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In the Wild....

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 5:46 am
by IdahoCopper
Yesterday, I went into the gas station to buy a lotto ticket. As I waited for the lady in front of me to buy a pack of cigarettes with a double handful of small change, I immediately noticed that the lone Kennedy was a different color from the the usual junk coins. So when it was my turn, I gave the clerk a $20 for a $2 lotto, and asked if I could have the half dollar as part of my change.

She said she collects them, and asked if I did too. I said yes, so she very nicely included the 1965 40%er in my change. $6 of Ag for $0.50!! Yay! Today or tomorrow I'm going back to ask her if she would consider selling part of her collection.........

I was mostly buying the lotto ticket to break a $20 to buy a 1921 Morgan from a private party for $27.

Monday I noticed 3 ads on the local craigslist offering 25x face for 1964s and earlier. So I posted my ad 3 times for 27x face, and got the call for the Morgan. She also asked about a 1978 Ike, I looked it up in the wiki, and saw none were silver, and told her it was worth a buck. She agreed to sell her Morgan for $27.

When we met, she said she also had a Liberty coin, which I took to mean an ASE. I offered her $27 for that and she agreed. I followed her back to her place and made that deal for her 2005 ASE. She even tossed in the Ike as change for the $30 I gave her. She seemed ecstatic to get $54 for her two coins.

So I got about $77 of Ag for $54.50, a good day; and I especially enjoyed bagging the wild Kennedy.

{EDIT} - I just checked the lotto ticket. It is a $12 winner! LOL! So it was $77 in Ag for $44.50! Not bad at all. {/EDIT}

Re: In the Wild....

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 3:26 pm
by 68Camaro
Bagged two Rosies in the wild; a 61 yesterday and a 64 today. Wonder the odds of that? I haven't seen one in a couple years.