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"Means of Production"

PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 5:47 pm
by IdahoCopper
I want to publicly thank neilgin for his post a while back where he said:

" ... that hard money is to be used to BUY "means of production" ..."

This was an epiphany for me and has set me on the straight path. Thank you Neil.

I have known for a long while that it is important to stack silver, but was always fuzzy on the ultimate purpose for the stack. Neil's comment brought it all into focus for me.

The only addition I would make to his sage advice above is to say, "... used to BUY a foolproof means of production...."

Re: "Means of Production"

PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 6:58 pm
by 68Camaro
Neil's a pretty wise ole fart, ain't he. :)

Re: "Means of Production"

PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 9:32 pm
by neilgin1
my thoughts had turned in this direction from an article that Raymundo posted, where the writer said that holders of Au will feel like they won the lottery, but that the juncture is what you do with this wealth. Lotto winners frequently, tragically, piss it away, on sqaunder. And the next logical step, to me, is to buy things that produce things that are in need and demand. You're Welcome, Idaho, that brightened my day brother, and thanks 68 for the comp, you're pretty quick on the feet too bud, neil