OneBiteAtATime wrote:I've been trying to figure out something STABLE to measure gold and silver against. The euro is going to collapse first, which is going to make the dollar temporarily strong. During the termoil of the next several months or years, PM's will fluxuate vs. the dollar like crazy. I need some measure other than the dollar, euro, yen, yuan or anything fiat. Possibly I can measure silver vs. gold and vice versa, or PM vs. land, but land will be measured by FRN for some time. What is an accurate measure?
I've heard that in Jesus' day, a piece of silver (roughly the size of a modern american dime) was the pay for an average man's day of labor. This seems like a decent measure. Not necessarily the same at this point, but a good measuring stick, nonetheless.
What are some other good measures? A meal? A cord of firewood (nod to neilgin)? A loaf of bread? A gallon of clean water?
What do you say?
thats a tough one, a very good "think". Racking my brain. thanks for the cordwood nod, but the reality is that a low % of Americans use firewood, what with the percentages of urban to rural flipped in 2011, from 1911. Thats a tough one. i do know this. a STANDARD has to be established, one without doubt, and the ONLY 'standard" i can think of are what i call the three hard money coins, the 90%'er's, silver, the 25% nickel "nickel", and the 95% copper penny. you have to establish a string relationship between the three, how many coppers to a nickel?, how many coppers to a 25% nickel? how many nickels to a 90% dime? establish that relationship and you worked towards an exchange rate. Just remember, there will there kinds of markets, the "approved market", subject to govt control, and they will not cotton to the three coin string, the grey market, and the black market. Black market could wind you up behind wire, grey mkt you'll have to pay bribes and be harrassed, and the approved mkt will be long lines and cards, with paper and scans and whatever "marks" TPTB deem to enact. But this second, its all theory, the BEST place i know to read of the "facts on the ground" is FerFAL's accounting of the Argentina collapse, go to the bottom of the link i give you and read Fer's long acct, ... 20CollapseNow Fer chose to stay in an urban area, and may God walk with him, he's a good man. My heartfelt plea to anyone wiling to listen is, if you are in an urban or SUB urban area, start looking to GET OUT NOW, if at ALL possible. Fer says rural is bad, but thats Argentina, a whole different country, terrain, social structure. You can look to Jimmy Rawles "American Redoubt", but as for me, i find that whole area....not my 'bag'. i digress advice would be to try and establish the relationship between these three coinage monetary units, and i cant figure that out precisely. there's a really bunch of sharp guys here, who probably could, which would be invaluable.