balz wrote:I don't think there is such a change in one week, but I do think that silver demand is so strong that we will see higher prices very soon.
People don't realize that buying coins at spot price is not a good idea, as there is a melt ban AND even if there wasn't smelting would cost at least 30%.
neilgin1 wrote:balz wrote:I don't think there is such a change in one week, but I do think that silver demand is so strong that we will see higher prices very soon.
People don't realize that buying coins at spot price is not a good idea, as there is a melt ban AND even if there wasn't smelting would cost at least 30%.
i respectfully disagree with you regarding purchases of silver 90% American coinage, (and 40's as well), and what i'm about to write is NOT directed at you; the reason i focus entirely on coins that say "United States of America" , is this is the country i was born in, and will die in. The melt ban is LAW, and as long as i live and breathe, i intend on following the law. True, i regard fiat with suspicion, thats why i take fiat out of play and put it into American silver coinage as units of trade. what disturbs me, is that when one gets into the realm of hard money advocates, i also see a LOT of seditious talk...again, i'm NOT refering to you, i'm talking about those who speak of rebellion, ie 'militia' types, so called "patriots"...anything like that. oh yes, i am very very wary of TPTB, of course, but equally wary of those who preach rebellion, and they can come packaged in both right wing and left wing flavors, and THEY DO. and i find both entities disturbing to the health of this nation.
didnt mean to blow off topic, but whenever i see the words, "melt ban", i get wary. i'm not buying coins to melt them. If anyone else is, fine, go wild, have fun. Not me.
JJM wrote:Did the goobermint* re-institute the melt ban on silver and forget to tell me about it?
Mossy wrote:(ahem) The melt ban is on copper pennies and nickles.
In any event, I regard the silver coinage to be a convenient size for commerce, if things ever get that bad.
ardorlan wrote:Mossy wrote:(ahem) The melt ban is on copper pennies and nickles.
In any event, I regard the silver coinage to be a convenient size for commerce, if things ever get that bad.
When did it become legal to melt silver coins again?
68Camaro wrote:Not sure I remember Ray's view on this, but at some point I think many of us think that the physical market and the spot paper market get disconnected.
tractorman wrote:68Camaro wrote:Not sure I remember Ray's view on this, but at some point I think many of us think that the physical market and the spot paper market get disconnected.
Perhaps we are seeing the beginnings of the disconnection 68Camaro refers to. Maybe folks are now willing to pay a little more for an actual piece of silver, one you can actually hold in your hand. As opposed to the price someone is willing to pay for a piece of paper that says they own some silver (spot).
balz wrote:Of course we can use the coins as they are, but if you have the possibility to smelt them, then they worth really more, even if you don't do it. And since that possibility comes at a cost (smelting cost) then I believe the price of those coins should be below spot.
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