 pounds av and she costs $30,000 per year to maintain, that comes to about $5.75 per troy ounce annually

:mrgreen: Do you call her Little thing :?:

Re: Cost per ounce.... time to broaden the mind.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 12:42 am
by shinnosuke
chuck.png (46.95 KiB) Viewed 565 times

Chuck Norris' assets, net of all debts, total $27 million. His body weight is 2,479 t oz. That makes him worth $10,891.49/t oz.

Of course, if Chuck Norris stares at scrap iron it turns into platinum, so we mustn't think his value can be limited to just his current assets.

Re: Cost per ounce.... time to broaden the mind.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 12:47 am
by Treetop
I dont know why, but chuck norris jokes crack me up... hes a good guy though...

Re: Cost per ounce.... time to broaden the mind.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 3:06 am
by gettin copper
Oakair wrote:Wow! Didn't know the price of chicken varied that much across location...

Hopefully Denver is cheaper than fl...or im going to starve this school year :lol:

Yeah, you gotta shop around. Solid chicken breast don't get into my house for more than $1.99 a pound. I do the food shopping, and for some reason, "get off" on the savings. I stop at sentry, pick-n-save, and piggly wiggley every week and only buy what's masively on sale. I can save 42-47% on average without coupons. That's with buying some stuff that we eat, even though it's not the best deal.

I got a couple deals today with coupons the girlfreind printed for me from the computer after she looked at the store flyers:

-12 pack mountain dew. 5 for $11 bucks. Printed me a $1 coupon that doubled, bringing the total to five 12 packs for $9 bucks, or $1.80 a peice.

-kellogs cereal or keebler crackers or cookies. Buy 8 and get for $1.88 a peice. Mininum retail price on each was $3.59, most over $4 bucks for the cereal. Girl printed $1 off coupon for 3 or more purchases of both the cereal and crackers witch both doubled. Retail on an average of $3.75 x 8 = $30. I got all those goods for 1.88 x 8 = $15.04 -$4 = $11.04 with minumal effort.

I lose most of my food savings by eating out and drinking, but I still like fat savings at the grocery store. Our favorite bar/restuarant in town just had a "buy 4 gift certificates, get one free deal. I bought 4 $75 gift cards and got one free for a total of $375, or 20% saving's on all our eating and drinking there. I made sure to ask, and make sure there not going out of bussiness anytime soon. We then go on thursday which is ladies night and half price drinks for girls. I drink the hell out of hers and nurse mine. We also grab the buy one dinner, get the 2nd half off coupon that comes in the mailer once every 2 weeks. I totally feel like I'm robbing the place most thursday's. We tip fat, and also get a bunch of free drinks from the bartender. Wow, long post for my lurking ass

Re: Cost per ounce.... time to broaden the mind.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 9:05 pm
by Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay
Oakair wrote:Some certain plant sells for anywhere from 160-350~ an ounce...Higher than silver (for now) :lol:

I just bought some chicken for 3.19 a lb (on sale apparently)...comes to .19 an ounce (avi)

$160 - 350 per ounce??!! :o Wow, talk about inflation!!! Back in the day (mid '70's), it cost $10 per oz for the cheap stuff and $50 for the best Hawaiian. I tried to cultivate some better quality on my own... Lucky for me the old man caught me and set me straight. Who knows what could have happened to me? Millionaire? Convict? Both? :lol:

Re: Cost per ounce.... time to broaden the mind.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 9:26 pm
by Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay

$5.00 1/4 oz. hookless lure. $20 per oz. TONS of fun!

Image Garman Jack holding a keeper.

Gar can be mighty tasty when cooked right! The flavor will remind you of shrimp.

Re: Cost per ounce.... time to broaden the mind.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 10:15 pm
by Oakair
Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay wrote:
Oakair wrote:Some certain plant sells for anywhere from 160-350~ an ounce...Higher than silver (for now) :lol:

I just bought some chicken for 3.19 a lb (on sale apparently)...comes to .19 an ounce (avi)

$160 - 350 per ounce??!! :o Wow, talk about inflation!!! Back in the day (mid '70's), it cost $10 per oz for the cheap stuff and $50 for the best Hawaiian. I tried to cultivate some better quality on my own... Lucky for me the old man caught me and set me straight. Who knows what could have happened to me? Millionaire? Convict? Both? :lol:

:lol: What with the thread title, I thought some members might get a kick out of it...

The 70's aren't fair...Forget the plants...little sheets of paper with pictures on them today go for like 10$ (cant do the math, but mcg are quite small, making the price/oz quite the sum)...and who knows whats on them, they are all dirty and whatnot :o

What I wouldn't give to meet someone who saved supplies from back then...the world was a much purer place :lol:

Re: Cost per ounce.... time to broaden the mind.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 1:16 am
by Robarons
Gold was $40 an oz in 1971, Silver was $2-ish an ounce.

Base the plants in the same time frame and it seems reasonable. It seems like 'IT' is cheaper now when priced in gold and is likely of better quality.