mr18 wrote:I agree with justj2k78 about telling people. In my case, I too live in an apartment and have a Fire resistant safe I bought at target. My wife and parents are the only people that know about my silver fever. I keep half my bullion in my safe and half my bullion in another portable safe in my parents attic. As far as junk silver with the exception of WL halves, SL quarters and merucry dimes, those are in a jar that look just like a change jar. If I ever get robbed, first thing they will look is for cash, the safe is tucked away over a bunch of boxes in the closet so its a hassle to get to. I intentionally leave rolled up dollar bills as a decoy and no thief will ever think a change jar is valuable.
ardorlan wrote:best way to keep your silver safe is not to show it to anyone, and to not talk about it.
balz wrote:ardorlan wrote:best way to keep your silver safe is not to show it to anyone, and to not talk about it.
Do you trust the guys at Kitco which have your address and know what you bought?
I'm not sure how it works in the US, but in Canada we have to prove our identity and address to buy any PM and they keep that in a record...
ardorlan wrote:balz wrote:ardorlan wrote:best way to keep your silver safe is not to show it to anyone, and to not talk about it.
Do you trust the guys at Kitco which have your address and know what you bought?
I'm not sure how it works in the US, but in Canada we have to prove our identity and address to buy any PM and they keep that in a record...
I pay cash, at the coin shop, he doesn't know my name, charges 5% over spot.
if you have over 5,000$ in assets bought from online, Yeah, I would worry about it.
The best thing if it has to be known what you have, is an insurance policy and the cheapest place the insurance policy issuers will let you put it, of course this also has risk, the insurance policy could go out of business, the bank could close the vault. etc..
My home owners insurance only covers up to 1,500 in PMs (that I keep at the house) any more then that and well the prices goes up way to much.
I don't think I have a good enough answer for you.
balz wrote:mr18 wrote:I agree with justj2k78 about telling people. In my case, I too live in an apartment and have a Fire resistant safe I bought at target. My wife and parents are the only people that know about my silver fever. I keep half my bullion in my safe and half my bullion in another portable safe in my parents attic. As far as junk silver with the exception of WL halves, SL quarters and merucry dimes, those are in a jar that look just like a change jar. If I ever get robbed, first thing they will look is for cash, the safe is tucked away over a bunch of boxes in the closet so its a hassle to get to. I intentionally leave rolled up dollar bills as a decoy and no thief will ever think a change jar is valuable.
I've read that putting stuff under boxes in a closet is one of the most dangerous thing to do because while you may think it takes a long time to get there (because you don't want to break your things at first) a burglar on adrenaline (or drugs) WILL go there at first and get everything out...
Of course I might be wrong...
And this is my main concern. I had the idea of a fire resistant safe, but I think it may give the burglar an easier target than hiding the stuff elsewhere.
What do you think about this?
balz wrote:How do you keep your silver safe?
I'd like to buy more but security is really an issue.
I don't trust banks. It is possible to hide it really well, but what about a fire... can silver melt?
I prefer gold over silver, but it seems to me it is much more easier to hide 2-3 ounces of gold than 150 onces of silver!
My two zinc cents.
balz wrote:How safe do you think a safe is? Any recommandation for a not too expensive that is good for fire and that can resist burglars?
I've read that safes can be a bad idea because burglars can find a way to take them (even if bolted)... unless very very heavy... I'm looking at 100 pounds safe; what do you think about this?
BTW that melted silver story is impressive!
justj2k78 wrote:It's good that you're concerned about safety, but at this point, I think you're over thinking. Here's the entirety of my security.
A) I don't talk about what I have (which isn't much).
B) I lock my doors.
C) I have 3 dogs, 2 of them are good sized, the third makes a crapload of noise.
D) I have a hidden, secure safe in my house that would take some time to find and break in to.
E) God help you if you agitate my cat while you're in there.
F) I have a cop for a neighbor.
G) I will shoot you.
That's it. Yes, I could get a better safe, better lock on my door, better door, bigger dog, bigger gun and move in with a cop. But A-G is what I have to offer right now. I do believe my house offers more resistance than the average. And if despite that, someone decides to hit my house... well?
theo wrote:A lot of good points made here.
1. Never keep anything valuable in your bedroom. However, you can "hide" coins/jewelry (in your sock drawer for example) that look more valuable than they are.
2. A good safe is great, but if its not well hidden it will advertise the presence of valuables.
3. Spread your stash out. It would take a thief a minimum of an hour to find even half of my meager stash. Think of creative hiding places, a large vase with flowers, an old tool box etc. If you use a lot of hiding places write them down somewhere secure.
4. Consider putting some coins in a private storage unit with a lot of your other junk.
5. Be observant. How hard is it case your home? Do you have a regular schedule? Be especially careful when buying at a coin shop. How hard are you to follow?
balz wrote: What do you think about this?
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